Save Custom Preset Ship Customisation

  • Save Custom Preset Ship Customisation

    I was playing Sea of Thieves recently and I realised I wasn’t using my ship customisations. I would love to use them more but I find it a hassle selecting them every time I open the game and want to set sail. I think an option to be able to make custom presets where you choose all the parts and there all put together to easily select for next time. This means you could equip all your ship customisation you want with one easy click.

  • 4
  • Yes please!

  • @illan106 said in Save Custom Preset Ship Customisation:

    Yes please!

    Seeing this post is over a year old, and reviving old posts is against the rules; it will soon be locked by someone with higher authority. I recommend not doing it again, but the CM's are the ones you need to respect the request of, I'm simply just advising you.

  • Ahoy maties!

    As this thread was 12 months old and revived today, it will now be locked.

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