New area and voyages and curses ideas

  • After playing this game a lot I feel empty I still have a lot of stuff to do I mean in map size and me and my friends where thinking about an opposite of the ashen lands a more colder and lighter place the frosted lands which brings us to the first part. Imagine instead if rocks at that area it’s glaciers and one of the voyages that are easy is to melt the ice for a gold hoarder mission and a frosted curse sounds so cool your face being frozen is awesome please review my idea thank you for your time.

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  • @leeneedlimes First of dude, punctuation. It's great. Use it. But in all seriousness, this would be a really cool idea. I could see that being awesome. My only thing is, how would they logically expand the map with the current lore? Perhaps a shroud-breaker would be involved... Sounds awesome!

  • @leeneedlimes cool idea, would be difficult to imagine it fitting geographically within the sea of thieves.

    Maybe if the whole area had some sort of curse that froze the land. There's bound to be some cool lore tied to that.

  • Thank you for the feed back I like the curse idea and the shroud realer involved

  • @leeneedlimes breaker I meant

  • I think that would be a cool idea, they would just need to add it to the far north or south of the map and give you a giant frozen island or many tiny ones like they currently do with the map, they have normal islands, rocky, and dark/volcanoes, so this would be a next logical expansion if they are not already thinking about something.

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