Information about devils roar?

  • Thinking about going to the devils roar to finish off my grind for PL. Are the gold vaults, bounty missions, and underwater cargo ships any harder?

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  • typically less interactions/pvp

    pve is more of a pain more often

    it's trading pvp irritations for pve irritations with better gold

    1st priority imo is do what you enjoy, it makes the process much much easier

    2nd is be an efficient piratical opportunist. Take advantage of the opportunity presented on a server. Sometimes something makes more or less sense depending on that server.

    Try it out and see if you like it. You are the best judge of what you enjoy and you can adapt based on that.

  • @hollowknight472 One thing you have to remember about the Roar is that no ship it's safe in the proximity of a volcanic eruption.

    Skellies are easy because of the geysers, yet digging will be more difficult for the same reason.

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