Leave crossplay in the game!!!

  • Cross play was what made this game what it is and what it was. I've met all of my friends thanks to cross play. I continue to meet players while playing cross play. Majority of the players that I've met have all been on xbox. PC players are a minority of the community.

    Cross play opt out is punishing PC players and removing us from the community.

    Instead of cross play opt out switch it either input opt out or just re-balance the game. The games cross play will die after so long once cross play opt out is implemented.

    If you want proof then look at Arena right now. PC players can't find any lobbies worth playing and any xbox player that joins immediately server hops to another server. This is what you are in for in the future.

    You have a great thing going here and its working.

    Leaving cross play in the game will be the best choice for everyone.

    Since xbox community keeps flooding with cross play opt out.

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  • Clearly there is a reason Xbox players have a serious issue with it.
    But I agree. Keep crossplay. But make it an optional choice for all.

    I had no issues on my session last night with either platform, and there were many who came. But we were a solid 4 player Galleon with leadership and that is hard to overcome regardless.
    Probably helped that we had a PC player onboard to wipe out the entire crew of any Xbox ship that attacked us by just getting on their ship, it's almost to embarrassing to witness to be honest.
    And you claim no advantage! She is 50 years old and has never played a FPS game in her life. Yet was shooting and slashing through any Xbox player with ease.

    Shame on all you PC players that actually believe there is no advantage!

    Admit it, you don't want to have to have fair fights and get gud!

  • @needsmokes Well said friend!

  • So lets see if i understand:
    Dont let xbox(majority) opt out, it will punish the pc players(minority) by removing them from the community.
    Instead, let controller players(majority) opt out, and punish the kbm players (minority) by removing them from the community...did i understand you correctly? 😜

  • @tak225 So you don't read the features of a game before you buy it? Should Rare cater to people who don't have any idea what they are doing? I mean come on it was literally advertised as a crossplay game, I would suggest reading what on earth a game is before spending 60$ on it.

  • @Xultanis-Dragon I'm saying just remove any and all opt out. dorsnt matter console or input

  • Nah just want the opt out option now rebalancing and Input method will just take longer console opt out is what alot of Xbox player really want and asap and later add input method option maybe

  • @tak225 it's not what all xbox players want though, on that you are very very wrong.

  • @needsmokes

    @needsmokes said in Leave crossplay in the game!!!:

    Clearly there is a reason Xbox players have a serious issue with it.
    But I agree. Keep crossplay. But make it an optional choice for all.

    I had no issues on my session last night with either platform, and there were many who came. But we were a solid 4 player Galleon with leadership and that is hard to overcome regardless.
    Probably helped that we had a PC player onboard to wipe out the entire crew of any Xbox ship that attacked us by just getting on their ship, it's almost to embarrassing to witness to be honest.
    And you claim no advantage! She is 50 years old and has never played a FPS game in her life. Yet was shooting and slashing through any Xbox player with ease.

    Shame on all you PC players that actually believe there is no advantage!

    Admit it, you don't want to have to have fair fights and get gud!

    Yes all PC players are gods simply because they play on a different platform, I mean it is a godly action to sit there with a sniper staring at the sea while a guy from the other ship obviously comes up from behind and blunderbusses you in the back. (my friend did that once, he is on PC yet has no idea what he is doing in pvp so he just keeps the ship alive and has me kill everyone)
    You understand that the majority of the game is probably as good as the average noob in combat? Maybe she just actually knows what she is doing and doesn't sit there while someone boards and annihilates the crew. We have an advantage sure, but is it really that major considering the average crew cant even sink a ship effectively when outnumbering that ship 4 to 1? (not because of PC advantages, because of pure stupidness, lack of tactics, lack of strategy, lack of knowledge at how the game works et cetera.)
    Yes I don't want fair fights because life isn't fair and isn't it much more fun when you are outnumbered outgunned outsupplied etc and still come out on top? I mean come on games aren't fair never will be fair and if they become fair I don't see how they will be fun. In response to you saying we need to "get gud" (I think I have already done that thank you very much, especially in ship combat) You guys should "git gud" at not complaining about some advantages and instead spend your time actually getting good at the game and knowing what on earth you do when a galleon shows up and your a solo sloop. No, contrary to popular opinion you are not dead, in fact you are perfectly fine as long as you aren't nooby enough to not understand how to run into the wind (or snipe there guys with cannons and outmaneuver them) Im sick and tired of having to debunk all these major advantages people think is because of PC when in reality it is because of their lack of strategy, skills, etc. I cant play on Xbox very effectively at all (considering I have only done it around 3 times before), so xbox players would still kill me until I got used to the input system if I decided to waste money on an xbox.

  • @captain-coel ok a good number of Xbox players want this if your a Xbox player happy to stay in the mixed pool good for you but when the option comes up I am flipping that switch straight away I have no issues with any Xbox players who wish to remain good for you but those of us who want the choice should have it but it seems alot of people especially pc people seem hell bent on denying us that choice

  • @tak225 it's not about denying xbox players the ability to opt out, it's about keeping the community as one. We already have 3 game modes and a community fractured 5 ways. How can continued fracturing be a good thing?

    What comes after your arguement for optional crossplay. We are less tha 1 year away from the next box. Are you going to want it split again based on xbox one vs project scarlett? What about xbox players who are using an SSD or KB/M?

    When does it stop?

  • @captain-coel
    It doesnt stop. Even with a full opt out, the xbox players will just come ask for PVE or private servers with progression next.

    Once these xbox players get a taste of this "even" playing field, they wont come here and admit they were wrong. Instead they sill make one of the threads i mentioned and find something else to blame for their loss

  • @nwo-azcrack I'll solo in the opt out with my xbox x, ssd, and elite controller. I cant wait to be called a hacker!

  • @captain-coel
    Lol happens all the time to me and my captain already!
    You wont see me in the opt out servers tho. Someone has to go out there and slap those "PC Elites" around. And i love my job ☠

  • @xultanis-dragon allowing xbox players to choose not to play with PC players and this greatly reduce the playerbase for PC should come with a refund to PC players.

  • @needsmokes

    It's the fault of the ships that attacked you that they let a boarder on in the first place. That's when they lost that fight. Past that point, even with a 50 year old with no previous FPS gameplay experience who knows strategy and tactics better than them can indeed defeat them, regardless of platform. If they had all been on PC, and your friend who boarded their ship been on XBox, you would have seen the same result. As for 'all PC players wanting unfair fights', it's getting annoying how much the opt-out supporters claim every supporter of crossplay is a PC PvP god who wants nothing more than to crush every crew underfoot. I'm an XBox player, I enjoy sailing about, and I prefer to interact with other crews beyond just seeing how their ship or body responds to different sizes of iron spheres. I'm not even all that good at PvP, but I can tell you that in the time's I've tried on PC, it's not been any better. I lose or win these battles depending on how much knowledge of the current situation, mechanics and tactics I have over the other crew.

  • @xultanis-dragon the game was advertised as an xbox original. Nothing about cross play. Not sure why.pc players are so bent on this. I pre ordered an xbox one original game.

    This is how this game was billed and sold on pre order. This is why xbox players are upset. It is not balanced for cross play.
    I want the option to NOT have to play with pc. You have the same option.

  • Ive came across many pc players that prefer the controller over keyboard and mouse.

    Ive beaten many pc players on xbox.

    Im not sure if it would be a good thing or a bad thing.

    Perhaps if it does change my biggest reservation would be server population.

    So if this does get seriously considered perhaps its best to trial it and see how it is before it becomes set in stone.

    There isnt any real way to see how it would impact without testing it out, and scrapping it if it works out badly or unexpectedly against the game.

  • @violet-oddsauce said in Leave crossplay in the game!!!:

    @xultanis-dragon the game was advertised as an xbox original. Nothing about cross play. Not sure why.pc players are so bent on this. I pre ordered an xbox one original game.

    This is how this game was billed and sold on pre order. This is why xbox players are upset. It is not balanced for cross play.
    I want the option to NOT have to play with pc. You have the same option.

    Hate to burst your bubble but I also have the "first trailer" mine dates 2 days earlier though. Even though the conference and the trailer both came out on the same day, I thought I would poke fun at you for this one just cause :).

    And if you check the end part of the video it says what my friend?? Xbox and what?? Xbox and whaaaaaat???

    Oh thats right Xbox and Windows 10. Congrats

    Also the game didn't come out for a few years so you didn't buy it at 2015. They have talked about cross play OFTEN in their interviews. I knew it was cross play, all my friends knew it was cross play. The only people I run into that did NOT know are players on the forums.

    So congrats on not listening and only having selective hearing.


    But lets help you understand some things though

    PC players make up about 30% of the player population.

    Of that 30% a few percent like @DaringClarky mentioned, use controller and prefer it.

    A majority of that 30% don't have the crazy rigs you all believe that we do.

    Of that 30%, only the top 1% are actually PRO level players. Honestly on controller or keyboard, you were going to lose anyways.

    Not to mention the xbox ALSO HAS MOUSE AND KEYBOARD SUPPORT NOW.

    So what exactly is unfair?? You want to use mouse and keyboard?? Then use it.

    "NO i want to use controller" - Well so do some of the PC players but you don't care about them.

    The prejudice against PC has really got to stop. Segregation is going to kill the communities in the long run. I would rather they change and balance combat, ESPECIALLY MEELEE, to be better.

    The game was A LOT better combat wise when it first came out. The only real issue was double gunning, that was pretty much it.

    So yeah, sorry broski. They should leave cross play in the game and just remove the opt out. Everyone plays in the same game.

  • @pomalotacusmk3 said in Leave crossplay in the game!!!:

    So lets see if i understand:
    Dont let xbox(majority) opt out, it will punish the pc players(minority) by removing them from the community.
    Instead, let controller players(majority) opt out, and punish the kbm players (minority) by removing them from the community...did i understand you correctly? 😜

    I can always plug a controller into my PC... What i can't do is turn my PC into an Xbox. :P

    So yes, input opt-out is preferable to Xbox only servers. xD

  • @sweltering-nick

    They could even do some balance changes to the game, first off they need to fix meelee combat because that is broken as hell. Its just horrible.

    There some many things they could do to keep the community together instead of trying to split it but xbox community wants none of it.

  • I don't like crossplay opt out. There are ways to make the game fair for both platforms through the gameplay design and weapon balance, but I'll say this, optional crossplay is not forced separation, there are going to be xbox players that will choose not to opt out, so I'm not worried too much about that.

  • @captain-coel well Xbox have said that Scarlett will be backwards compatible so I don't expect there to be any issues of box

  • @urihamrayne infact I would expect the majority or a large number of Xbox players to remain in the mixed pool and the servers are 24 player servers there will be little to no impacts from servers filling up via this

  • @daringclarky don't think server population would be a problem servers are 24 players and they migrate players to fill them it would not impact the game on either end

  • @tak225 sure ita going to be backwards compatible but it's being designed to reduce loading times. what about people on an OG xbox one and people on the new scarlett. recovery from death is huge gain. More so when one can get through the door in an instant vs taking time.

  • @captain-coel more concerned with playing with controller users myself

  • @tak225 said in Leave crossplay in the game!!!:

    @urihamrayne infact I would expect the majority or a large number of Xbox players to remain in the mixed pool and the servers are 24 player servers there will be little to no impacts from servers filling up via this

    There will be a noticeable difference right from the beginning. With time, however, its going to get worse.

    Here is the mindset of newer players playing anything.

    "Okay, so it says here cross play, play with xbox AND pc players?? No, I don't think so. I want to learn how to play the game first. Maybe afterwards I'll choose it." - So then they choose cross play Opt Out, to "learn" the game. This is going to happen A LOT.

    As time moves on the influx of new players we are suppose to have will flood to the opt out server.

    Eventually the older players of xbox that are playing in the crossplay servers will start to get frustrated by unpopulated servers, or servers where players keep server hopping to find their "opt out" server.

    To play with other players they too will play in opt out. Who wants to play in empty servers?

    Now lets talk about how this will effect PC players for LFG's and other ways.

    I have tried to apply to Arena posts in LFG and have been turned down because I was on PC. Sometimes I'll be invited, but the second they realize I'm on PC they will leave and remake the party.

    It will be harder for PC players to join regular games because of the same issue. Especially when the server is an opt out server and the crew you are trying to play with has a spot open. They won't want to leave the server because the boat is already stocked, they are half way through whatever quest they are doing. So PC players will be stuck because there will be less opportunities for us to join any type of game.

    As this goes on, new players only playing optout, crews joining optout to get full servers. PC will players will end up having to create their own separate community JUST to play with other players. It will continue to snowball and then it will happen.

    Xbox community will be isolated, PC community will be isolated.

    I've found IRL friends because of crossplay. I've hung out, visited, ate with the people I've met on SoT because of crossplay. Its a great system and I love SoT for it.

    I would rather they change combat and balance changes to keep the community together instead of splitting us apart.

    @TAK225 - if your whole problem is input based, why have you never pushed for input based opt out?? You keep pushing for hardware. Are you against PC players playing in those servers with controllers? Because I couldn't mind playing with a controller, neither would other PC players.

    It'll be harder for me because of the issues I have with my hands but hey, if I can still meet people then I don't mind it. Its not like I'm going to whine about losing because of some fictitious magical witchcraft.

  • @xultanis-dragon I think your making the issue more severe then it really is but I do think with opt out they should release this game on Steam ans epic game store to add more pc players to it but optional cross play needs to happen

  • @xultanis-dragon and I have not pushed for input based because I don't think it will work pc players will work around it and cheat optional cross play is the best option

  • @tak225 said in Leave crossplay in the game!!!:

    @xultanis-dragon and I have not pushed for input based because I don't think it will work pc players will work around it and cheat optional cross play is the best option

    Aren't you making the situation more severe then it actually is? Again the excuses, all excuses.

    Any and all semblances of trying to work together is thrown out the window because hey "PC is evil blah blah blah"

    Its not about fairness or cheating, you guys just seriously have some deep rooted prejudices.

    Whatever man, be hateful, be prejudicial. You say that I am making things more severe, but then you turn around and do the same exact thing by assuming that PC players will just cheat anyways? Hackers are less then 1% of the population but you all act like they are everywhere.

    T hypocrisy runs deep in xbox community.

  • @xultanis-dragon said in Leave crossplay in the game!!!:

    @tak225 said in Leave crossplay in the game!!!:

    @xultanis-dragon and I have not pushed for input based because I don't think it will work pc players will work around it and cheat optional cross play is the best option

    Aren't you making the situation more severe then it actually is? Again the excuses, all excuses.

    Any and all semblances of trying to work together is thrown out the window because hey "PC is evil blah blah blah"

    Its not about fairness or cheating, you guys just seriously have some deep rooted prejudices.

    Whatever man, be hateful, be prejudicial. You say that I am making things more severe, but then you turn around and do the same exact thing by assuming that PC players will just cheat anyways? Hackers are less then 1% of the population but you all act like they are everywhere.

    T hypocrisy runs deep in xbox community.

    So do you think it's rooted in jealousy? I'd like to hope it isn't, since that's super petty... but I can't think of another reason they'd continue to group all PC players together, and label all of us as cheaters and/or exploiters...

  • @xultanis-dragon well once the update comes out you will be free of us I think it's fair they should add opt out and work on the things you mentioned and you seem to be under the assumption that all Xbox players will leave the mixed pool of players I don't think that will be the case I think the opt out will bring Xbox players who left the game back and maybe some players from the mixed pool will leave and alot or most i would expect to remain it's a option that should have been there from the start and needs to be added and a option most games I have played with cross play has seems to be doing ok on other games with optional cross play on other games

  • @tak225 said in Leave crossplay in the game!!!:

    @xultanis-dragon well once the update comes out you will be free of us I think it's fair they should add opt out and work on the things you mentioned and you seem to be under the assumption that all Xbox players will leave the mixed pool of players I don't think that will be the case I think the opt out will bring Xbox players who left the game back and maybe some players from the mixed pool will leave and alot or most i would expect to remain it's a option that should have been there from the start and needs to be added and a option most games I have played with cross play has seems to be doing ok on other games with optional cross play on other games

    Yeah because I'm factoring it on human nature. Its really easy to predict what humans do because we are animals, and we are horribly predictable under certain situations.

    What I can't understand is how you are blaming PC for every little thing bad that has happened to you in the game.

    You died? - "PC players are evil and cheaters and etc."

    You died to xbox?? - "Oh that was completely fair and I lost"

    Thats what I don't understand. If its PC then you have no chance whatsoever and its PC's fault, but when you lose to xbox its okay because its fair?? Again it has nothing to do with fairness, you've already proven that. Every post about cross play has proven that its not about fairness.

    You've already proven that when I suggest PC players using controller you automatically go with -

    "Well PC players will hack their way and cheat anyways, so its better to just do xbox only." - You know what that sounds like right?? That is some straight GRADE A prejudice.

    I've tried to work with yall but its always excuses after excuses.

    There are PC players that play with controllers, there are PC players that play with other types of input mods due to disabilities, there is literally a guy who plays FPS games WITH HIS MOUTH and wins at PuBg, PLEASE tell me how he has advantages by being on PC. Please, I want to hear this.

    "I died because he is on PC" - ......he plays with his mouth..... - "Well yeah but he's on PC" - ......he literally can't move...... - "Well yeah but he's on PC" - But he isn't using K&M, he's using just his mouth... - "Well then hacks and he cheats.........because hes on PC"

    Please complain and whine some more about how PC players are super gods, how we are all cheaters and hackers by implications, please complain some more and make up more excuses.

    The argument is just childish. All the finger pointing and made up excuses.

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