Share your best tips for tucking and stowing away on ships!

  • Ive seen videos.
    Ive done it myself.
    But theres always more to learn and more to do and try.

    Please share your top sneaky sneaky tips to help improve our stealth game whether its solo or part of a clandestine crew of scoundrels!

    I’ll start us off.

    1. Rowboats stop pesky mermaids spawning giving away your position, which also opens up an additional way to board.
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  • I like to board ships at forts, They usually leave one guy on the ship so when I hear the cannons firing it’s usually that guy he’s not paying attention and I’ll run down stairs like I’m a crew member works almost every time. On the galleon I’ll tuck behind the wheel, on brigs on the mast and sloops on the back rail you sink into the ship. I also use the sloop glitch of grabbing ladder from inside the ship usually confuses them best of luck mateys hope to see you guys trying to tuck on my boat. Lol

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