Looking for someone to group with.

  • Im a newer player, however I am already a pirate legend and I solo'd 4 nerds and took out a galleon on my own yesterday. And also sank a brig after they found out I was a woman and told me to make a sandwich. So I am not terrible, but I am also a noob at the same time. Doing legend of the Veil solo is exhausting and much better with a player #2. Name is Tigerlully on Xbox.

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  • Hey, I am a newer player as I started less than two weeks ago, but I've been no lifing the game and need shipmates. If you would like to play with me my discord is: JerrycanJay#9669

  • A small tip from me is to join the official SoT Discord, where you can easily find new shipmates to crew up with!

  • @jerrycanjay I sent you a discord friend request. :)

  • @sirhuggiii I just did! Thank you!

  • Hey, I'm also a Pirate Legend. Am certainly not bad at pvp but certainly above average. I play the game quite ofthen but alone on a sloop isn't always that fun. If you would like to play with me my Discord is: MrRobin_x#2545

  • @tigerlully I've got a lot of experience but always down to take in new-ish players and definitely need more people willing to grind veil. feel free to add me on discord! Ajm#8437

  • @captncarmichael added!

  • @tigerlully add me! Would love to team up with you (I have 1300hrs in the game)!

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