Chest of Sorrows filling multiple sloops

  • I can't see anyone has posted this so...

    I was sailing a sloop with a friend yesterday when we rocked up to another sloop who were digging treasure on an island. We hung around for a bit to see if they were friendly, when we noticed there was a Chest of Sorrows on the beach. In our almighty Wisdom, we put the chest on their boat, in the bottom of the hull. Some seconds later, I was turning our ship, when i heard it creak VERY loudly. Upon investigation of our nearly-sunken ship, I noticed that not only had the chest been filling up their ship, but our ship at the same time.

    Is this a thing now? Or did we just get Rare'd???

  • 4
  • Haha! That is both amazing and concerning!😂

    This is not supposed to happen at all. You definitely had a very weird but rare bug.

  • Sounds like a late 80s/ early 90s comedy movie plot where two crews try to sink each other at the same time with the same sneaky strategy, and at the end they laugh it off and become best friends.

  • Sounds like a variation of old defect
    did you happen to use rowboats?

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