So, Along with this awesome update comes....

  • ....Reapers Hideout campers. Same crew just camping the island....super fun 😐

    They just made it a mission to keep hunting me down. With that kind of action, it's not worth the risk for the extra gold when solo.

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  • @oneeyed-w1lliam said in So, Along with this awesome update comes....:

    ....Reapers Hideout campers. Same crew just camping the island....super fun 😐

    They just made it a mission to keep hunting me down. With that kind of action, it's not worth the risk for the extra gold when solo.

    well unfortunealy it happens so sorry try again another day

  • I was on a server today where no-one was camping the island. Hell, I’d been sailing all around the sea carrying a Reaper’s Bounty and I only got attacked once in passing (not a sustained attack, just opportunistic. And nothing bad happened in the end).

    It’s rare, but sometimes a server isn’t as savage as others. Keep trying and you’ll eventually get lucky!

  • @closinghare208 Nah, I mean I lost some loot, but what I meant was that for the rest, I just went to the outposts for regular gold value. It is what it is, just funny that in the 3 sessions I played kadt night, I got camper servers lol.

  • @oneeyed-w1lliam

    All I did whislt solo was to raise sails to 1/3 and set the sloop on a safe course whilst I jumped ashore with the reapers chest.
    At least this way you only lose the chest and your life if there are campers, soon be back to your ship either way. No real loss.

  • I got a guilded Athena earlier because they just kept trying to sell at the hideout. Ended up sinking them with cannons very fun. Some times greed gets the best of people.

  • @OneEyed-W1lliam

    It's a MP game.
    Find crew/allies, accept the challenge.

  • My experience so far, as I am solo sloop 90% of the time I have yet to see other pirates take over the RH and camp there. Like many already say, it depends on the server, or team up so you are not alone. I sold some items yesterday while I was sailing solo. Another sloop came in to also sell their stuff, I waved at them and they waved back. Once we both where at the island we started talking, played some music and shared a grog. After that we started sailing again.

    On other sessions I've been on the RH and it was mostly empty, most ship is see are sailing to hunt for the legends of the sea, or they are busy with completing their gilded Athena voyage

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