Slightly concerned about next Tall Tales.

  • Don't get me wrong, I love this game, even though being mostly just reskins, the addition of monthly updates bringing regular changes into the Sea of Thieves has been so far one of the best things implemented into the game lately.

    I also understand that Seabound Soul TT was a mere prep to whats coming, but I hope that once new Tall Tales drop, it won't be in a form of monthly drip feeding tale by tale for next 9 months. I'd rather wait longer and play all the new Tall Tales at once, rather than getting one part every month for example.

    I'm really curious, what do you think about this matter, did you get used to monthly updates so you wouldn't mind or even prefer getting one tall tale per month, or would you rather wait longer for the whole pack?

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  • They’ve been making changes at multiple islands over the past half-year, so it seems more likely that they’ll drop a few at once.

  • @mystic-nefro

    Tall Tales are split into chapters. The Shores of Gold was a single Tall Tale, with 9 separate chapters to its storyline. The Seabound Soul is one chapter to whatever this new Tale is, and we have one chapter in two updates. I'd prefer to get the whole Tale, or perhaps a couple of chapters, at least (2-3 wouldn't be all that bad), rather than one by one. That said, the Seabound Soul is a fair exception, its storyline leaves an excellent cliff-hanger and it fits nicely with the introduction of fire. It would've probably been more well revived if its storyline stretched across, say, 3 chapters. More grind, but more content, since they can focus more on details.

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