Beds/sleeping should disable the AFK timer

  • @callmebackdraft can you confirm this with any documentation that clearly states that any voyage can be completed in 30 minutes? And that's not just getting to the voyage location and finding the loot, that includes journey there, finding the clues and loot, collecting the loot, returning to an outpost whilst manoeuvring past enemy ships, and selling all the loot. If you can confirm that all that can be done in under 30 minutes then I'll accept defeat. But I am yet to complete a single voyage in 30 minutes even with a crew of 4, and most forums seem to advise that it takes anywhere from 1-3 hours to complete a voyage.

  • @redeyesith surely the fact that I can gain much more loot from a voyage, which in turn allows me to sell more loot, increase my rep more, and unlock higher levels makes it part of the progress. Yes I could spend hours going from island to island collecting whatever's there, or I could follow the narrative built into the game to collect the same amount in a much shorter time.

    Also it is not a sandbox game as I am very restricted on what I can do in the world whilst I'm playing, but it is open world, and it does have a narrative that you can follow. And don't get me wrong, I love the journey and have no intention of speed running the game, but when the game can decide to kick and clear the journey I'm on for a short amount of inactivity, it's a bit contradictive to what they are designing in the game, because it's no longer about the journey, it's about completing things quickly and in as short amount of time as possible.

    And it's not a big deal otherwise I just wouldn't play the game, it really makes no difference to me. I just simply had a suggestion to a possible improvement and the community decided to act like I just asked for a complete overhaul of the game mechanics, unfortunately my human nature is to not allow people to just simply ridicule me over something quite simple.

    I enjoy playing the game a lot and am getting use to a lot of what the game has to offer, this was just one thing that I felt needed improvements.

  • @wsurftvveeds which is why I also said it doesn't necessarily need to be fully disabled but just simply extending the time instead. But surely someone sleeping in a bed and not being kicked is no different to someone jumping every couple of minutes to stay "active" in a server.

  • @troublecook I want to bring this up to make sure we are talking about the same things here. When you and the crew vote for a voyage, one or more maps/requests will show up in your inventory. You don’t need to do all of the ones that show up on your wheel to get compensated. If you plunk down an Order of Souls voyage, you might get several requests. The first one on your wheel asks you to retrieve four skulls from Sailor’s Bounty. Another tells you to get three from skeletons at Mermaid’s Hideaway. Maybe there’s one skull at Lone Cove. You don’t have to do all them to get credit. Get the four at Sailor’s Bounty, drop by Sanctuary or Golden Sand outpost to turn in, then head to Mermaid’s Hideaway. There is no way that should take anyone 1 to 3 hours. If you insist on doing ALL the maps/requests in the voyage before turning in then maybe so. And to be clear, there is no added benefit to doing all of the maps/riddles/requests in a voyage unless you are doing an Athena related voyage. Just do the ones that don’t waste your time and turn in often. 1 to 3 hours? I can do an entire Athena voyage, including turning in the final Athena chest in about an hour. This is not me bragging. I am a below average player. Something is off kilter in your process. The journey from Devil’s Thirst to Sailor’s Bounty takes about 20 minutes in a sloop. That’s the longest journey you would currently need to make on the seas. Voyages tend to be clustered in an area so the hops within a voyage are much shorter.

  • OW! 14 hours with migraines!? Dang, that’s some serious dedication!

  • @lovelocc well done for missing the point. And quite ironic you're telling me to be open minded when I'm the one providing an idea whilst everyone else is telling me to just stick with what is already in place and that nothing needs to be changed.

    Suggestions are suggestions for a reason, because people have opinions to how things should work. Maybe try being open minded about people being allowed to have their own ideas of how something could be improved.

  • I cant believe nobody sank you within those 14 hours. I dont think you know how lucky you were.

    If you want to maximize profits as a new player you should be selling way more frequently.

  • @troublecook said in Beds/sleeping should disable the AFK timer:

    @lovelocc well done for missing the point. And quite ironic you're telling me to be open minded when I'm the one providing an idea whilst everyone else is telling me to just stick with what is already in place and that nothing needs to be changed.

    Suggestions are suggestions for a reason, because people have opinions to how things should work. Maybe try being open minded about people being allowed to have their own ideas of how something could be improved.

    Keep in mind that this is not the first time this topic has been discussed within Rare and on the forums. The initial topic, even before the game was launched, was whether crews should have the ability to kick crew members or not. It was eventually decided that it was more fair and less problematic if crews could vote members into the brig. It avoids the issue of loot booting. But that introduced a new issue. What about crew members who log in and just let the rest of the crew do all the work while they sit contently in the brig contributing nothing but getting all the benefits? And what about players who just park their pirate somewhere else and take up a spot on the server? It was decided the best solution was to use a timeout. No one is just dismissing your suggestion without considering it. You really didn’t introduce any new ideas here. The usefulness of the timeout feature have been considered. Your suggestion of sleeping is another version of the same discussion. This stuff has been debated to death. You just were not around when it happened.

  • @troublecook said in Beds/sleeping should disable the AFK timer:

    @callmebackdraft can you confirm this with any documentation that clearly states that any voyage can be completed in 30 minutes? And that's not just getting to the voyage location and finding the loot, that includes journey there, finding the clues and loot, collecting the loot, returning to an outpost whilst manoeuvring past enemy ships, and selling all the loot. If you can confirm that all that can be done in under 30 minutes then I'll accept defeat. But I am yet to complete a single voyage in 30 minutes even with a crew of 4, and most forums seem to advise that it takes anywhere from 1-3 hours to complete a voyage.

    Whut... Documentation what are you on about, also dont change my wording i never said 30 minutes.
    of course there is no documentation stating so, every player is allowed to play differently, if you want to spend 3 hours scouring Old Faithfull isle to find 1 seafarers chest that is hidden somewhere all the power to you.

    the longest voyages in the game without a checkpoint are athena voyages and they are also the only one that have a reason to finish them to the end because of a specific loot item, however even those can be completed within the hour start to finish.

    the people talking to you here, at least a lot of them have years and years of experience within the game, for me i have been playing this game since release and what we have all learned is that:

    • Apart from athena voyages, regular voyages dont have to be finished start to end, in fact in the first year due to the diminished amount of loot compared to now we usually just did the maps that had the most X's/captains f.i. we werent and still arent going to sail accross the map to dig up a single chest. this simply isnt a good way to spend time. its like applying for a job that only pays half or less of what it should, i am not gonna wake up in the morning to do so.
    • all tall tales have checkpoints, tall tales in contrast to voyages actually follow a narrative but that can be picked up again after every checkpoint even if you log off and dont log back in for years
    • the best way to get loot are Events (skull forts, FOTD, Flameheart etc) the longest event nowadays is the FoF, which (unless contested by other crews) most experienced players can be done within 30/45 minutes, add 15 minutes of loot collecting and your still within the hour. however events bear a greater risk of getting contested and thus extending the time required to do them

    f.i. i sail with my crew every tuesday from 18:30 to about 22:30 (sometimes more sometimes less) in that timeframe we complete multiple events and voyages + we become Emmisary grade V multiple times (usually around 3 to 4 times) the only time this changes is when we go for athena emmisary because that is just a slog and boring af. but the magic is, if something comes up we always have the ability to stop whatever we are doing, sell our stuff and log off at any given time.

  • @troublecook Hey, I just wanted to let you know, in case you didn't is that you don't need to hit reply single to every person you want to comment to. There's actually a multi-quote function on the forum so you can quote every reply at once you wish to reply too in a single post.

    To use it, you just click quote on the individuals posts and it adds them in.

  • @personalc0ffee sagte in Beds/sleeping should disable the AFK timer:

    @troublecook Hey, I just wanted to let you know, in case you didn't is that you don't need to hit reply single to every person you want to comment to. There's actually a multi-quote function on the forum so you can quote every reply at once you wish to reply too in a single post.

    To use it, you just click quote on the individuals posts and it adds them in.

    Ok...I'm here almost every day since 4 years...and that's new to me 🙈😅
    So...thanks 😁

  • @schwammlgott said in Beds/sleeping should disable the AFK timer:

    @personalc0ffee sagte in Beds/sleeping should disable the AFK timer:

    @troublecook Hey, I just wanted to let you know, in case you didn't is that you don't need to hit reply single to every person you want to comment to. There's actually a multi-quote function on the forum so you can quote every reply at once you wish to reply too in a single post.

    To use it, you just click quote on the individuals posts and it adds them in.

    Ok...I'm here almost every day since 4 years...and that's new to me 🙈😅
    So...thanks 😁

    Uh, it was broken for a bit but I'm glad to see they fixed it. I use it quite readily.

  • @lem0n-curry
    I would have the bed turn off the AFK timer more for the convenience to not need reinviting a fellow crewman if they needed to go AFK for a while and they're not sure if they would make it in time for the timer not to run out or less. As solo you can take a break in the middle of a voyage without losing it, long enough that otherwise you'd be risking it with the timer. I believe it's recommended to take breaks of up to 15 minutes every 2 hours of staying in front of a computer of television, even though people who play videogames as a hobby laugh at this it may still be worth considering allowing to make breaks of such length without having to put down your emissary flag or having to give up on similar things that reward continued play in one sitting.
    If AFK blockades are the issue then don't have the timer completely turned off, but the bed could in the least extend the amount of time you're allowed to stay AFK to give that allowance while still preventing such exploits, your boat can still be sunk and if your crew wants you off they can force you awake with a bucket of water or brig you to force you out of the session faster, so there also isn't much to talk about using this to troll or leech.
    Right now the bed really has no reason to be an existing feature save for the sake of having interactable objects aboard, for the healing it provides you can use those dozens of bananas that have been fermenting in the bottom of your barrel every session instead, why not give it such a function?

  • @arthurmora8162 said in Beds/sleeping should disable the AFK timer:

    I would have the bed turn off the AFK timer more for the convenience to not need reinviting a fellow crewman if they needed to go AFK for a while and they're not sure if they would make it in time for the timer not to run out or less. As solo you can take a break in the middle of a voyage without losing it.
    If AFK blockades are the issue then don't have the timer completely turned off, but the bed could in the least extend the amount of time you're allowed to stay AFK to give that allowance while still preventing such exploits, your boat can still be sunk and if your crew wants you off they can force you awake with a bucket of water or brig you to force you out of the session faster.
    Right now the bed really has no reason to be an existing feature save for the sake of having interactable objects aboard, for the healing it provides you can use those dozens of bananas that have been fermenting in the bottom of your barrel every session instead, why not give it such a function?

    If the other crew agrees, perhaps; but it will be hard to make it so that it won't be abused by a lazy crew member. Because of that, a re-invite (or you join them) works better and without possibility of abuse.

  • @lem0n-curry
    If a lazy crew member abuses the bed and the crews agrees it's bad behaviour , the brig is a thing, so they can be logged off by the AFK timer behind bars or eventually get tired of being a nuisance and leave themselves.

  • @arthurmora8162 said in Beds/sleeping should disable the AFK timer:

    If a lazy crew member abuses the bed and the crews agrees it's bad behaviour , the brig is a thing, so they can be logged off by the AFK timer behind bars or eventually get tired of being a nuisance and leave themselves.

    No brig in a sloop.
    Not being able to brig someone on a 2-man brigantine.

  • @lem0n-curry
    Well that's your problem.
    On a sloop, ANY problematic public matches can only be dealt with by leaving yourself, not just the bed. At least if the problem is an AFK leecher you can still force them out of the bed with a bucket of water for the countdown to come to a close more rapidly, if they're actively being toxic and ruining your experience the only solution is to report and leave the session.
    For the brigantine it's the same story, just exacerbated by you being alone with a troublemaker on a 3-ship that hardly can be played properly in 2, nevermind effectively soloing it. Leeching isn't the only problem you can only solve by leaving the session if you can't vote them to the brig, though on such ship if your session is still open you could wait for another member to come and have them vote the guy in the brig as well.

  • @pithyrumble I got called away with the Wife to do something (I'm 35.. not all of us are still young and have all the time in the world to dedicate to this game) for about 15 minutes and was playing solo.

    I completely forgot about the stupid afk timer in this game because I hadn't played in a while, so I had a ship full of goodies I was about to bring to an Outpost to turn in. I came back to being disconnected from server due to afk, was really really not happy and decided to call it quits after wasting an hour or more playing SoT and not gaining any progress because the game kicked me before I could turn in everything I'd accumulated, and wouldn't let me rejoin the same session because I didn't have another person on my ship.

    They should fix it so it's an hour afk timer kick if you're sleeping in the bed or something. That would be a fair compromise for people who have things to do besides gaming, since SoT is such a grind heavy game that requires nonstop attention. It's really one of the main reasons I choose another game on my Steam game list instead of SoT just because I know I can't take a break and need to dedicated an entire evening if I want to get anywhere, especially playing solo.

  • @faded-danger said in Beds/sleeping should disable the AFK timer:

    @pithyrumble I got called away with the Wife to do something (I'm 35.. not all of us are still young and have all the time in the world to dedicate to this game) for about 15 minutes and was playing solo.

    I completely forgot about the stupid afk timer in this game because I hadn't played in a while, so I had a ship full of goodies I was about to bring to an Outpost to turn in. I came back to being disconnected from server due to afk, was really really not happy and decided to call it quits after wasting an hour or more playing SoT and not gaining any progress because the game kicked me before I could turn in everything I'd accumulated, and wouldn't let me rejoin the same session because I didn't have another person on my ship.

    They should fix it so it's an hour afk timer kick if you're sleeping in the bed or something. That would be a fair compromise for people who have things to do besides gaming, since SoT is such a grind heavy game that requires nonstop attention. It's really one of the main reasons I choose another game on my Steam game list instead of SoT just because I know I can't take a break and need to dedicated an entire evening if I want to get anywhere, especially playing solo.

    How are your feelings on another ship coming and sinking you and taking your loot for themselves? With longer than 10 minutes AFK timer, this most definitely will happen. An hour? Forget about it, your ship will be gone when you return and your stuff probably already sold off.

    Real life and real life emergencies in particular take precedent over a video game, especially if you are an adult. If you couldn't tell your wife and didn't have 5 minutes to turn in then the emergency was clearly more important.

    Same age as you and totally support the 10 minute AFK timer. Some of us do not want dead servers with half the ships sitting idle the entire play session.

  • @thetwistedtaste But if I suddenly have to p00p and are about to fight for my survival on toilet then I got no time for selling. I gotta go. I come back 15 to 30 minutes later and all progress is lost

  • So crewmates can just idle indefinitely and you earn them gold and rep while they go off doing other things? No thanks

  • @redeyesith bro, you can complete a voyage by collecting the chests, but you aren't rewarded until you sell them off. If he has to do something that takes him 15 minutes, he is kicked. Losing it all. The sleep mechanic is already there, and already lets you heal yourself. It wouldn't be a stretch to "double the time" while sleeping, maybe not let you go afk forever, but you guys are really giving some poor excuses on why they shouldn't. There are players that will hang out at a single island for over a hour at a time, there are fishermen that sit in the ocean, in one area never moving, so what is the difference between someone who isn't even by their keyboard? It's an easy sink for you. Why complain it's a dumb choice? Clearly half of you players don't know what it means to have a life.

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