The Fog

  • So me and a few friends were in a galleon and we were in a server alone, we could tell because we had sailed around the whole map and found absolutely no one, so we made the best of it and did a bunch of quests normally dangerous in a server full of people, like hunting for reaper chests and stuff that would get you noticed and attacked. So we set off on a skeleton voyage and spotted a sloop. This was kinda weird because we were certain we were the only ones there. So I spotted some glittering treasure coming from below deck from the back. We then tried to chase them but got more than we bargained for. We had been chasing them up to 10 minutes or so and I got gradually more impatient. I started yelling through my speaking trumpet threats and challenges, trying to get them to just fight but they just kept running. Then creepy music started picking up and we all started getting uncomfortable. I was very unsettled by this because I was almost certain I heard faint laughing in the backround of the music, and then fog started to surround us. Dense, dark fog that we could barely see through. Then, the wind was going in the opposite way, the sloop became more and more fast, then shipwreck after shipwreck appeared and shipwreck after shipwreck we dodged. I used my spyglass and I could so the person on deck. They weren't paying attention to driving but standing on the back of the ship pointing at me. I jumped at this because they had a horrible look on their face and had rotten clothes with the Briggsy curse, so they looked as if they were crying. It then all of a sudden exploded before our very eyes and sank. Then we heard someone come on board the ship and we rushed to fight, but there was no one there. And then we heard as if someone had fallen on the ship and we all died. But as my spirit floated away I saw there was no one there to kill us. And at the Ferry of the Damned we saw them, with their back to us, standing in front of the door. We all proceeded warily towards them and they turned around with amazing speed, and for a second we could see what they looked liked and then the game crashed. I have been afraid of strange things like that in Sea of Thieves ever since, and if such things happen to you, LEAVE.

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  • So i thought this was just a rumour, but i heard of a pc player named cthonic azrael (tm)^ :) ^ They said he was just a sailor but he was actually a rigorous sailer with a hand for any task. If you come across this man make sure to ally with him. He is a rigorous fisherman. Always on deck, and raring to go with his roleplay shenanigans.

    Always head to toe in rare green parrot gear.

    Sorry but it's a receny post snd the drsd can aleayd ust anothet ally

  • Oooh sounds interesting. I love a good ghost story. Pirates make it 10 times better.

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