Your alternative pirate title

  • So, having been given the nickname by one of my crew mates I often play with, what is your alternative (as in not actually available in game) title that describes your pirate best?

    Mine is "The Negotiating Cartographer";
    I've been known to talk down a Reaper Ship from obliterating us in the past and, most recently, to get the Fort of the Damned achievement, I'll start the Fort and then wait for the inevitable swarm before negotiating a deal with the loot to make sure I'm not just blown out of the water (helps that I am solo, as I'm not likely to put up a massive fight starting stationery anyway).
    And whenever we get a message in a bottle map, gold Vaults map pieces etc, I pretty much know where we are going straight away, my map proficiency is second to non (maybe 😛)

    So, what would your alternative title be? ☠️

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  • @stankind

    "the old man" as i'm the oldest among my mates.
    maybe the helmsman and regarding to my old namw what was Bugaboo Bill some call me Bunga Bunga Bill :-)
    refers to an ex italian politician who prticipated in partys with young girls - i dont know how they come up with it, but if you know some young girls willing to party with me, dont hesitate to message me :D :D :D

  • anything with "The efficient" at the beginning and then a bunch of words that would make even George Carlin blush would probably fit my pirate pretty well

  • @stankind said in Your alternative pirate title:

    So, having been given the nickname by one of my crew mates I often play with, what is your alternative (as in not actually available in game) title that describes your pirate best?

    Mine is "The Negotiating Cartographer";
    I've been known to talk down a Reaper Ship from obliterating us in the past and, most recently, to get the Fort of the Damned achievement, I'll start the Fort and then wait for the inevitable swarm before negotiating a deal with the loot to make sure I'm not just blown out of the water (helps that I am solo, as I'm not likely to put up a massive fight starting stationery anyway).
    And whenever we get a message in a bottle map, gold Vaults map pieces etc, I pretty much know where we are going straight away, my map proficiency is second to non (maybe 😛)

    So, what would your alternative title be? ☠️

    the half blind helmsman

  • "THE HARBINGER OF THE FERRY" because i send people to the ferry

  • @rtl-saint said in Your alternative pirate title:

    "THE HARBINGER OF THE FERRY" because i send people to the ferry

    nice mine other one would be dead man walking I get killed a lot some times on the sea

  • @stankind
    During the Hungering Deep, I was called Lucky by another crew:
    After we got bored waiting for another crew to show up, we sailed around, raced, went to islands such as Thieves' Haven. They set out to find random treasure and when I finally got to the island I found a trinket just in front of their boat while they hadn't found anything.
    They were discussing before how to call me, apparently Lemon had some negative connotations and Curry would make them peckish. After I found the trinket, they decided to call me Lucky.

    And yes I have been lucky since 😁. Calling myself Lucky Curry to some.


    Today, after breakfast, I decided to do another Lost Shipment of the Merchants voyage (I need to open 15 more captain's quarters for the sails ...). Found some nice loot and a Mega Keg. The server was quiet, no storm in sight, so I set sail to Reaper's Hideout to turn in the manifest and the keg (I did put that one in the hold in front of the planks).

    All of a sudden I had the notification of the skeleton fleet, and I was the meat in a skloop-skalleon sandwich.
    My mast went down twice, I was long periods asleep due to some green balls, and had some holes in the hull but I made it to the Reapers.

    I might have to consider changing my name to Blind Lemon "ff Lucky" Curry.

  • "Peak the key of the Davy Jones's locker" Because I send ships in the Davy Jones's locker sinking them.

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