something I want

  • Can I get and alpha or beta build of the game? I prefer the lighting and clothing and feel of those after watching far too many videos of what the sea of thieves used to be. I've said this countless times but I still feel that after year one every pirate except complete new players look absolutely nothing like pirates. I understand people like weird cosmetics in games, but it seems I'm the only one that gets their immersion broken by this. Sea of thieves is a very social game, you meet countless of other players peaceful or not and pretty much every time I'm not looking at a pirate, I'm looking at a clown with an eyepatch. Since I haven't seen any other post discussing this I assume I have a screw or more loose, thoughts? And I'd still like an alpha build :p

  • 13
  • Literally get insider you nerd

  • @triplegazelle51 rude, and that’s not what OP is asking for.

  • Piratey cosmetics are fantastic, but keep in mind it’s a Pirate Fantasy game, so some cosmetics will be out there in terms of realism. Also you can shoot people out of cannons, you get attacked by prehistoric Megalodons, a kraken and skeletons that have risen from the dead. The game definitely isn’t going for realism.

  • @triplegazelle51 little ship’s wheel on the bottom right of your comment let’s you delete it.

  • @ninja-naranja thanks for that, was honestly having a little panic abt that and thanks for being understanding.

  • @ninja-naranja I know, I know, Ill give an example: the lionfish costume or the new prehistoric stuff. These on their own look nothing like pirates right? I suppose its just my own level of suspension of disbelief however. I'm perfectly fine with the most of the more out there elements of the game but only to a point where it doesn't distract from the overall experience, you see what I'm saying?

  • @captainkrabs570 yeah they’re pretty out there, and then you’ve got stuff like Eternal Freedom and Royal Revenge that are more grounded.

    Pirate emporium isn’t a good example, because those cosmetics are made to catch people’s eyes. If you look in the outpost shops there are more classic Pirate clothes and some less crazy stuff.

  • @captainkrabs570

    The game has sailed a long time ago.
    Beyond year one.... or even year two.
    Simply not the same.
    Some may love it, but the simple nature & form is long gone.
    Louder.. faster.. more in your face. The colour & taste doesn't feel original.
    Many a game does this, surprised this stayed (early days).. as it was. True to form.

    Not a critique btw... it may be no longer my game.
    But I still observe with respect & joy of the early days.
    Look on with interest to what it is now.
    It's your game .. play & enjoy as you wish

  • @ninja-naranja Yeah I suppose you're right, this isn't a problem for sea of thieves as much as it is a problem for me. I'd prefer mostly grounded designs with the weird glowing stuff reserved for higher level players. A remedy for this would to simply put a butt-loud of cool looking grounded realistic clothing in the regular clothing shop.

  • @piratecraggy That was interesting, I just want to go back to those earlier days even if its nor truly possible

  • @captainkrabs570 said in something I want:

    @piratecraggy That was interesting, I just want to go back to those earlier days even if its nor truly possible

    Agreed... you've already answered your own question
    The Sands of time.. unfortunately don't defy gravity.

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