Fallen Sea Dog lanter question

  • I was wondering if the new Fallen Sea Dog lanter is a temporary cosmetic we have for the mystery or if we actually get to keep it forever

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  • considering it ended up in the equipment box it would be odd to remove it imo

    finders keepers

  • I hope it stays and I hope the chest it's in stays so people can get it in the future, it's such a cool concept to have a cosmetic with a functional use be found out in the world like that

  • I think it is there for keeps. Just as a reminder that mysteries are as much part of the game now as anything else.

  • @peony7185 I second this. Seems like a great way to introduce new cosmetics naturally into the world.

  • Wait. Did I miss something? What's the Fallen Sea Dog lantern?

  • Try using it on the beach by the remains

  • @galactic-geek You may need to revisit Sea Dogs Rest.... 👀

  • @triheadedmonkey said in Fallen Sea Dog lanter question:

    @galactic-geek You may need to revisit Sea Dogs Rest.... 👀

    Revisit? All that was there a few days ago was the skeleton and the music box...

    I followed the seashell and interacted with the chest and got...

    ...nothing. No pop-up or anything!

    I only found the note after.

    Did I do something wrong? It won't let me interact with it again! 😢

    For the record, I am NOT okay with how mysteries are forming. They should advance the story, not give you limited-time cosmetics that you have no idea that you can get much less from obscure clues.

    The only word I heard about any of this was when the devs said mysteries were coming soon during their latest podcast. I thought there would be some great trailer or something to signify the start of the mystery, but nope! Nothing. Except this - and it doesn't actually say anything! Mysteries aren't any fun if you don't even know where to start! The hook has to be obvious to everyone, and in-game, in order for it to be truly appreciated by everyone - like Larinna gettingyour attention. Once that hook is made, then it can get hard.

    I am an avid follower of the Sea and if I can miss something like this, there's going to be a lot of disappointed pirates out there - and they won't take kindly to this, or perhaps the other pirates they encounter as they process their grief stemming from missed opportunities.

    The very idea that some clues may not even be in the game itself just makes my blood boil too - I shouldn't have to jump through hoops to enjoy the experience of a good mystery, or miss out on 1 because I choose not follow certain social circles.

  • @galactic-geek Try to die in-game before you interact with the chest again. Some friends of mine had the same issue and a trip to the Ferryman solved it.

  • @metal-ravage said in Fallen Sea Dog lanter question:

    @galactic-geek Try to die in-game before you interact with the chest again. Some friends of mine had the same issue and a trip to the Ferryman solved it.

    I already started over on a new server... SIGH 😮‍💨

    Having to die to get it to work with ZERO clue that that's what you have to do to get it - genius Rare... [insert sarcasm here]

  • @galactic-geek
    They updated the island. There should be a red seashell on the East side of Sea Dog's Rest. Swim into the water while keeping an eye out on the ocean floor. (the shell will be 'pointing' in the direction you need to go) There should be a chest laying in a small crater with the Magpie's Fortune emblem on the lid. You should be able to interact with the chest and collect the lantern.

    Edit: I missed your last post to Three-Headed Monkey. Maybe it needs some time to register?

  • @lucky11 said in Fallen Sea Dog lanter question:

    They updated the island. There should be a red seashell on the East side of Sea Dog's Rest. Swim into the water while keeping an eye out on the ocean floor. (the shell will be 'pointing' in the direction you need to go) There should be a chest laying in a small crater with the Magpie's Fortune emblem on the lid. You should be able to interact with the chest and collect the lantern.

    Edit: I missed your last post to Three-Headed Monkey. Maybe it needs some time to register?

    Doesn't matter - I got it on the restart. Still, I have to wonder... How far down the rabbit hole do these clues go? And do they lead to other cosmetics? Potentially a new set?

    All in all, I just want things to be a bit more obvious on the kick-start of these mysteries - showing a short clip with no words does not a mystery make for most who see it; to most, it's probably viewed as something akin to just another Sunday Vibes video... I mean heck, I haven't even heard anything from Captain Falcore yet, and he's like the Loremaster! His lips must be sealed for the time being, I'm sure...

  • I'm so sad he got killed,that's a really bad thing!

  • Might not be him … we don’t know 100% yet if it’s DeMarco or not. He could have faked his own death? It’s interesting he was at the Tavern, then suddenly ended up across the map at a conspicuously named island (given the context “SeaDog”) as a dead skeleton. I would figure if he was killed, the killers would’ve made it easy on themselves and dumped the body somewhere near by (like fools lagoon which is much more convenient) … unless it was about sending a message. There’s a lot of risk transporting a high profile pirate like that across the sea. Only time will tell!

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