Ship Loadout (Suggestion, possibly?)

  • I've been really wondering if we'll be able to save our flames of fate put on our ship's lanterns to our loadout. If not, that'd be worth considering.

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    communityjust for funfeedbackgeneral
  • @augurrobin I don't think they should. Adding the flames of fate to the ship's loadout means to get a checkpoint for FOF and that is half the work of starting this important event.

  • Not much of a fan of this one. I'd love seeing more stuff with the Ships, and I am happy to see the upcoming Captaincy is going to add more things for that, but this is not one I would be good with. Acquiring Flames of Fate is meant to be a task. I wouldn't mind seeing the Shadows of Fate Voyages make a return, personally, as it would present a new way to go about acquiring them and was fairly fun and still requires putting in effort. But as a session based game, generally speaking, I don't think getting to hold these as "cosmetics" is the right course.

  • able to save our flames of fate put on our ship's lanterns

    I would say no for reasons we know why.

  • @augurrobin
    It'd be cool, but it'd make FoTD much cheesier.

  • I see your point. :P I didn't think of the quest progression. I just felt it was a shame that if you wanted to customize the flames on the lanterns of your ship, you'd have to do it all over again every time you logged in. And since the new update has ship customization, I felt that one thing would fit the other.

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