Hunter's call and fishing feeling a bit lackluster

  • Recently, I have been going for all the fishing commendations and I ran into a little bit of a frustration and that is the fact that the commendation only tracks when the fish is sold to a representative. I find this to be a little strange because fish is being treated like actual loot in that case and since the addition of the milestones, it is possible to track the fish as it is caught so I am wondering why the commendation cannot be changed to be like that? because catching over a thousand fish total and having to sell them is a super mega grind in comparison to everything else in the game. it is super time consuming and it can be considered to be sort of dead time as well because it is just sitting on an island or your ship for literal hours in the hopes that rng is on your side. you can cycle through 30 fish before catching one rare fish. other guilds do not have that extent of rng locking their commendations. Maybe a reduction in the fish needed would be good as well but I dont like that idea because it takes away from the 'challenge' of doing it but how it is currently is super tedious. just my thoughts on it and I was wondering if anyone else feels the same way or has any good ideas on how to change the commendations to be less tedious while keeping their grindy feeling. maybe once the 100 trophy fish are caught, you can get a rod that reels in faster? maybe all common fish can be reeled in just lie pondies, just one go. or maybe a new item that you can throw in the water to increase the amount of rare fish spawning? I love fishing in games and I really like the idea of fishing in this game but the way it works right now in regards to commendations is frustrating.

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    questioncommunityjust for fun
  • The fun thing is FOUND fish count to the commendations, achievements and HC rep.

    You have to actually catch fish (scuttle that!) for the milestones.

  • because catching over a thousand fish total and having to sell them is a super mega grind in comparison to everything else in the game. it is super time consumin

    Leave it alone. Don’t take my grind and goals away from me.

  • @burnbacon said in Hunter's call and fishing feeling a bit lackluster:

    because catching over a thousand fish total and having to sell them is a super mega grind in comparison to everything else in the game. it is super time consumin

    Leave it alone. Don’t take my grind and goals away from me.

    Splashtail fishing derby event again!!!!

  • @pithyrumble said in Hunter's call and fishing feeling a bit lackluster:

    @burnbacon said in Hunter's call and fishing feeling a bit lackluster:

    because catching over a thousand fish total and having to sell them is a super mega grind in comparison to everything else in the game. it is super time consumin

    Leave it alone. Don’t take my grind and goals away from me.

    Splashtail fishing derby event again!!!!

    If the "price" is the same like it was with the The Gold Hauler figurehead sure I'm "down" for it if it's doubloons then pfff no ty...

  • I recommend you stock up on bait, sail to the nearest Seaport, fish and sell on the spot. If your not using a captained ship, jump off at the seaport and send your ship on its own adventure. When you're ready to restock your bait, catch a mermaid back to your ship....then repeat. Also for the "Captaincy milestones", you need only catch the fish.

  • @junior7973

    There was also the Splashtail rod.

  • @pithyrumble said in Hunter's call and fishing feeling a bit lackluster:


    There was also the Splashtail rod.

    Oh yeah forgot about that one...

    @bobby-1-boot said in Hunter's call and fishing feeling a bit lackluster:

    I recommend you stock up on bait, sail to the nearest Seaport, fish and sell on the spot. If your not using a captained ship, jump off at the seaport and send your ship on its own adventure. When you're ready to restock your bait, catch a mermaid back to your ship....then repeat. Also for the "Captaincy milestones", you need only catch the fish.

    Find a rowboat you can stock the bait there and it can get you from A-B "without getting spotted" think I got 3-4 hours "alone" to do my fishing...

  • @foreveraniki682 said in Hunter's call and fishing feeling a bit lackluster:

    I find this to be a little strange because fish is being treated like actual loot in that case and since the addition of the milestones, it is possible to track the fish as it is caught so I am wondering why the commendation cannot be changed to be like that? because catching over a thousand fish total and having to sell them is a super mega grind in comparison to everything else in the game.

    1. The milestones, while they do give you stats on the different subtypes, any fish within a type (e.g. splashtail, plentifin, etc..) will advance that milestone. So if you're working on milestones, rarity is not a concern.

    2. For the commendations, you don't have to catch them all. You can find fish in sunken ship wrecks, rowboats, and even random storage crates on islands. Those are good ways to get the rarer fish.

  • @realstyli Yea im doing the ship wreck method and its amazing, just get a storage crate and dive down, tons of rare fish down here and its easier than fishing and you find better fish than if you just were fishing.

  • @pithyrumble yea that is what I am trying to say here, fish is being treated like it is loot when it is in the commendations but it is treated like an activity in the milestones. I would prefer it if I was rewarded for the time I spend using my fishing rod instead of time I spend scouring for crates, rowboats and shipwrecks. I did not even mention that your storage crates can get stolen from you and then those pirates can sell that fish. it is a pirate game and that is part of it but fishing is bland so it feels absolutely terrible when that happens.

  • @bobby-1-boot yea but what about islehoppers, pondies, stormfish and wreckers? That is what I do with normal region fish. Maybe the point of my post was not clear but I am just trying to find ways to make the commendations more about the action of fishing instead of the action of selling.

  • @realstyli in response to the first point, I understand that milestones are any fish caught of that type, which is 1000 fish to get to milestone 100 for the trophy of that fish type, but I am saying that the commendation does not track as the fish is caught with the rod but instead is tracked when it is sold.

    Milestones aren't the concern here because they actually make sense and reward you for doing the activity of fishing. I wish the commendations use the same tracking system as the milestones.

    and in response to the second point, shipwrecks and rowboats and all that are still way more rng reliant than other commendations for other companies and it does not really touch the point of my post. I want to be rewarded for actually fishing and not for scouring the seas for wrecks.

    I understand what you are saying and it makes sense, I am just trying to see if anyone else has ideas on how to make the commendations more related to actually fishing.

  • @burnbacon I'm not trying to do that. I guess I did not clarify that the time consuming part is the fact that you have to sell at sea posts. Which by the way, the bottom centre of the map has no sea post, because of stephen's spoils, so if you at devils ridge or that side of the map you have to sail a ridiculously far distance to sell.

    I just would prefer it if the commendation tracked fish caught instead of fish sold.

  • @foreveraniki682 Yea i agree

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