Madam olivia isn't in the tent after collecting the pendants for the wild rose tall tale

  • I have the tall tale saved after collecting the pendants, I went back to sanctuary outpost to give madam olivia the pendants and she isn't there, first time i went back there were two pendants on the floor, I reloaded the game and sailed back there and she still wasn't there, the table for the emissary isn't even there.

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  • If you’re looking for madame Olivia, she’s at plunder outpost.

    But, I haven’t done this tall tale in a while, so it could be that you just meant the NPC at sanctuary. If this is the case, restart your console/pc. If this doesn’t work, raise a support ticket here.

  • @eliddinn that's because she was with me. 🙄😜💛

  • This is a known (to me haha) bug. You can solve this in two ways.

    1: Invite a friend, let them hand in the quest items and any other treasure you may have. You won't see any NPC's but you will get money and quest completion.

    2: Force quit the game and after starting the game again rejoin your previous session.

    To force quit on xbox. Press home, then go to SOT and press start, now select quit. DON'T leave the game via the SOT menu.

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