Lookout towers

  • Me and my friend were chasing down a galleon that just defeated an ashen winds boss and the galleon disappeared when we weren’t looking. We thought it would be a cool concept if there were lookout towers on outposts or larger islands with npcs that you could spend a little coins on for them to tell you if a player sailed by or stopped on the island.

  • 7
  • at least it's a new idea I'll give you that

    You can generally see so far away from the crows nest I figure if a big ole galleon escaped your line of sight they earned an escape

  • How does one lose a giant eyesore of a ship? It doesn't sit well with me that one can just pay coin to know the whereabouts of a ship. Seems like a way to increase the gap between new and old player gap. New players may not have the coin to spend on something like that versus the old players with Scrooge McDuck bank vault cash. This idea just seems like a way to bypass one's own shortcomings through gold spending. I like the current way of having to use one's skills and intuition on finding unmarked player ships.

  • if you cant see a huge galleon as your chasing it, your not gonna have enough gold for the npc event. also p2w which is not what this game is about.

  • @angelixbox Question of curiosity... what happened or drew your attention away to lose a Galleon? I know there could be any number of things to distract you and your crew, but just wondering how they slipped your pursuit

  • I've lost sight of entire ships before - usually because they sank, scuttled, or left the Sea entirely. Always makes me wonder...

    As for towers, just use your crow's nest, or fire yourself from a cannon straight up for a commanding view.

  • @promotordj

    It's actually a common occurrence... Galleons with the wind just vanish!

    @angelixbox said in Lookout towers:

    Me and my friend were chasing down a galleon that just defeated an ashen winds boss and the galleon disappeared when we weren’t looking. We thought it would be a cool concept if there were lookout towers on outposts or larger islands with npcs that you could spend a little coins on for them to tell you if a player sailed by or stopped on the island.

    I think this could be done, yeah, and another way to sink gold. All it would say is: "A ship was here yesterday." Yeah, it is info, but what you do with that info is important of course. New and old players, it would be something.

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