To the good samaritan I ran into earlier (or rather who snuck onto my ship lol)

  • First off thanks for not attacking lol, I was going to start The Cursed Rogue and the last time I docked with another player nearby it wasn't quite as friendly, when I saw another ship docked I was kinda worried honestly...
    And thanks for the storage chest you sneaky person lol, though I didn't make much use of it, I was only on for about an hour or so to work on a tall tale. Before I logged off though I paid it forward by loading it with some more stuff I'd picked up and left it back on Plunder Outpost, along with a couple treasure chests I'd come across (empty, but they're useful).

    Honestly the open pvp is kind of annoying sometimes since I tend to play by myself (I'd actually had to restart the first part of Cursed Rogue since the first time I did it I was attacked while selling off other loot and was saving the skeleton chest for last like an idiot for some reason, even though it was my fault I was so irritated I didn't touch the game for a bit), but it can also lead to pleasant interactions, though obviously it depends on whether or not both sides are willing to not shoot first lol.

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