Please remove storms from the Arena or reduce chance of spawning in one!

  • Perhaps we are just unlucky, but out of the 5 Arena matches my crew and I last played, 4 of them have started in the middle of the storm. Off to a rough start, surely, but with the recent increased chance of getting hit by lightning, made fighting off enemies on your deck a lot more difficult and less fair, in our opinion.

    While during 2 of those matches, the storm moved on and no longer became a burden to the players, for the other 2 matches, the storm almost seemed to move along with the players.

    Again, perhaps we are just unlucky or out of shape, but in general I feel like the storm doesn't have a real place in Arena anyway. Therefore I would ask for storms to be removed from the Arena.

    Alternative ideas/suggestions are of course welcome too!

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  • @capnthorns

    If the storm hovered over the Arena map and perfectly encompassed it, as a persistent weather effect, it'd be fine. Everyone would spawn in the same roughness of it and have to deal with it, at least until it dissipates, if it does at all. Same with fog, rather than it drifting over on the same paths it does in Adventure, make it constant throughout the match so that we can get those experiences of searching for other ships in the fog and seeing distant murky shapes of them, but having to use the map far more, or those huge dramatic storm battles people often like to see.

  • And remove fire from arena as wel please.

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