Thoughts On a Sea of Thieves TV series?

  • This has always been on my mind, being a film and TV student, studying the work-ins on what goes into making and TV series or films, after playing this game since the BETA, I've always loved playing this game. And I've always wondered what it would be like to see this world being integrated to live action.

    Now I know what people would be saying: "How would you film a live action version of this game"?

    First of all something that I've learned over the past couple of years, is that you can accomplish anything you want in life, as long that your being creative and most importantly having fun.

    Second is "How would the story play out"? I hear you all ask. The story would tell the stories of the NPC's in the game, mainly the tall tales characters on what happened before our characters got involved. It would mainly focus on the pirate lord, captain Briggsy, the crew of the morningstar, Rose and George, Grace Morrow and her crew. It would only be one series as a test to see if people who are fans of the game and normal casual TV goers would be interested in a new pirate television series. After the successful of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, this could be a possible thing that audiences may want to see.

    Obviously I could say all of this but at the end of the day it comes down to the community and the developers of the game, to have the last word in all of this. Being here in the UK, I could always ask Rare if they are interested in continuing with this idea in the near future.

    Again I'm just an inspiring film and TV student, but again when it comes to something that I'm passionate about something, especially about a compelling story such as this, who wouldn't say no and ask the creators if they can bring their creation to live action?

    Apologies if this post is too long, I just wanted to get this idea out there. You can discuses your guys ideas down, on what you would like to see "IF" a live action Sea of Thieves series would be made.

    Happy sailing pirates.

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  • You wanna see 30 minutes of spawn camping newbs? I'd watch that!

  • @flintlock-dan No? smh. What kind of silly question is that?

  • About 10 years ago...maybe 15...

    There was a Toy Line called “Pyrates”. I believe it was made by Megabloks.

    Anyway like any good toy line it was accompanied with a DVD. Like it would be included in the more expensive set.

    I always felt that it had a huge influence on SOT’s. Maybe they have nothing to do with each other but the art and “world” and skellies vs humans. Almost seemed like the origin of SOT’s was gonna be to make a licensed video game for Pyrates.

    Or hell maybe a handful of the guys had these as kids and that’s where some of it “connected”.

  • I think like a lot of tv shows we’d like to see, they’d look good on paper but not in practice. I’d still like to see it though, although I think if something that were to happen, it would be more like a YouTube series or something. Logistically I don’t think you could get people to sign up for a movie like that unless it was made by a big studio, which rare would never do. Not to mention, not as many people have heard of this game as you might think. It would only appeal the players, but I doubt everyone else would enjoy it. The chances of ruining it are too high as well for the fans of the game, there’ll be something that the players won’t like. Logistically it would be hard, but I’d like to see how it turns out. Hardest part I think would be the cgi for the skeletons, as well as capturing the uncertainty of the game itself. If you need any help with design though let me know, I’d love to be a part of this

  • @mattthecopycat said in Thoughts On a Sea of Thieves TV series?:

    This has always been on my mind, being a film and TV student, studying the work-ins on what goes into making and TV series or films, after playing this game since the BETA, I've always loved playing this game. And I've always wondered what it would be like to see this world being integrated to live action.

    Now I know what people would be saying: "How would you film a live action version of this game"?

    First of all something that I've learned over the past couple of years, is that you can accomplish anything you want in life, as long that your being creative and most importantly having fun.

    Second is "How would the story play out"? I hear you all ask. The story would tell the stories of the NPC's in the game, mainly the tall tales characters on what happened before our characters got involved. It would mainly focus on the pirate lord, captain Briggsy, the crew of the morningstar, Rose and George, Grace Morrow and her crew. It would only be one series as a test to see if people who are fans of the game and normal casual TV goers would be interested in a new pirate television series. After the successful of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, this could be a possible thing that audiences may want to see.

    Obviously I could say all of this but at the end of the day it comes down to the community and the developers of the game, to have the last word in all of this. Being here in the UK, I could always ask Rare if they are interested in continuing with this idea in the near future.

    Again I'm just an inspiring film and TV student, but again when it comes to something that I'm passionate about something, especially about a compelling story such as this, who wouldn't say no and ask the creators if they can bring their creation to live action?

    Apologies if this post is too long, I just wanted to get this idea out there. You can discuses your guys ideas down, on what you would like to see "IF" a live action Sea of Thieves series would be made.

    Happy sailing pirates.

    I'd rather have a cartoon but that's just me

  • @glannigan said in Thoughts On a Sea of Thieves TV series?:

    About 10 years ago...maybe 15...

    There was a Toy Line called “Pyrates”. I believe it was made by Megabloks.

    Anyway like any good toy line it was accompanied with a DVD. Like it would be included in the more expensive set.

    I always felt that it had a huge influence on SOT’s. Maybe they have nothing to do with each other but the art and “world” and skellies vs humans. Almost seemed like the origin of SOT’s was gonna be to make a licensed video game for Pyrates.

    Or hell maybe a handful of the guys had these as kids and that’s where some of it “connected”.

    or maybe playmobil is somewhat of a thing to this game as well

  • @flintlock-dan said in Thoughts On a Sea of Thieves TV series?:

    You wanna see 30 minutes of spawn camping newbs? I'd watch that!

    he means player stories not 30min spawn camping newbs

  • I could just as easily sit by my window and watch the postman collect something from their van and then deliver it.

  • Once again... Why does an idea needs to be ridiculized ? This isn't the first time i read comments to break someone's post ... What a downfall of mentality has this Forum undergone... Real sad how some react , if you don't like an idea then leave it in peace and let others work with it...

    i have a question first to @MattTheCopyCat ... Do you mean a real life show with real actors in flesh and blood or do you mean more something like private servers where written scenarios are being acted with voiceactors ?

    i do think that there are many Tales of possibly being told deeper and enriched by great acting real life or voice acted accompanied with great plots and Music would be certaintly great to watch... But as with everything in this world , those things cost a lot of money , money that Rare maybe not can cough up... From the moment you need others involved in a project ,they naturally want their hands in the project and the danger always excists that they alter things in a way Rare or their fans rather would not that it be altered...

    But it's certainly a good idea ... On the other hand , why not try yourself , set sail ,improvise and stream your adventures , no not with your face depicted on the side of the screen and not accompanied by toecurling , atmosphere breaking music , but just with the tools the game provides you...

    Yes , some streams will be duds as people don't use communication or keep haunting you down without reason but sometimes you may find a great crew that will make you laugh or even better will start roleplaying in an adventure that will have no predetermined ending...

  • @MattTheCopyCat i like it a lot and aftre the first sentences i thought i could do a LARP with SoT Lore and Background, having rival crews search for a treasure, beat a big boss (NPC) and whatnot.
    Hell this is a brilliant idea for a LARP Setting, if someone want to do it in germany i'm in :D

    For the film, a cartoon with the same artstyle of the game would be awesome, but if you do it right and without haste and have good actors it would also be something i would watch and like a lot.

    I soaked up the Black Sails series and although it has it's length and is somewhat controversial it's a very good series i like a lot.

    finish studies - DO IT, i will buy it :D

  • @clumsy-george Thanks, I'm trying to finish my studies and then afterwards I'll be going straight into freelancing. I wouldn't mind it being in game whenever the custom servers get realised to the main game.

    I've already got the script ready, all I need is actors. That and a crew willing enough to help out. If their was a free roam camera in the custom servers, that would help me out so much?

    Again I had the plan/script already planned out, with storyboards and everything. Hoping after the pandemic has finished, I'll start working towards making a fan made short film and post it to YouTube.

    Also, yes I do stream this game. I have for the past two years. :)

  • @stundorn Thanks, because of the pandemic it's been a lot harder to go out and film something that you want to make. I can only imagine what It's like for the Rare team trying to make content whilst being at home.

    If the private servers come to the main game soon, I might start making a in game version of my idea. Who knows? :)

  • What would you guys think, should I just wait until the private servers are realised and then start working on it and keep you guys posted on here on the forums?

    If so, could you upvote this comment so that I know?


  • @mattthecopycat Red vs Blue was a really successful series done in-game with Halo back in the day. I can imagine that with some good storylines you could do a lot with Sea of Thieves in-game. I feel its success would depend a lot on getting the right dialogue and of course storyline. The in-game graphics and sound effects are great already, so nothing to do there. Ideally you can access free roam camera, but even if that isn't an option, you could tell the stories through the eyes of the pirate(s) and it could work. Good luck!

  • @marath0n3r I loved watching red vs blue growing up. Brings back so many memories.....

    I'll defiantly keep it in mind, thanks.


  • I'd want it 90s style. Goofy and over the top.
    2021 will need some leisure levity

    Muppet Treasure Island meets Captain Ron.
    Sprinkle a little The 100 Lives of Black Jack Savage just to really spice it up nice.

    Enough things take themselves seriously we need a throwback to things being so terrible that they become legendarily epic

  • @mattthecopycat I didn't watch it yet, but "Black Sails" anyone?

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