New player here. Need help understanding some mechanics

  • Hi all, I just started playing, and I'm trying to figure some stuff out. Am I right in understanding that there is no persistence in the game? Any time I log off and back on, I am in a completely different part of the map with nothing on my ship (in my storage barrels or items i placed on deck). All of my quests are gone, any notes i found are no longer there. Is this normal? Just making sure I'm not doing something dumb to preserve my stuff. If this is normal, then we are expected to find new canon balls and food every time I log on before setting out to do something?

    Thanks in advance!

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  • yeah it's session based

    you keep all your stats for commendations and events but as far as supplies and quests that all resets

  • You are correct, nothing carries over other than gold earned, doubloons or whatever cosmetic you bought. If you have treasure on your ship, sell it before you log off. Nothing is actually yours until you sell it.

  • Every session is new and different.

    Imagine playing D&D but a new DM every single time.

    At first it’s a turn off but your learn to appreciate it!

    There will be BAD sessions and BAD crews but there will also be ones you’ll remember forever!

  • Voyages are gone? I hope you don’t mean the ones you haven’t voted on. The ones in your inventory.

  • @liquidboard2 Yep, that's right. Every new session is a new crew and a new adventure on a new ship. It might seem counter-intuitive if you're largely playing solo, but the mechanics have to make sense for multiplayer crews fundamentally. At the end of the session, the game treats the ship as scuttled, I believe.

    Among other things, the fact that everyone loads in with basic supplies means long-time players can't just fire up the game and immediately go and obliterate everyone on the server at will. It also keeps your quest radial manageable over the longer term. I think it's a good decision on Rare's part. Sure it can be sad to find a really good map from a message in a bottle right at the end of your session, but for every one of those sessions you'll have one where you find a good map in a barrel on the outpost you spawn at.

  • @aarocane

    supplies are important, but also overrated!
    Login, grab what is on the way to the pier, maybe, just maybe get some more out of the barrels you couldnt empty because of the carrying limit, lay down a voyage (or don't), set sail, start collecting loot and allways keep an eye on the Horizon and for the first time stay away from other ships until you feel ready to encounter players of all quality.
    Be it the loot from the voyage or loot you can find at shores, in the water, get from a megalodon or skeletonship.
    Never carry booty you arent ready to lose, never expect someone to be nice or caring or give something about that pirate code in the taverns, there is sadly no honor within pirates although they say so.

    fair winds

  • @liquidboard2 Yeah, every session is a restart and as @Stundorn said supplies are overrated. The rule of thumb I practice at the spawn outpost is, I gather enough to have at least 30 planks to start out with. That many will get you through a kraken or skellie sloop. Usually once you have gathered 30 planks you will have picked up enough to give you somewhere around 60 cannon balls total and at least 15 extra fruits (I don't bother with bananas when I first start). I don't like to spend too much time at outposts.
    Take off and find a rowboat with supplies in its chest and look for a supply crate and maybe an ammo box. You are pretty much basically set at that point. Gather as you go, barrels in the water or sunken ship will top you up, or stop at a fort for supplies if you are planning on an event where you might need more.
    I usually work on one supply crate... I mean I keep a boat load of supplies in one of my crates, comes in handy if you have to abandon ship. Tip: don't rely on an abandoned rowboat, they can and do sink sometimes.
    Everyone's play style is different so it might take you a number of sessions to fine tune what works for you.

  • Your personal inventory, gold, doubloons, ancient coins. skins, emotes, and purchased voyages not yet voted on, are persistent.

    Stuff you pickup and loot will despawn.

    If you expect asshats and are immune to sore feelings, you only lose loot and time.

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