Alliance Player Name

  • What do you all think about having a third player name color for those you are in an alliance with? We have white for “enemy”, green for your crew, maybe add yellow for allies. This way you know what players you’re actually in an alliance with, and which ones are infiltrating. Now, as someone who does/has infiltrated I will say being able to blend in is nice. Hence me just seeing what the community thinks!

  • 11
    communityjust for fungeneralcompetition
  • I'm all for white names. This to have the option to infiltrate.
    If u want to know who is who. Make them all change clothing for example. The options are their without changes.

  • @a-cry1ng-orphan look up the topic, there a bunch of threads about alliance name tags being blue and what not.

    An alliance is not an extension of your crew. They are pirates and potential enemies! The game should not provide a false sense of security while eliminating the chaos outsiders can make in a simple scan, white is kill and color x is not.

    Get to know those you ally with, it makes the bond stronger!

  • If be okay with a different color.

  • This could definitely work. The only thing is of rare wants to promote blending into alliances or not. I would be fine with either.

  • @a-cry1ng-orphan

    An alliance is not some unbreakable contract or bond. It is a shaky connection between two potential rivals, crews of varied pirates with equally varying intentions. Some players want to use it as a way to backstab others for quick gains, others want to reap the huge benefits that keeping the alliances gives you. If you want to keep a strong bond and avoid betrayal, then talk to your allies, get to know them so that you don't end up accidentally killing each other or turning the battle into a free-for-all again. If you don't and someone manages to get in, masquerading as a member of the alliance, and sow instability, then they deserve to be able to. The game shouldn't limit playstyles just for crews not willing to put forth the effort.

  • I have to agree that it would be very useful to have people in your alliance with a different color.

    This would not stop anyone from attacking their alliance members, if someone chooses to. However, you would at least be able to tell if that person on your ladder climbing up to your ship is part of your alliance or not. And for those that want to honor their alliance it would be extremely useful.

    Crafty pirates would still be able infiltrate and betray, never completely trust them!

  • It's been said a million times that it's not going to happen. Rare has also stated that they like the ambiguity of not being sure who is friend or foe just by name color. If you want to make sure you are looking at an alliance member, learn their names, coordinate colors, wear a specific hat, take off your pants and use a specific underwear color, etc...

    Get creative and don't expect the game to tell you what is what.

  • If that is indeed about RARE, than why have your crewmate have a green nametag? Why not have it white as well? I thought this section of the forums was for suggestions from the community and things open to discussion and consideration.

  • @sharkie3079 Because they are your crewmates. Crew should not betray each other, this is in the pirate code. Everyone else is a potential enemy, even if they are in your alliance, so they all have the same name color.

    Discussion is not just about yes-men agreeing with every idea thrown out there.

  • @sharkie3079 said in Alliance Player Name:

    If that is indeed about RARE, than why have your crewmate have a green nametag? Why not have it white as well? I thought this section of the forums was for suggestions from the community and things open to discussion and consideration.

    It's purpose is to intuitively induce crew bonding.
    Us against them.
    Same for shanties and grog with the warm fuzzies.

    Rare has stated the game focuses on communication and teamwork. They also said they like the possibility of the "double cross" and betrayed alliances.
    Remember the name of the game.

    It would be a simple thing to color the names of non-crew friendlies, yet it's omission is obviously by design.

    Not the first time the forum heard this suggestion, sailor.

communityjust for fungeneralcompetition
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