Not played for a long time, a lot has changed!

  • Hi, as the title suggests I have not played for along time, maybe 12+ months.

    Wow alot has changed and I'm clueless. The map has alot of symbols on it that I have no clue about.

    I noticed that at an outpost was like a black ghostly outline of a ship. What does that mean?
    Also when I zoomed in on the map symbols appeared above certain islands. Again what does this mean?

    Some help would be much appreciated. Thanks.

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  • @defector84

    1. Symbols on map
      These are the start of Tall Tales (unique story-driven voyages.) They correspond to the symbols in the Tall Tales Voyages menu. When you zoom in it shows the location on the island.

    2. The black ghostly outline is a player that wants to PvP and doesn't mind people knowing where they are. This can either be the Reapers Mark flag flown from their ship or they are a Reapers Bones emissary player (getting rewarded for killing other players basically.)

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