rare needs an update dedicated to fixing pvp

  • @robby0316 said in rare needs an update dedicated to fixing pvp:

    @galactic-geek We cant win against people that suffer from "cognitive dissonance" when shown reasons why they are wrong. I mean we're arguing against people that literally think they're the best most unkillable players in the world but yet still get wrecked by a basic sword user. Obviously the answer to their prayers is to use a sword as well and simply block then switching to their other weapon or gun to shoot them. But since they're PrO gAmErS that double gun they're above the whole blocking thing and continue to think the game is broken.

    There will always be those who toss logic and reason to the wind. They're typically the ones who blame their own issues on others instead of self-reflecting on themselves. It's how arrogance is a weakness.

  • @scurvywoof you're not getting my channel name so you can spam dislike all my videos. I also use a variety of weapons not just the sword. But it's kinda ironic talking poorly about the sword when you use a blunderbuss and sniper only. Please post your channel so I can see you one shot people that are close to you, and run away like a princess trying to shoot from a distance with a sniper. At least I have the confidence and ability to use a sword in any situation.

  • @galactic-geek
    There is almost, literally almost no delay, The delay that exists is so little that you can't even count it. And if a person is only pressing one button over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, it is spammning. Say what you want with your 3-hit combo, but if he continues to press it even tho he is missing his swings, until he finally lands one and stunlocks you, it is indeed spamming.

    The sword right now really is in a terrible place, mechanical wise and also connection wise.

    • Rare said they fixed that people can keep hitting you back when you hit them first, which they clearly didn't.
    • Random hits just go through your block
    • The reach of it is insane, which makes escaping the stun-lock almost impossible, especially with high ping. And high ping is a given in this game with these awful servers.

    And you can kill 4 people, at the same time, in under 2 seconds, with the sword. All while having no relode requirements or limited ammo. (I'm talking about the double lunges) Additionally you also have a huge hitbox with the sword.

    The combination of poor mechanics and awful servers are the reason sword is unfun to play these days.

    Sword never actually needed a buff. It was fine, the only reason it wasn't seeing any light was because double gun had that ridiculous exploit. In the current state of this game, with double gun nerfed and the removal of the quick swap exploit, the old sword with maybe a slight dmg buff would be totally fine.

    Also the one weakness sword has (the range) is not really that big of a problem when you consider that you can do the jump-lunge. Also most fights happen on a boat where it already is pretty narrow.

    I'm not saying sword is absolutely skillless, because I know people that are beasts with it. Especially with the old sword where you could do all these little mechanical things to come out on top. Where there was actual stuff to master. Nowadays it's only a poor and broken mess, a shadow of its former self.

    (Btw I'm not an only double gunner. I play double gun but I also play sword a lot, that's why I noticed all the things that are broken right now.)

  • @scurvywoof

    You clearly haven’t got a point to counter with and are just hoping I’ll miss it. Too bad though I’m aware in game and rl. You have no idea how many laughs I’m getting out of your points.

    Interesting choice of words considering you didn't respond to my post. I've been watching your career with great interest, and I'm here to ask if you'd like to do a discord call and explain to me why the sword is OP against doublegun. All of the arguments you've put forth I have a counter-argument for, so I don't believe sword is OP. I'd be more than willing to listen to you, if you can help me understand why sword is OP. I'd like to be on your side, or at the very least understand why you think this way, and doing a discord call would be much easier as we can have a back and forth much quicker instead of waiting for hours for ach of us to respond back on a forum post.

    I've Dm'd you by discord username, I hope you'll add me back so we can talk about this so that I can understand why sword is OP like you say. I'm not here to berate you or make you feel bad, I genuinely want to have a conversation do understand so that I can better my knowledge of the situation, and understand why people think that sword is OP.

  • @insaiity said in rare needs an update dedicated to fixing pvp:

    There is almost, literally almost no delay, The delay that exists is so little that you can't even count it.

    You can count it - just not in seconds.

    And if a person is only pressing one button over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, it is spammning.

    Yes, but not everyone you call a spammer is doing that.

    Say what you wan't with your 3-hit combo, but if he continues to press it even tho he is missing his swings, until he finally lands one and stunlocks you, it is indeed spamming.

    No, that is just bad play, and again, if his clearly visible determination to cut you down isn't sign enough for you to get out of the way, then I can't help you. Even if he stuns you, you still have options.

    The sword right now really is in a terrible place, mechanical wise and also connection wise.

    It's not where it needs to be certainly, but it's still in a better place now than it has ever been before.

    Rare said they fixed that people can keep hitting you back when you hit them first, which they clearly didn't.

    They did - when they counter-hit, which they can still do, you take no damage. This gives you an opening.

    Random hits just go through your block

    Nope, just the hits from the side and back. Don't want to get hit, keep them in front of your block by constantly moving and looking at them. In other words, keep them front and center!

    The reach of it is insane,

    It's actually not very far at all. Test it with the mast, and then again with an ally standing next to the mast.

    which makes escaping the stun-lock almost impossible, especially with high ping.

    High ping will always be an issue in online games, but that's a separate issue entirely (as in, not a sword issue).

    And high ping is a given in this game with these awful servers.

    The devs have acknowledged server issues and have stated that they are working on it - have patience.

    And you can kill 4 people, at the same time, in under 2 seconds, with the sword.

    Yes, if they're bunched up like skeletons, and you're corralling them, then absolutely - but if they put themselves in that situation, then that's on them.

    All while having no relode requirements or limited ammo. (I'm talking about the double lunges)

    You can'tdouble lunge anymore as far as I'm aware.

    Additionally you also have a huge hitbox with the sword.

    Your hitbox is always the same (sans emotes), even when carrying or being hit by the sword.

    The combination of poor mechanics and awful servers are the reason sword is unfun to play these days.

    It's unfun FOR YOU because of your inability to adapt or accept your own mistakes. The mechanics are fine. They're simple on the surface, but are deceptively deep in reality. You, my friend, just can't see past the surface.

    Sword never actually needed a buff.

    Yes, it did.

    It was fine, the only reason it wasn't seeing any light was because double gun had that ridiculous exploit.

    Oh? Then why did DGs still dominate post-exploit fix?

    In the current state of this game, with double gun nerfed and the removal of the quick swap exploit, the old sword with maybe a slight dmg buff would be totally fine.

    ...and that's exactly what it got. It's what makes it 4 hits to kill instead of 5. Or did you forget?

    Also the one weakness sword has (the range) is not really that big of a problem when you consider that you can do the jump-lunge.

    You can see a lunge coming from a mile away and easily counter it. I haven't personally been hit by that in MONTHS.

    Also most fights happen on a boat where it already is pretty narrow.

    True - which is why it's even more important to stay mobile, flank, separate, bomb, distract, bait, etc.

    I'm not saying sword is absolutely skillless, because I know people that are beasts with it.

    Well, at least there's that. Maybe you should learn from them!

    Especially with the old sword where you could do all these little mechanical things to come out on top.

    Much of those were exploits.

    Where there was actual stuff to master.

    You mean exploit...

    Nowadays it's only a poor and broken mess, a shadow of its former self.

    I disagree - true skill can finally shine through with easy to use mechanics and actual battle tactics and strategy.

    (Btw I'm not an only double gunner. I play double gun but I also play sword a lot, that's why I noticed all the things that are broken right now.)

    Just because you use it doesn't mean you're skilled in it - your self-proclaimed spam should be proof enough of that.

  • @goldseeker-gar said in rare needs an update dedicated to fixing pvp:

    @blam320 but youre not allowed to sword slice through floor boards and walls and its still a thing

    That's. Not. Proof. You still haven't demonstrated that wallbanging is still an issue. So far you've only insisted you're right without providing evidence, or steps to reproduce this so others can test it.

  • @goldseeker-gar said in rare needs an update dedicated to fixing pvp:

    @blam320 but youre not allowed to sword slice through floor boards and walls and its still a thing

    I have yet to test this post-update, but if it's true, then that's definitely a bug that needs fixing.

    Still, @Blam320 is right; you make the claim - provide the proof.

  • @galactic-geek said in rare needs an update dedicated to fixing pvp:

    @scurvywoof said in rare needs an update dedicated to fixing pvp:

    @galactic-geek first off, it is impossible to shoot, switch and shoot again in 1 second.

    It isn't impossible; the game has a 1-second limiter, yes, but you can still get that 1-second shot - I saw an enemy kill me with such a double-shot underwater just earlier today! I even recorded it to double-check. It was definitely about 1-second.

    Oh, I’m sure he killed you with two shots in one second. Quick switching was removed AGES ago. Would like the link to old sea of thieves please, would be fun.

    Four is not an exaggeration yet 1 is. It takes 1 second to fire, 2-3 at most to switch and about another second to fire again.

    You can still sprint cancel to use the a 11-second version of the DGE - it's not easy, but ut's absolutely doable. The pirate that killed me, did exactly this with a preloaded EoR and flintlock.

    Like I said, patched.

    Swords cannot be fought against if they are lagging and are quite difficult to go up against in its current state.

    Lagging makes it harder for anyone, but not impossible. Keep them in front of you, and if you can't, then back away.

    How are you meant to keep away when your surrounded or both sides by swords or when you or your opponent are below deck.

    Correct, there is a delay. Might as well remove it though as the second accounts for a few milliseconds.

    Milliseconds in video games can make all the difference in the world.

    Milliseconds don’t do much. Milliseconds is what it takes for us to start calculating our next move. It takes us seconds to start calculating properly. Other than that, milliseconds don’t account for much in games like sot.

    Swords have the reach of a blunder basically.

    If you were standing next to the anchor on a sloop as I climbed up the ladder, the blunderbuss could still kill me in 1-shot if aimed. A cutlass wouldn't even hit me until I'm standing fully on deck.

    Wrong, not even on deck, I’m sworded. I have had so many encounters with swords who hit me on ladder. Done, point proven wrong, onto the next one.

    Sometimes I have no choice but to get in close with my blunderbuss.

    If you're carrying bombs, it may not be necessary.

    Depends, blunder bombs seem to hit a lot of invisible hit boxes now. I do use them. I’ve won many fights in water and on land/ship because of fire and blunder bombs.

    As for blocking with a cutlass, it hardly registers you block anymore.

    It has never failed me unless they successfully flanked me.

    Yet, when I’m on AU servers and my opponent is, I’ll hit through their block and they’ll hit through mine. (When I use a sword)

    Spam M1 and, BAM! Your hitting through their stun.

    Hitting through their stun? Aren't you the 1 stunning them in this scenario?

    Without a sword, no. Isn’t that obvious?

    And climbing a ladder means you will be sworded when you go up if they have a sword.

    Not if you bomb the ladder 1st.

    What makes you think I have blunders 24/7? And, what stops them from going back to the ladder?

    Harpoons are nearly impossible to grab when the ship has wind.

    Due to height.

    Due to wind. Very rarely does height stop me grabbing a harpoon.

    As for you, you have completely ignored how I said swords can be spammed.

    No I haven't, because they can't.

    Yet, they can. You have made no point to counter how I said swords could be spammed.

    You clearly haven’t got a point to counter with

    I actually already gave you 2.

    I was referring to you saying, “Swords can’t be spammed.”

    and are just hoping I’ll miss it.

    I can't help it if you miss the point - that's entirely on you.

    Correct. Any points though to how I’m wrong with swords being spammed?

    Too bad though I’m aware in game and rl.

    No, you make incorrect assumptions based off of your emotions.

    So do you. We’re humans.

    You have no idea how many laughs I’m getting out of your points.

    Now you're just being rude.

    And your not being the slightest bit rude?

    Little to none of them make sense or back up your, ‘PvP iS fInE iN tHiS gAmE, mAyBe YoU sHoUlD gEt GoOd!’

    They're based off of scientific logic and actual repeatable tests.

    Who said they tested it? They probably just like the unbalanced sword.

    Yet im better than nearly all those I come across.

    The only thing shining through here is your arrogance.

    And your pathetic points.

    Go on then, let’s see some more sad sword points try and hold their ground.

    They already have, time and time again. Whether you choose to believe the truth or not is your problem.
    Yeaaaah, no.

  • @robby0316 I’m triggered, ay? I’m insecure? Yet you won’t tell me your channel name? If your actually as good as you say you are, I’ll apologise, admit I was wrong, and wish you Happy Sailing. Only one insecure here is you thinking I’ll shame dislike your videos. I’m not like most people, or you for that matter.

  • Why are you a mattress firm ad? Do you work there? You must really like your job.

    Is it a joke number to get people who you make salty to call? Kind of like how I use to give guys the number to Dominos?

  • @kaijoi I admit, was a bit rude but sword is overpowered, or at least unbalanced.
    1: Reach
    2:Stun lock
    3:Damage (in some cases)
    4:Hitting through some surfaces
    Btw, probably won’t accept. According to Robby, I’m some insecure teenager who has no hope in life. Anyways, Happy Sailing good sir!

  • @robby0316 Don’t have a channel, though. And, just cuz I said I focus mainly with B&S doesn’t mean I don’t use other weapon combos. Sniper pistol is next followed by sword sniper. You shouldn’t be so sure of your sword. It may work against noobs and players not watching but against aware players, such as TartTee or yelnirt, your sword wouldn’t stand a chance. Anyone who can counter a sword will. Anyone aware and decent will switch the off button on your sword. One shotting people is on them for getting close to me. Lots of my blunders are hit regged and cost me the arena game or chest. I can tell you’ve never at least TDM’ed in arena as sword would be dumpstered. It’s always, sniper pistol and maybe sniper blunder/ pistol blunder.

  • @scurvywoof Anyways, I’m going to stop replying to this stupid thread. It’s taken time out of my day and yours. Happy Sailing and don’t come complaining to the forums when you die over and over from the terrible PvP mechanics in the Salty Sea.

  • @scurvywoof We don't complain - we analyze our own clips and can actually see our own mistakes, and then learn from them. Be that as it may, whatever floats your boat - happy sailing.

  • @galactic-geek sagte in rare needs an update dedicated to fixing pvp:

    @insaiity said in rare needs an update dedicated to fixing pvp:


    You can count it - just not in seconds.

    So almost no delay, thanks for making my point.

    Yes, but not everyone you call a spammer is doing that.

    Yes that might be true, but a lot of people are.

    No, that is just bad play, and again, if his clearly visible determination to cut you down isn't sign enough for you to get out of the way, then I can't help you. Even if he stuns you, you still have options.

    But these options require you to either carry a sword yourself or rely on scarce resources. It shouldn't be that way.

    They did - when they counter-hit, which they can still do, you take no damage. This gives you an opening.

    Acutally they didn't. It happens multiple times in a game session of mine (and for friends too) that we hit the enemie first and they just hit us back, wihtout blocking first. Then it is just trading hits back and forth, until someone blocks. They wanted to fix the back and forth hits, but they clearly didn't otherwise that wouldn't happen.

    Nope, just the hits from the side and back. Don't want to get hit, keep them in front of your block by constantly moving and looking at them. In other words, keep them front and center!

    No they sometimes clearly do. I experienced it myself when I fought my friends. They were centered on my screen and they even said they heard the clonk sound of hitting my block. I still died tho.

    It's actually not very far at all. Test it with the mast, and then again with an ally standing next to the mast.
    High ping will always be an issue in online games, but that's a separate issue entirely (as in, not a sword issue).

    Yes, but high ping and sword combined make for an insane reach that you can hardly escape from.
    And high ping in this games is on a whole different level than in other games. In other games you standart ping is like 10-30. In SoT you can be lucky to even get down to 60. More often than not it is 100. Normal SoT ping is considered unplayable or very high ping in other games.

    The devs have acknowledged server issues and have stated that they are working on it - have patience.

    I'm sorry but rare always says they are working on it and yet nothing or very little changes over insane amounts of time.

    You can'tdouble lunge anymore as far as I'm aware.

    You just have to chain 2 lunges together. You can do that very fast. It is almost as fast as a nice two tap from two guns, except you don't have to relode and can hit multiple enemies.

    You can clear a whole galleon crew easily in under 10 seconds, that's not something you can do with 2 guns.

    It's unfun FOR YOU because of your inability to adapt or accept your own mistakes. The mechanics are fine. They're simple on the surface, but are deceptively deep in reality. You, my friend, just can't see past the surface.

    I adept, and I sometimes have fun till it gets interrupted by all these bugs I mentioned above and the servers.
    The mechanics were fine and they were deep. Yes I call the removed exploits mechancis, because they added real depth. It's not like you just woke up and could use the exploits well. You actually had to train and practice to be able to use them efficiently in battle.

    Yes, it did.

    No it didn't.

    Oh? Then why did DGs still dominate post-exploit fix?

    Because by then it already got butchered by rare. They removed the "exploits" of the swor way before that. The sword with exploits was amazing and could very well stand its ground against dg'ers.

    ...and that's exactly what it got. It's what makes it 4 hits to kill instead of 5. Or did you forget?

    And they removed all the interesting mechanics or exploits, which now makes it a lot less enjoyable and bland to play.

    You can see a lunge coming from a mile away and easily counter it. I haven't personally been hit by that in MONTHS.

    Then you clearly didn't go up against any slightly decent players because the massive lunge hitbox makes it almost impossible to miss a lunge.

    True - which is why it's even more important to stay mobile, flank, separate, bomb, distract, bait, etc.

    • Staying mobile while being stunlocked - check
    • flank on a 3 meter wide ship - check
    • rely on scarce resources to help you in all fights - check
    • again separate on a tiny ship - check

    Well, at least there's that. Maybe you should learn from them!

    I do. And they still share my opinion.

    Much of those were exploits.
    You mean exploit...

    And? It was still stuff you could master. It added depth and made for more fun gameplay.

    I disagree - true skill can finally shine through with easy to use mechanics and actual battle tactics and strategy.

    It could shine through (a little) if the sword actually worked like intended.

    Just because you use it doesn't mean you're skilled in it - your self-proclaimed spam should be proof enough of that.

    Oh I am skilled with it, don't get me wrong. I just know that there are still players better then me, but with how broken the sword is, I regularly manage to kill them in 1v1's because I keep hitting them through their block, hit them from insane distances or just attack them back through their attacks. All of that should not be possible, but sadly it is.

    Also if you'd like we can fight each other with sword and you can show me how skillfull and unbroken the sword is atm.

  • @galactic-geek I know you said you've never been hit through a block and that's fine, I believe you, but I have a couple game clips where I'm looking right at them and blocking and I still get hit.

  • @bronzeinquiztor said in rare needs an update dedicated to fixing pvp:

    @galactic-geek I know you said you've never been hit through a block and that's fine, I believe you, but I have a couple game clips where I'm looking right at them and blocking and I still get hit.

    That's the server issues that others are talking about - just because they appear to be in front of you doesn't mean that they actually are. It's a bane of all online multiplayer video games.

  • @galactic-geek there's no way to prove either way so I'm just going to have to trust you on this I guess.

  • @bronzeinquiztor said in rare needs an update dedicated to fixing pvp:

    @galactic-geek there's no way to prove either way so I'm just going to have to trust you on this I guess.

    You can look for signs of lag during the fight. Also, if on PC, you can probably run network tests. That'll at least identify if it's something on your end or not.

  • @scurvywoof you're right I'm bad at the game that's why I have hundreds of people spam messaging me constantly to help them in SoT. Arena is trash, it's way too easy to cannon yourself off to an opposing Galleon and absolutely obliterate everyone with a blunderbuss. Which is funny because everyone thinks all the sweats play arena when the real PvP is on adventure mode, where you actually have something to gain or lose. My daily routine is in the devils roar on a sloop, or on a brig running Reaper's. It's funny how you think so low of me but yet you're the one who's posting on a forum about how you think the game is broken because it doesnt revolve around your playstyle. Obviously you're a narcissist who can't see past your own point of view because you lack any human depth or perspective which is why you spend hours a day playing a pirate game talking trash to whoever you come across. You remind of this guy who had crazy stats but once I played with him I realized he was just probably being carried by his crew. It's always funny when the guy who talks big is the guy who misses the ladder then blames the server for lagging him off. Or the guy who constantly cannons himself off the boat and benefits nothing to the crew. You're probably the guy who wears all ghost armor because you think it looks cool & probably made your title Pirate legend or even worse legend of the deep but then you have players like me who are secret sweats that dress like homeless pirates, with titles like sailor or tale whisperer to throw people off. You're like the epitome of try hard which is very obvious with all your one sided arguing. When in reality you know what's worse than a sword spammer? A one tap blunder or a runaway sniper. Which pains me to say because I'm a blunder user because at the end of the day this isnt about honor. This is about who kept the loot and who went to sea of Thieves forums to complain about dying to a better player or playstyle in that moment.

  • @robby0316 just opened forums and saw the notifications. You have lost all valid points, haven’t you? And, I highly doubt anyone asks someone who goes into Devils Roar and PvE’s all day would ask you to help them. Don’t respond. Happy sailing.

  • @robby0316 sagte in rare needs an update dedicated to fixing pvp:

    @scurvywoof (...) Arena is trash, it's way too easy to cannon yourself off to an opposing Galleon and absolutely obliterate everyone with a blunderbuss. Which is funny because everyone thinks all the sweats play arena when the real PvP is on adventure mode, (...)

    Never read anything more wrong. It's true that sometimes Arena is ridiculously easy, when you face off against fresh sailors that just hopped in to try it out.
    Once you play a little bit and face off against the actual good players you'll think differently. Or, who knows, maybe you yourself are also that good, who am I to judge without seeing you play first.

  • @insaiity Just looked at his channel. Can confirm no one asks him for advice on how to get good. Watching him play actually hurt. No offence, Robby.

  • @scurvywoof said in rare needs an update dedicated to fixing pvp:

    @insaiity Just looked at his channel. Can confirm no one asks him for advice on how to get good. Watching him play actually hurt. No offence, Robby.

    Apparently watching me play doesnt hurt 200,000 viewers but hey even your insignificant opinion totally matters to me despite literally almost a quarter million people thinking I'm pretty alright at the game.

    None of your thoughts or opinions are valid. I like your stats btw, 224 gold hoarders chest turned in, 3 million less miles sailed than me, only 58 voyages completed, 237 skulls turned in, 125 merchant cargo, 1046 island visited.... you just got the game in January of this year, then became a pirate legend when the Emissary update came out.

    Yeah sorry bud but none of your opinions or thoughts are valid towards my PvP playstyle considering you're still a noob trapped playing arena mode because clearly the whole adventure mode is too hard for you. Wish I would've check your stats earlier I wouldn't have even tried to convince you otherwise on your own opinions. You're just gonna have to play the game more before you get better at it.

    Oh and like you say dont respond & happy sailing

  • @robby0316 Im responding whether you like it or not. So, Legendary Thief means nothing to you? I get people Alliance Trade but mine were steals. Just because I have been playing since Jan, doesnt mean I cant be good. Very dumb logic on your part and you sound like your in maybe, year 12(?)
    You think your good, rewatch PLEASE! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKGW0JH7YFA
    PvE does not take skill either causing me not to do it often. Roughly 80-85% of my turn ins are steals. PvE is a nice change of pace but it really doesnt keep me entertained for very long.
    Emmisary didnt do anything for me. I was already lvl 50 GH and OoS and a few millimeters of lvl 50 MA. In case you wanted to know, lvl 50 MA was from a fort steal:) Off topic:Was already athena nine and a bit by this time too.
    If my opinion doesnt matter, why do you still blabber on with me having one? And if you think Legend means anything in SoT these days, it doesnt. And how did I get legend, if Im, 'Trapped playing arena mode,'? That makes NO SENSE on your part.
    Adventure is not hard. I love the thrill of stealing loot, defending loot and even losing loot. Boohoo, lost an athena. How much time did it cost to do one? About 15-30 minutes. Gonna end off here with a nice not, that chain shot montage was pretty good, could do with improvement but good job.

  • @insaiity said in rare needs an update dedicated to fixing pvp:

    @robby0316 sagte in rare needs an update dedicated to fixing pvp:

    @scurvywoof (...) Arena is trash, it's way too easy to cannon yourself off to an opposing Galleon and absolutely obliterate everyone with a blunderbuss. Which is funny because everyone thinks all the sweats play arena when the real PvP is on adventure mode, (...)

    Never read anything more wrong. It's true that sometimes Arena is ridiculously easy, when you face off against fresh sailors that just hopped in to try it out.
    Once you play a little bit and face off against the actual good players you'll think differently. Or, who knows, maybe you yourself are also that good, who am I to judge without seeing you play first.

    Sadly what ends up happening is Arena players that only play Arena become very routine and predictable, where as in adventure mode you learn to be flexible and overcome different circumstances, then again, I'm not a PC pRoGaMeR as I'm on console and once you're an alpha console PvPer it's kinda hard to lose to other console players. Especially if you're a console adventure mode pirate that occasionally plays Arena before getting absolutely bored of the 45 minutes of waiting for 3 rounds of galleons where no one can shoot, 80% of people are tucking on the boat to sell the chest on, and only 3% of the arena server is actually trying to get the chest. What I normally do in Arena is just sail around Sinking ships with just cannon combat, waiting for the selling ship tuckers to kill most of each other, steal the chest from the people that dug it up, have the crew board the selling ship with whoever has the chest on our crew "protecting them" from stragglers/tuckers, and call it a win.

    Like I said, I'm not on PC, because as a console player I can admit that going up against a PC with an x box is like a toaster attacking a decepticon.

    So obviously arena on console is way less sweaty and easier, but I still think most people that play Arena are either tucking or trying to dig and most are not that great at cannon combat and are only as good as an arena player can get at boarding ships.

  • @scurvywoof your lack of voyages literally proves all you do is Galleon skullforts, which isnt something you should be bragging about in order to reach pirate legend. What part of my video do you have a problem with? I boarded, anchored, and killed a sloop, solo, while the people on my Galleon were off in the distance not helping. Oh and did you notice the second guy I killed on the sloop was rocking Arena gear?

  • @robby0316 Did you even read what I said? 80-85% of my turn ins were steals. I dont have a fourth player to play sot with either, therefore, your wrong:)
    Problem with video. You guarded your ladder, nothing wrong with that. You boarded a ship, hooray! A double gunner missed nearly all of his shots, dumb luck but, hooray! I hit through a glorious sea dogs sword hits, PvP is fine when Im not the victim of it, hooray! I dumpster triumpant Sea dogs daily in arena. And btw, still havent come to defend yourself about people asking you for pvp tips? Is it cuz im right? And you dont like to admit being wrong? Im fine with that, its hard sometimes to accept being wrong and you carry on with your points but what your doing is very clearly losing a point and ignoring it and carrying to something mentioned once in this whole, stupid thread. And just making assumptions and what not is just, 'I've lost, yes, but I don't wanna, so I wont.' And what 'evidence' do you have that I have grinded to legend from skullforts? They're so time consuming and even the tucks are a bit annoying too cuz its just, wait, they finish, blow the mega, kill them, win! Sometimes they blow mega in vault which then me and my friends just kill them and keg them. Anyways, what else you got? Very curious to see other ways your gonna call me bad.

  • lol, page 3

  • @scurvywoof I have messages on x box I never said it was in my comments. The comments are primarily asking me for helping on the Heart of Fire tall tale.

  • @scurvywoof I cant say I'm surprised you're a tucker either. Sadly that disease is plaguing the interest of new players since everyone is addicted to streamers who tuck.

  • @robby0316 Dude, I havent tucked for a while. Its kinda boring now and only Athena Runs, athenas, gilded anythings other than merchant and lvl emmisary quests are worth tucking on. Btw, when did i say that people asked you in youtube comments? And provide a picture of someone asking you for tips please:) You say disease but you steal loot? I do to and 'Im a disease,' and therefore you are too. Tucking leads to stealing. Stealing leads to Pvp (most times) and Pvp leads to a winner. I dont watch steamers live and if i do, its for drops. I mainly watch Pace and Tarttee with some other guys in there too. And, believe it or not, my friend made me buy tuck outfit when i had enough gold immediately. Im not disappointed though, tucking can be fun, especially if who your tucking on are hotmics.

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