We're Not ALL Bad

  • I ambled out to the docks the other morning, just to scrape the barnacles off my sloop and enjoy the setting sun. I had no plans to stay long, or even to raise anchor. Then I saw a sloop in the distance, gradually getting bigger, flying a level five emissary flag. I thought they were heading for me, when suddenly they veered off and went after a skellie galleon. Hmm. I figured they must be pretty competent, picking a fight like that. But the battle raged on. And on. And on. When I noticed the sloop's mast had been knocked down, it was clear they were in serious trouble. My opportunistic pirate instincts kicked in, and I decided to sail out to collect their flag after they sank.

    As I drew closer, I could see they were getting hammered by the skellies. Their mast was still down with no sign of being raised. I found my pirate instinct withering as my conscience rose. Instead of killing the survivors and looting the wreckage, I decided to jump in and help them out.

    I sailed my sloop to intercept the galleon, giving them a good taste of my cannons and drawing them away from their crippled prey. It worked. A few more barrages of waterline hits, along with a couple cursed cannonballs, and down they went.

    I called out to the sloop, which turned out to have a crew of two. The captain (I assume) shouted his thanks. He said he was sailing with his little brother, and that they "got their (derrieres) kicked." Surely they'd have sunk if I hadn't jumped in to help. I told them to collect their loot, bid them farewell and sailed off into the sunset.

    Sometimes even pirates can be heroes. 🏴‍☠️

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  • @genuine-heather

    Good on you for helping a crew in trouble. Hopefully, other pirates will read your story and be motivated to try it themselves.

    I've found the satisfaction received from helping others usually outweighs any satisfaction I might have received from plundering their wreck after doing nothing. Plus, the other crew is usually so grateful that they'll give away some of their treasure.

  • I've done this before. My reward? Not a thanks, that's for sure. Instead, they turned on me, the opportunistic little 🤬.

  • @galactic-geek - Never trust a pirate. :D

  • My crew and I did something similar last week. We were doing our emissary voyage, avoiding other ships in the process, and saw a brig going against a skeleton galleon. At first we didn't bother doing anything, just continuing on our merry way, but I noticed the brig wasn't fairing too well.

    So I told my crew to get to their stations and I turned the helm towards the battle. We gave the skellies a good broadside, directing their attention to us. The began chasing us, giving the brig time to repair and get out of danger. My crew and I continued the fight, eventually sinking the skeleton galleon. I looked around and the brig had left the area, so we took the loot floating in the water and headed off to finish our voyage.

  • Okay, so we each did the same thing - we stopped to help another ship. However, then each of us got wildly different results.

    1. Helped; gave away loot on friendly terms.
    2. Helped; was betrayed and sunk.
    3. Helped; they ran and free loot is to be had.

    That's what I like about the sandbox nature of this game. Based upon who you meet, you can have wildly different experiences.

  • @galactic-geek said in We're Not ALL Bad:

    Okay, so we each did the same thing - we stopped to help another ship. However, then each of us got wildly different results.

    1. Helped; gave away loot on friendly terms.
    2. Helped; was betrayed and sunk.
    3. Helped; they ran and free loot is to be had.

    That's what I like about the sandbox nature of this game. Based upon who you meet, you can have wildly different experiences.

    So true! I think that element of the unknown is what makes Sea of Thieves really special.

  • @genuine-heather

    I was sailing with my two sons yesterday and we did a marathon 8 hour session. Very peculiar it was too..

    We first stole a fort by sinking a galleon just leaving Lost Gold Fort then went and did another fort ourselves and just as we finished lo and behold FOTD sprang up. We turned in at Plunder and swam over from Snake Island to FOTD and found it all set up flames & skulls ready but nobody there at all, 2 rowboats were pulled up on the rocks so I spent ages looking for tuckers, couldn't find any..

    We got bored waiting so started on the Fort proper. We ended up bringing our ship over and finished it expecting a bunch of PL's to jump out on us as we harpooned the loot. Nothing of the sort and we just turned it all in! How odd...

    Feeling rather good with our luck we went over to do a Reapers Bounty and spotted a guy fishing off the prow of his boat at a lagoon. I said 'don't attack him' and my youngest misheard and fired off a couple of cannon shots. He tried ramming us but I managed to tell him we were sorry and it was an accident and he was okay.

    We got the Bounty and returned to find him being attacked by a Skloop so we sunk it for him and helped him patch his ship up then gave him all the skelly loot (minus Ashen Chest lol).

    My oldest son went off with him to Golden Sands and showed him how and where to sell, turns out it was his first time out and he had just fished all day at this lagoon! He was over the moon with his gold haul and my son left him choosing a nice new fishing rod!

    So he hopefully has a nice tale to tell people over at Steam or wherever, I agree you feel much better about helping people than ruining their day. The fort galleon fired on us first and they were doing a fort so were fair game imo.

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