Resource Management

  • And no, I'm not talking about supplies...

    Let me explain - the other day I played Adventure long enough with an ally that we realized that we were the only ones left in the server, and we figured (rightly so, as it turns out) that we wouldn't merge servers unless we broke up the alliance and 1 of us left. So realizing this, we capitalized on it. However, as we were doing our irrespective voyages, I was hounded virtually every 5 minutes by a PvE event like a cursed ship or meg, for example.

    This is the crux of what this thread is about - do you think, from your own personal experiences, that the game's PvE resources, or encounters, increase as other crews leave the server due to less strain on the system (with the reverse, fewer PvE encounters with more crews, also being true)? Why or why not?

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  • @galactic-geek

    I could see that working, where the game would spawn less encounters with more crews in the area, to preserve performance. With no crews loading other areas to keep track of, it would produce such a side effect as large amounts of PvE forces spawning. I image islands would be a huge pain, with such a system spawning immense hoards of skeletons. Good to see that the servers don't split alliances with merges, though I'd think the server would either merge other players into that server (given time, likely so) or merge both ships simultaneously into another server with two open slots.

  • @ultmateragnarok I think this phenomenon is actually happening. Your post makes it sound like it'd be pretty cool if it did...

    In regards to the server-merging, having 2 ships merge together into a new server with 2 open slots would certainly prevent the "the world is our oyster" kind of situation we had going on, but for now at least, I don't think that's a thing just yet.

  • @galactic-geek i think it might be more related to the fact that these pve mobs dont have anyone else to mess with. so lets say normally a skelly ship would spawn every 30 mins. if the servers are populated, you may only see one skelly ship in your play session, however if the servers arent populated, you will be seeing one skelly ship every 30 mins. you get what i mean. idk if thats how it works but thats how i assumed it to be

  • I don't know in your countries but in Spain is hard to find a ship nowadays, and Arena is so dead.

    What I noticed since the last update, there are less skeleton galleons roaming in the horizont. And also I miss the megs. They used to have a higher spawn rate a year ago.

  • @galactic-geek

    PvE encounters happen at random intervals I believe and target a random pirate crew. Encounters that will target you if they can, as there is nobody else around to take the hit in the case of empty servers.

  • @D4m0R3d I don't think it's time-based - I've seen multiple (upwards of 4) cursed ships in under half an hour. If anything, I think what @CotU42 has said is far more likely to be true.

  • @Galactic-Geek

    I am experiencing the same thing since the FoTD update. Not sure if they changed something about the PvE encounters but they happen way too often.

    Just as an example last week I was attacked by 3 ghost sloops all within 5minutes. The 2nd sloop spawned with a meg together. It also wasnt an empty server, there was a sloop and 2 brigs still roaming around in the distance.

    Generally it seems that the encounters happen simultaneously all at once. Often when I get attacked by a ghost sloop it usually is followed by the kraken or meg (or all three which is rare though). This seems new to me.

    Its getting more annoying than challenging if Im being honest. Also it seems to happen far more when Im on a sloop than a brig for example. Not sure if they messed up something with the PvE encounters on the sloop or if its on purpose. Idk.

  • I also happen to agree with @CotU42 's statement on belief that the RNG process of the PvE mechanics is targeting crews that are left in the server alone more often than servers that are populated.

    With no other targets, the PvE enemies will most likely come after you more often if you're the only one left in the server.

    Also, I am pretty sure there isn't any targeting from these enemies towards any specifically sized ship, I believe that it is completely RNG, it's that being random also includes being attacked more than 1 or 2 times in a row.

  • @galactic-geek yea thats kinda what i was saying, i was just saying that you get targeted more because you are the only one they have to target, i just made up a stupid example, cause i dont know how the spawn system works, but yea cotu is probs right about the spawn system, i too have had 2 skelly ships, one kraken and a meg spawn on me within a matter of 5 mins although one skelly ship spawned on an enemy player and targeted me

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