Save your progress?

  • Ahoy,
    Yesterday I was finally able to play the game and I was totally confused. I mean it is always great experience when you need to explore everything by yourself and that you need to just keep trying. This is awesome and missing tutorial is a huge benefit, because you feel so proud when you figure it out. I really had so much fun, but what confuses me is when I logged out I thought I would be able to continue where I left and instead of this I spawned somewhere else with another crew and with another ship. This is pretty sad. I thought I would be able to sail on my ship and that everything stays there. Why there is no save game function at all??? I was sailing to outpost and logout and still got spawned somewhere else. Can somebody please explain this to me?
    Funny story: Playing 20 minutes on the starter island with some random guy and exploring surrounding and then there suddenly popped up message saying ... Where is my ship?! I started to laugh after seeing him panicking on the island :D Great game really, water is magnificent but I am missing function to save my progress.

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  • @lincoln-bourne

    No saves matey. People will just exit game when they see a ship. And join back in. Your ship save. Loot save.
    Or even mid battle.

    Interactions destroyed.
    Big part of the game is interactions with diffrent outcomes.

    You "save" when u sell.

  • @lincoln-bourne
    This is a session based game. You log out you lose what you had on you. You only keep your reputation and gold. Cosmetics stay with you too

  • @Deckhands FAQ pleeze

    @Lincoln-Bourne forgive me the short answer: UTFSF. (Use This Fancy Search Function).

  • @WeakDexx aye you are the real captain! Thank you very much! I was really confused now it soothe my nerves. MVP

    @NWO-Azcrack Oh makes sense. Well I might missed it but it could be mentioned somewhere. But now I will take different approach then.

    @Goedecke-Michel To be honest I didn't find it. I was trying to google it and could not find any appropriate answer and FAQ really didn't come to my mind, because usually there is not the information I am looking for. Thank you very much for your effort.

    And thank you all for honest and great answers. This is exactly what I needed to hear! All the best to you! Cheers!

  • @lincoln-bourne Unfortunately, there is nothing like FAQ here, which is a mess.

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