Finally! Solo Pirate Legend

  • I've loved this game since day 1. I have spent most of my time (probably close to 95%) solo slooping and really enjoying myself. I took a little time off here and there but today I finally made Pirate Legend. I actually brought my son on my journey today because I knew I had the chance to reach it. It was an awesome experience with him.
    Not the easiest path to PL but a very incredibly rewarding one.

    A side stat - I made PL with only completing 6 skull forts.

    Anyway...just felt like sharing!

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  • Congratulations on doing it your way.
    No one can take that away from you.
    Many players disparage PL these days, but we all have our story.

    Extra points for bringing your son along.

    /raise tankard

  • Congratulations!
    alt text

  • Congratulations. It's a long grind. Not as long as it used to be in the early days, but still a benchmark to be proud of.

  • Cheers! Great achievement

  • Solo sloopers for the win!!

  • @thr-wildwin7


    Me and my wife got to PL maybe a month ago and I just yesterday hit PL 10.

    I can imagine how hard it would have been soloing that.

    Ill raise a grog to you when I next log in.

    Happy Sails

  • Thanks everyone!

    Really starting grinding DR a lot about 3/4 of the way through, that helped a lot. For one, hardly anyone is down there to even bother you and two with the loot and rep so much better it goes a bit faster. Problem is I spent so much time in the Roar that now it's hard for me to want to do anything in the normal map area lol.

  • Non DR should be easy lol. I'm curious was it the original 3? (Gold Hoarder, OoS & Merchant)

  • Congratulations, and a memorable experience with your special crewmate

  • @thr-wildwin7 Great job! Welcome to the Solo Sloop PL Club!!

  • Awesome, my son was present on my ships as well. Have video of us opening and entering the hideout for the first time.

  • Great job mate, congratulations!

    Grumpy pirates claiming reaching PL is impossible nowadays should take example on your resolve and perseverance 👌

  • @pithyrumble yes it was the original 3. Order took me the longest because it's just so time consuming for a solo player. But there again the DR voyages always give good skulls so that helped out a lot. It also went a lot faster since lately there is loot literally everywhere on the map lol.

  • Congratulations and welcome to the club. I myself completed this feat a couple of months ago also primarily solo in the original factions, only one fort completion (one of the few viable alliances I was in and we had to deal with betrayers too - I mainly ran interference for the galleon with the loot so only collected 50% of the haul), a literal handful of alliances, no letters of recommendations used, no time on a galleon and very little time spent in the roar. I concur that the Order of the Souls was the most time consuming of all for a solo player, even for duo sloops. A long yet rewarding journey.

  • Good job matey, I hit pirate legend this morning after playing on and off since release in pretty much the same way as you did, didn't really pay attention and wasn't really that bothered till I was 40/40/40, it was long journey for the both of us but we got there in the end 👍

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