The Ferryman's Gift

  • Whilst on a voyage to adventure, more to the point a skull in the sky. It led us to Crow's Nest Fortress. There was another ship there so we approached with great caution. After setting anchor I proceeded to negotiate with a crewmember of the other sloop for not, but you to give me a rag and bones crate once it is dug up." With the agreement struck we proceeded to go through the skeletal hoards.

    But something was amiss, a large explosion and then a cry of dismay. My sloop was sinking and there were enemies amongst the lot. Each of us, sailing alone, died. Death. We know it that we come back from it.

    "Why have you come here little ones! Be GONE with you!" I look about the area and realize I and my alliance member are on the Ferry of the Damned. "This is strange, I know not what happened...Oh no I'm falling!!!", wailed my alliance member. The ethereal voice of the Ferryman cut through me and suddenly I too was falling. Falling. Falling. The Ferry of the Damned quickly becoming a small dot in the dark sky.

    And as quickly as it happened a cold splash and there I was. In the water, near some treasure. A voice rung in my head, "I have returned you. I have given you a gift that I have given so rarely. You are Vengence, you are Death. Those that try to kill you SHALL fail. Blunderbus, pistol, nor Eye of Reach shall touch you. Flame will burn about you, but not kill you my poltergeist. You shall have something none other has had nor felt - Vengeance. Vengeance, Your name is now Vengeance! Tarry not, for your time is limited. And earthly treasures are not for you nor your crew. But death is, for those that killed you. NOW GO!"

    And with that the voice slowly drifted from my mind. My friend, I shall call him was in a panic. He didn't know what to do. I did. Vengeance. I left him to wallow in his own pity. I called upon an old friend. She came to me. And with vengeance in mind.

    She came to me. And what she saw was me. A vengeful spirit. "By all that is holy!", she cried. "I felt something...I felt you." Her voice but a whisper, "What is it you need of me?" I explained to her, "The Ferryman did this to me. A gift. And a gift I shall use." I glanced out to sea, a somewhat comfortable silence between us.

    She brought me near to the place of my demise. I planned. From the deck of my ship, anchored off of Crooks Hollow that vessel was still there. I found the device of my method of destruction. A powder keg. And swam. I swam, sharks swimming all about me.

    Those sharks came at me, tearing into me with each bite. But I was pushed, driven. T'was not my time to die. Not yet. The Ferryman had given me a gift and I was an instrument of his and an instrument of Fate. All I could touch, but I could not control. Food, firebomb, blunderbomb, Eye of Reach, nor sword. But this little keg I could. My first strike.

    I swam to the ship that doomed me, its crew held my blood on their hands. While they were battling the denizens of the fortress I was learning. Food was not edible. Weapons of destruction; bombs, flintlock weapons, nor other devices devised by man were held in my grasp. Only that keg. I put it down at the foot of the stairs below deck on the brig. And lit it. I walked back, my once earthly mind warry of what would come. Destruction and death. The explosion was beautiful. I was afire. The crew scrambled to save the ship. They saw me. They came at me. They could not kill me. Vengeance. Vengeance. VENGEANCE!

    My soul burned. Hungered for more. They tried to kill me. I swam. I swam into the island. The very bits of earth parting before me...Allowing me passage. A glint.

    I swam towards the glint. A gem. A gem! I picked it up and remembered - "Earthly treasures are not for you." I closed my eyes and released it back into the earth. Not mine.

    I looked around and then I saw it. The vault, and not only the vault but its treasures within. Vengeance. Vengeance. VENGEANCE!

    There it was. The Stronghold Chest. And skulls, and other bits. Not mine, for the living. Not for myself nor my crew. A contract had been taken, and only what I am to do is allowed.

    I reached for the Stronghold Keg. And I swam. Swam through the earth, dirt, and sea. Much to the enemy crew's astonishment I walked below and set off the keg.

    To witness what I was, was quite beautiful and deadly. The flames of the keg lashed out, holes blown throughout the brigantine. Water pouring in everywhere. I heard the mast fall. Not one. But two. Flames enveloped me, but did not burn. They flowed about me, bringing warmth to my soul.

    I stayed for a while then departed the sinking vessel. I returned to the vault. Not as a thief, nor as a winner of the battle. But as a guard.

    It was quiet for a time, I no not how long. Then voices. I was trapped. I must have raised the ire of my benefactor. Trapped. I could not leave the vault nor find escape. So be it. Trapped for an eternity, until such time that the Ferryman decides to either return me to the living or escort me to other shores.

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  • A good tale made brilliant by your story telling! 👏

    Did you actually get trapped in the vault?

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