Finnaly! My first fort

  • I won my first fort today with my friend I'm happy

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  • Congratulations, I'm only saddened that I wasn't there to steal away your rewards for doing so, arrr! 😉

  • @stryps3071tv
    Congrats! What did you purchase with your newfound wealth?

    I should point out that forts are, by design, going to attract other players looking to fight and steal. Stay vigilant at all times, especially after you kill the final boss. Players love to strike immediately after you've opened the vault and are busy moving treasure to your ship...

  • Woo!

    Do it solo now...🤩

  • @stryps3071tv said in Finnaly! My first fort:

    I won my first fort today with my friend I'm happy

    Congrats! That's a great feeling. :)

  • Well done, pirate! What is your next goal?

  • Thanks for all the support, me and my friend didn't have high Hope's when we went because both other encounters were stolen from us.

    We got that it was a pirate game though and decided to give it another try!

  • @redeyesith Well,me and my friend discussed it today and, we were itching for some PVP so we decided to try a Fort of The Darned.

    Thanks for asking!

  • @stryps3071tv said in Finnaly! My first fort:

    @redeyesith Well,me and my friend discussed it today and, we were itching for some PVP so we decided to try a Fort of The Darned.

    Thanks for asking!

    Oh, very awesome - that can be a wonderful haul of loot if you can manage to capture it. Pro tip for having fun with that, always check it on a server if you're interested. When a server first spins up, all the lanterns in the Fort start lit til a crew does it the first time, all you need is a Skull (or more if you want to try stacking it). Can save a little effort if it is in that state.

  • @stryps3071tv said in Finnaly! My first fort:

    We got that it was a pirate game though and decided to give it another try!

    That's how everyone should be.
    Thanks for not demanding PvE servers when you lost your loot on your other encounters.

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