Fun chase for you l(ife)oot

  • Oh, how I love this game! I just spent two hours playing, just sailing the seven friggin oceans on my own (yeah, I wanted some quality time)! First, I got on an island on my sloop, then got attacked by an enemy galleon who tried to steal my ship (albeit with no apparent reason other than to bother me)! Well, I had to posticipate my looting for fifteen minutes, but that's ok, pirate's life. Then I fought the skeletons, dying a few times...barrel skeletons from behind, you suckers! Well, 20 mins later I had finally dispatched the skeletons back to the afterlife. An hour of gameplay, and I got a handful of skulls! Nice! Back to the outpost! Man, what's that? A megalodon? Damn, he sure is nasty, plenty of plancks to be used here (lucky me I got 60 of them). Ok, let's run for my life, can't take this megalodon alone. Let's turn these skellies in! But wait, a second galleon is camping here... better take a longer route to another outpost! Again, 15 mins late, but that's just how the game works, right? BOOM What the hell? Is this a skeleton ship? Yes, it is, cool! ROAR Wait, is this the megalodon from before? Damn, sure he's persistent. Let's start repairing the ship! Another 20 mins have passed and they're still here, sure they like me! If I had not collected those plancks, I'd be at the bottom of the ocean! Oh, are these anchoring rounds? Man... this is hard. Repairing, raising anchor, turning the wheel, avoiding ghost ship cannonballs and responding to fire? Dunno, maybe I can do it? Running out of plancks here. Oh, other anchoring rounds? How many of them do the skellies have? That's like the seventh time my anchor was dropped! Thank God, another galleon, maybe the ghost ship will focus them Oh, I'll just assume I'm the handsome one. Ahem No more plancks? Well, that's my bad I assume. Silly me, I thought I could play alone and get some loot. Time to quit. Cool game (when you're in 4). Definitely won't throw two hours (or even a minute) down the sink again playing this game alone :) Maybe, MAYBE when I'm in a 4-stack. But when you're solo or duo, this game is pointless and frustrating. It's like all the seven seas are against you, trying to provide the least fun and most miserable experience ever. Enormous amounts of time thrown away, because you're met with mechanics intended for 4 people on the same ship. Wake up, devs. I can't gamble my time hoping I won't find camping enemies, or megalodons, or skeletons, or krakens, or whatever the duck you're adding to this game; plus (or should I say "minus"), if I manage to survive the apocalypse that's gonna land on my deck, I get just some spare change from the supermarket. Wake [mod edit] up. Give the solo players a chance to survive, and a nice reward if they manage to do it. Two hours for MAYBE 3k gold. Really? Keep your "adventures". Bye.

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  • Tons of people have tons of fun playing this game solo and as a duo, myself included. Sorry to hear what happened to you. Better luck next time!

    P.S. It would be a lot easier to read your post if you used paragraphs.

  • @true-inxis yet that story made me think about sailing solo again...
    The gold is worthless, but your story was fun until the end.

    Keep going and posting your tales. If it was easy, what would be the point?

  • Sounded like a grand old time to me! ✌😁

  • megalodons are extremely easy trust me just fight it next time. you might use a max of 10 planks

  • Maybe a break from this game would be beneficial if your getting stressed. Had plenty myself to refresh and renew the love of the game.

    Due to RL sloop is the only way i roll and absolulty love it.
    Have played since day one and think i’ve been on the other ships once or twice

    Agreed it sucks up many hours doing simple tasks but i find keeping a rower attached full of loot for a speedy exit helps.

    Happy Sailing

  • Was able to sink a Skalleon and kill a Meg while they both attacked me at the same time solo on a sloop.

    1st find rocks or a small isle or something and the Skalleone can be outmaneuvered very much easier.
    I mostly bail them to death or if i have a keg i do this.
    Important, when you hear Meg attacking go under your deck, to not die and be able to fix holes.
    It depends in my Position and how agressive the Skaleone acts what i do first.
    Megs are easy. I drop anchor and shot it from both sides while it circles around my boat.
    The Skaleones can become difficult.
    But as i said, try to have rocks ir whatever on one side, they dont stop and shoot you, they are constantly moving and this way you can make you have some time when they are busy to get back to you. Or even better try to let them make a mistake. I sunk sone of them without a single shot, but they rammed a rock, override an Isle or whatever.

  • @bonko40 It was intended. I basically spent one hour thirty trying to get to an outpost. Fun at first, but it grew frustrating after 45 minutes; I meant to mock the continuous odissey I had to bear to turn in a few stinky skulls. Plus, it was well past midnight, and I was craving for some sleep.

    @d-jaguar Sail solo then. Try to level up. It's not "hard", it's "impossible". I don't mind a little bit of grind, but wasting entire hours just for bad RNG is silly and pointless.

    @d4m0r3d I was going to fight it, until I decided to bail for the sake of time saving (btw, I continued fighting). Then RNG went insane.

    @d4rk5tar71uk I know this game sucks up many hours, and I paused for months before this week; but the concept of wasting entire hours of gameplay is beyond me. And that's not my fault. 4-stack crews messing around with solo players just for fun is frustrating enough, if the game says even megalodons and skeleton ships together can focus one player for up to 40 minutes...well, that's a no-no, for me. I'll just wait for another pirate game to play. Thanks for the advice, however.

    @bugaboo-bill The issue here is that I couldn't maneuver at all, busy repairing all the damage done by megalodon and cannonballs, while skellies shot me with anchoring rounds (messing up my direction towards rocky seas). Even an enemy galleon came close to try and fight someone (I don't know if the mobs or me), but then went away with minor injuries, while I was still targeted by both the "events".
    I agree it would have been fun to lure the ghost ship towards some shores and crashing them into the reef - I've done that before -, but simply that was not possible. The only way I had to keep a decent direction was going straight, since a slight angle of the wheel could mean [mod edit] up my way towards an outpost by 90 degrees at the first cursed ammo.

  • Risk reward. If you play Apex you have little risk and little to no reward. you die fast and often...and start over again.

    SoT is a journey. I don't know how much time you have on these seas? It sounds as if you're pretty new. Solo Slooping is the hardest method. Try open crews and in a week you'll have a few regulars to sail with.

    Perhaps Rare should restrict solo slooping for the first 5-10 levels of any trading company before giving access. This way you might not be disappointed by the challenging play, make a few friends etc...Learn the ropes.

    The Game is balanced for boat and crew size. You're experience in handling a sloop may not yet be there.

    Come back and stick with it.

  • @true-inxis
    Keep in mind this game is meant to be played with a group. Solo is hard mode. It's definitely a challenge at times, but it's certainly possible.
    Also keep in mind that EVERYONE will sink at some point while playing this game. I've lost tons of loot and most of it was while on galleons.
    That said, this game is definitely one that takes time. Almost every time I think to myself "alright just one more thing to do then I can log off", 5 more things are thrown at me.
    I've managed to solo an Athena voyage in under 3 hours. It's not impossible, just takes more patience and understanding. The better you know the mechanics of the game, the easier it will be for you.

  • @true-inxis Your posts have been edited as they go against the Forum Rules and Pirate Code

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