Insider not working

  • Ahoy!
    I was trying to become a sot insider but I when I’m on the terms and conditions section it says “ oops your session has expired” I’ve tried to fix this but have no clue what to do. Any ideas?

  • 2
  • At the time of me posting twelve people have viewed this, twelve! Okay lets start with the basics. Is your machine plugged in? Is the monitor plugged in? is the power turned on to this device? you are doing great now lets make sure your internet is connected and the router is functional. Okay looks good on your end then lets go ahead and open your main internet browser. Go on over to delete history clear cookies and your just gonna go ahead and do that. once you got that done just go on ahead and close the browser then open a new browser window and try logging in again. Sometimes there are artifacts from other log ins crowding your data stream upon submission. like shards of glass falling through a cloth tube popping holes in the sides as it goes. Time for a new tube. This may not help but maybe it will. This has worked on other things for me when signing up for services in the past has floundered.

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