Harbour Master ship change.

  • Nothing takes the wind out of your sails quite like having 1-2 friends log of and to be left with a rank 5 emissary galleon and short of crew. Or alternatively, being on a rank 5 sloop and having friends hugging you to join. The ability to visit the ship modifications NPC and vote to upsize or downsize a ship and retain its current emissary rank, would be eagerly welcomed by players. Even if it required a good cost and deleted all deck dropped items, it would be preferable to abandoning a good ping server and losing your current quests and emissary rank, because you want to play with friends or they have to leave.

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  • I agree, abandoning a fully stocked galleon on a good server because we are down to 2 really ruins the experience. opening the matchmaking usually results in having to put the new players in the brig for sabotage attempts

  • While this idea would be cool I don’t think this would work with the current servers

  • This would be absolutely amazing, the opportunity is there, this just needs exposure. Although the thought of this is amazing i doubt it would happen. But i'd love to see it happen.

  • This could be abused. Here is an example:

    Hey, did you get to emmisary level 5 yet?


    Cool bro! Upsize the ship so I can join!

    But I did all of the work - you didn't earn it...

    Come on, man! I thought we were best buds!

    Yeah, I guess so...

    I knew you'd see it my way! See you in a few!


  • @galactic-geek It's already achievable by just joining the server and doing an alliance anyway. Why not be on the same boat.

  • The abuse idea really doesn't pan out for me. Someone taking that approach does nothing to lessen what you've done yourself - the game is about the journey and always has been. While I would never take that approach (I've never even used the Letters of Recommendation), I don't fault someone who wants to do that. Sure, it sounds boring as all get out to me, but I don't have a problem with it.

    That all said, I would love to see this added, have wanted it since launch, and I'd even be ok with it not maintaining your supplies or Emissary level requiring essentially a fresh start or the effort of unloading all supplies into Supply Crates you've gathered to transition over.

    I'd also love them to have an option to remove the cosmetic ship damage if one so chooses. I like the battle scars personally, but again don't fault people that want a pristine ship without needing a Scuttle. That feature for sure could preserve supplies and Emissary levels

    As they keep working at server stability, I'd think they could potentially work out any current issues with server load to achieve this as well. While I won't go into here, Insiders are well aware of some cool stuff that shows this is a focus on the back end of things. With that being the case, it seems like a solid time to also sort something like this out.

    I think it would make a smoother experience for better pirate stories, which is what this is all about.

  • @deviousinc8889

    As much i would love them to add this feature as i ask for it myself i regret to inform you that due to limitations with the game engine a game fondational design this is currently technically unfeasable to do. We will have to hope and wait for a sequal to SoT in order to have this.

  • @peqlhaze said in Harbour Master ship change.:

    @galactic-geek It's already achievable by just joining the server and doing an alliance anyway. Why not be on the same boat.

    I don't think it's easy to join a server where a friend is without asking another crew to have your friend join them. It may be when you're starting out but not when you're a high grade in an emissary.

  • Re-read OG post - why is everyone so worried about losing the emmisary flag? As long as you make the amount from loot that it would give you for its current level when you take it down before you actually take it down, then losing it won't matter because it would have paid for itself! Don't put so much weight on your shoulders for losing - it's unneeded stress! In a game!? I mean, come on!

    As for not having enough for a galleon or too many for a sloop, there's a solution for that - it's called a brigantine. It holds 3, is a great middle-ground, and can be sailed solo with a bit of effort. Even if you find yourself overwhelmed, its speed should help you get away if necessary.

  • This is a quality-of-life improvement I'd absolutely love to see. The ability to vote for a ship change in size in-game would be strongly appreciated if we could keep our Emissary status.

    Even without Emissary statuses, it's just a great quality-of-life improvement in general. Saves time leaving the game, re-connecting, choosing a ship, and re-loading into the game.

  • @deviousinc8889
    I totally agree, that helps a lot not to ruin the experience on a good server, especially the ability to visit the ship modifications NPC and vote to upsize or downsize a ship and retain its current emissary rank that would be a brilliant idea !

  • I absolutely love this idea. Was actually just talkin bout this lol. Sometimes ill start wit just 2 and then others decide to play or ill start wit 4 and ppl quit. I actually always run a sloop well sometimes a brig. But i let everyone kno right away everyone has to help and participate. I hate wen ppl join n then leave forever n we have to pick up the slack. That being said i also make it known that its going to b atleast a 5 hr thing so if you're not ok wit that then dont play. I dont do open crews i only play wit ppl ik. I really would love to b able to change the ship mid game if its needed. Open crews arent and havent been an option in my mind for yrs. Maybe not keep the emissary for people taking advantage but keeping all supplies would b nice. I also do give my ship away when i get off wit loops going so theres that lol. I like payin it forward. Its easy to rank up now, in the beginning it was a grind. I have enjoyed mostly every minute of it lol. I hope ship change is brought into the game. I love seeing the developments and the improvements, mostly i love that rare listens to its players and tries to constantly better it and keep up with the changes. Happy sailing everyone!

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