Killing a game, more than ever

  • @ticklepantzz they will live in denials until the servers shut downs ...

  • @stew360 I don't need a thousand streamers to like the game.

  • @stew360 said in Killing a game, more than ever:

    @snowfire Unless they revert these awfull change no it wont ... SOT was top 3 on twitch ... now its back to few hundreads viewers NONE of my friends play anymore ..

    SOT now on twitch : Sea of Thieves
    1 196 746 followers · 3 479 viewers

    Even resident evil 2 as 3 times ... more twitch viewers than SOT since patch , summit as refuse to play and all skill base streamers also refuse to play because the gameplay and change are just that bad and wrong ... they blew it .. they gain popularity and players based on skills base gameplay and fun interaction and strategy ...

    No ones get entertain or pull into a game looking at : joeshmoe , killing mindless skeletons that arent even fun to play agains with a cheap clunky sword ...

    Summit1G made this game popular and made it a trend among streamers ... RARE kill it and ruin their game fews months later ..

    I don't care about twitch and twitch streamers, I don't watch them.
    This game has been out for a year next month and was still doing fine without the summit bloke.

  • @blam320 SOT gameplay as been like this and polish to be this way since ALPHA ... if they ever had made this game the way it is back then NONE OF MY FRIENDS would ever have play , i wouldnt have bought the game in the first place .. i do not play slugish despicable games ...

    they change the gameplay base on recents whining of the " diehard seas of rainbows fans " that joe seams to affectionate so much , and backstab the skill base players who enjoyed PVP fight and real competition and fun ...

    They never intended the game to be slow , slugish and have these delay ... if they did this game would have been like this a year ago at launch ...

    the gameplay was meant to be responsive , fast and fun ... the opposite of what it as evolve to cater to a whiney audience who are noisy and are a tiny loud minority

  • @goedecke-michel said in Killing a game, more than ever:

    @stew360 I don't need a thousand streamers to like the game.

    Actually you do. See this is what none of you want to get and its quite frustrating to read some of your responses (not you specifically, I mean in General) This game and most games are dependant on popularity and this one is going down and what is a good gage in the age of influencers? Twitch and unfortunately what you don't realize is that for the past year you have been enjoying tons of free updates and RARE will need to make money at some point and when they do release a pay to play patch or maybe micro transactions in forms of pets etc whos going to buy em? are you going to keep the game going on your own since you dont care?

  • @snowfire Wrong the game wasnt doing fine ... it was slowly dying without exposure and MS would stop funding the game if they make no revenue ... Summit1G was the best thing that could have happen to this game

    I play since Alpha and they RUINED the gameplay i enjoyed and the gameplay we all played to polish at launch

    they compleatly change the game and compleatly ruined it gameplay and gunplay wise ... its no longer skill base its now numbers base its now slugish , and bad ... the game will eventually fade away because RARE blew it ..

    unless the next patch remoove the ready speed after running and tone down the weapons switch delay to a 0.1 seconds instead of 1 ... dont dream this game will survive more than few months

  • @ticklepantzz I have not been enjoying free update at all ... I have had access to " Contents update " that should have been part of the game at launch ... this game ship with ZERO contents what so ever ... 4 skelletons type 1 kraken , few island , and some chest and chickens ..

    Compare Borderlands 2 contents wise to this game ( wich i paid the two game the same price ) even now and tell me i had Free update again ... they could " free update " the game for another year and yet they wouldnt have the contents they should have had a launch ... so please

  • @stew360 said in Killing a game, more than ever:

    @ticklepantzz I have not been enjoying free update at all ... I have had access to " Contents update " that should have been part of the game at launch ... this game ship with ZERO contents what so ever ... 4 skelletons type 1 kraken , few island , and some chest and chickens ..

    Compare Borderlands 2 contents wise to this game even now and tell me i had Free update again ... they could " free update " the game for another year and yet they wouldnt have the contents they should have had a launch ... so please

    Yeah my point is that at some point they wil have to make money....

  • @stew360 said in Killing a game, more than ever:

    I play since Alpha and they RUINED the gameplay i enjoyed and the gameplay we all played to polish at launch

    @stew360 said in Killing a game, more than ever:

    @ticklepantzz I have not been enjoying free update at all ... I have had access to " Contents update " that should have been part of the game at launch ... this game ship with ZERO contents what so ever ... 4 skelletons type 1 kraken , few island , and some chest and chickens ..

    So which is it? Did you ever enjoy the game, or did you not?

  • @stew360 Your post has been edited- abbreviating swears to get around the profanity filters is not allowed.

    I would also like to remind you of the Pirate Code and ask you to tone it down on the insults. Treat your fellow pirates with respect when you argue your point!

  • @stew360 said in Killing a game, more than ever:

    @snowfire Wrong the game wasnt doing fine ... it was slowly dying without exposure and MS would stop funding the game if they make no revenue ... Summit1G was the best thing that could have happen to this game

    I play since Alpha and they RUINED the gameplay i enjoyed and the gameplay we all played to polish at launch

    they compleatly change the game and compleatly ruined it gameplay and gunplay wise ... its no longer skill base its now numbers base its now slugish , and bad ... the game will eventually fade away because RARE blew it ..

    unless the next patch remoove the ready speed after running and tone down the weapons switch delay to a 0.1 seconds instead of 1 ... dont dream this game will survive more than few months

    LOL slowly dieing. I watched about half of the vid you posted as it was all I could take, he moaned that he would jump on a ship insulting people calling them c word and wanted to be insulted back on the voice coms?!?!.
    Family's play this game, children play it.

    It's ok the be a skalewag and steal someone's treasure , but to insult and call people the c word is childish and unacceptable.

    If you and others in this very forum are not happy, you can move on, but you will miss out.

    Have a nice day.

  • @stew360 said in Killing a game, more than ever:

    @snowfire Unless they revert these awfull change no it wont ... SOT was top 3 on twitch ... now its back to few hundreads viewers NONE of my friends play anymore ..

    SOT now on twitch : Sea of Thieves
    1 196 746 followers · 3 479 viewers

    Even resident evil 2 as 3 times ... more twitch viewers than SOT since patch , summit as refuse to play and all skill base streamers also refuse to play because the gameplay and change are just that bad and wrong ... they blew it .. they gain popularity and players based on skills base gameplay and fun interaction and strategy ...

    No ones get entertain or pull into a game looking at : joeshmoe , killing mindless skeletons that arent even fun to play agains with a cheap clunky sword ...

    Summit1G made this game popular and made it a trend among streamers ... RARE kill it and ruin their game fews months later ..

    If killing the game is fixing an exploit, I am perfectly fine with that. :) I am sure the streams will pick up more once the Arena is out and there is constant action. But to be honest I couldn't care less if 0 people streamed this game. I only watch the Dev stream because it's on my lunch break, if am at home I am playing not watching people play.

  • @snowfire i think you watch the wrong videos because in none of my videos i speak ... i had friends you can hear speaking and i am not responsible for how they smack talk back at peoples who keep insulting us because we invade their ships and i dont mind smacktalk stuff , its funny to me sorry to not have the same sensitivity toward meaningless words said in a videogame about pirates , you have ennemy calling me all sort of names , from cheater to F C N words of all kinds lol ... but you dont hear my voices beside also i rarely have time to smack talk back at peoples i am focus killing and sinking them

    we never attack peoples who have childrens voices on their ships ... only grown up adult who swear at us lol ;)

  • @stew360 said in Killing a game, more than ever:

    @ticklepantzz indeed and as Ged said on youtube Quote : Sea of Thieves seems to be taking their game immediately in the wrong direction, after receiving a new burst of fame.

    SOT devs as taken some shady SJW and virtue signaling routes ... Speaking more about " Been nice to each others " making friends and all that sunshine and rainbows , Claim that competitiveness lead to Toxicity and all that non sens ... In a Pirate game ...

    thats said ... they ruins the gameplay that was establish for year and then pretend it wasnt intended ... but its no coincidence that the " hate toward summit " from a " small but very vocal " die hard day 1 fans " of SOT , isnt a stranger to this slugish and despicable overhaul of the game ... they never change the combat for year , they even have buff the Eye of reach damage and hip fire accuracy creating the " Infamous Double gun at range " , but now instead of bringing back in line the EOR , and making the switch 0.1 0.2 seconds instead of Insta switch .. they made it 1 seconds then created a compleatly uncessary ready speed that almost ake up to 3 second where you are mindlessly standing still in front of your target and cant shoot while they might be able to either shoot you or sword " stunt lock " you to death

    they buff the swords remooving speed penalty but kept the stuntlock effect on the victime side ... RARE as lost it .. they had a burst of fame and they blew it ...

    video link
    This very vid

  • What a dumb post. I love this game. Been playing since day one and still am not too good in battles but who cares. Its a blast. Met a lot of nice people.

  • @zormis said in Killing a game, more than ever:

    @stew360 said in Killing a game, more than ever:

    @snowfire Unless they revert these awfull change no it wont ... SOT was top 3 on twitch ... now its back to few hundreads viewers NONE of my friends play anymore ..

    SOT now on twitch : Sea of Thieves
    1 196 746 followers · 3 479 viewers

    Even resident evil 2 as 3 times ... more twitch viewers than SOT since patch , summit as refuse to play and all skill base streamers also refuse to play because the gameplay and change are just that bad and wrong ... they blew it .. they gain popularity and players based on skills base gameplay and fun interaction and strategy ...

    No ones get entertain or pull into a game looking at : joeshmoe , killing mindless skeletons that arent even fun to play agains with a cheap clunky sword ...

    Summit1G made this game popular and made it a trend among streamers ... RARE kill it and ruin their game fews months later ..

    If killing the game is fixing an exploit, I am perfectly fine with that. :) I am sure the streams will pick up more once the Arena is out and there is constant action. But to be honest I couldn't care less if 0 people streamed this game. I only watch the Dev stream because it's on my lunch break, if am at home I am playing not watching people play.

    Before you post you should read. He mad about the nerfs to movement not the double gun exploit.

  • @stew360 As the embedded video contains inappropriate language, we have changed it to a link. Please be sure that if you post content that has any language in violation of the Forum Rules, that it's posted as an external link.

    Embedded Media
    If you're sharing Sea of Thieves content that may include swearing, please do not embed the video into your post, add it as a link to view externally.

  • @ticklepantzz said in Killing a game, more than ever:

    @zormis said in Killing a game, more than ever:

    @stew360 said in Killing a game, more than ever:

    @snowfire Unless they revert these awfull change no it wont ... SOT was top 3 on twitch ... now its back to few hundreads viewers NONE of my friends play anymore ..

    SOT now on twitch : Sea of Thieves
    1 196 746 followers · 3 479 viewers

    Even resident evil 2 as 3 times ... more twitch viewers than SOT since patch , summit as refuse to play and all skill base streamers also refuse to play because the gameplay and change are just that bad and wrong ... they blew it .. they gain popularity and players based on skills base gameplay and fun interaction and strategy ...

    No ones get entertain or pull into a game looking at : joeshmoe , killing mindless skeletons that arent even fun to play agains with a cheap clunky sword ...

    Summit1G made this game popular and made it a trend among streamers ... RARE kill it and ruin their game fews months later ..

    If killing the game is fixing an exploit, I am perfectly fine with that. :) I am sure the streams will pick up more once the Arena is out and there is constant action. But to be honest I couldn't care less if 0 people streamed this game. I only watch the Dev stream because it's on my lunch break, if am at home I am playing not watching people play.

    Before you post you should read. He mad about the nerfs to movement not the double gun exploit.

    Like having to ready your weapon after sprinting? I can agree with him on that. Switching weapon should be a delay, eating a banana or sprinting shouldn't make you ready it again, but at the same time I can live with it and not worried if they change it or not. As long as we all play by the same rules I am happy.

  • @ticklepantzz Indeed i have always been mostly a blunderbuss pistol or a blunderbuss sniper players depending on wich crew i was figthing agains .. and the ready speed and the switch speed and the aiming speed and ready speed after sprinting was unecessary to fix the exploits

    They created this by buffing to the extreme the eyes of reach .. to satisfied those who were whining about the blunderbuss been to prevalent .. and then they created this " EOR+ pistol " hip fire combo they pretend having done this to fix it and pretend the game was meant to be played like it is now wich is totally false ... the game was meant to be played the way it was " pre EOR buff " even if the EOR actually needed a speed buff for its aiming ,,, it was not in need of hip fire accuracy buff and damage buff but they did it anyway ... wich as lead to the exploits ..

    I have never use it and never felt like using it but having responsive guns and fast reflex is the only way to win a 1 vs 4 or 2 vs 4 in this game .. and now the game is just wrong , feel wrong even agains skelly unless you take a sword 24/7 and still the problem remain compleate while using firearms

    Delay of 0.1 seconds would have been enough instead of instant switching nerfing the EOR hip fire accuracy would have been sufficient to fix the use of any exploits .. , and readyspeed after running should have remain instant ...

  • @tawdryrook38879

    There was no contents and still there is not that much more contents PVE wise you cant compare this to a bordelands or a path of exiles wich is free ... there is 4 skelly types and thats it ... the only thing was fun was PVP ... i cant speak for you but 99.9% of my friends if it wasnt from PVP wich was sometime hard to get .. would never had played this game and we paid 100 $ for this game ...

    Saying this game had " free update " is not an accurate statement , it as had some update who add contents who should have been in the game day 1 ... thats said the most and only real fun we personally had was in pvp and getting some tryhards or competitive players wich made it more fun than just a bunch of guy who scuttle as soon as you kill them once and give up on the forts as soon as there is competition ...

    thats said you can enjoy what you enjoy but i dont know anyones personally who still enjoy this game

    This game always have had potential , i played since alpha , but what they did to the game recently cant be forgiven ... i will never forget how much they screw the game by adding uncessary slugish and bad mechanics to satisfied a loud diehard fans community they take more into account because they keep pushing their way into the devs pretending to be " nice peoples "

    If i was them i would do the right thing and FIX the game and bring back the gameplay where it was minus eye of reach hip fire accuracy and adding a 0.1 switch delay instead of a full second and remooving the " ready speed " after running wich hurt both PVE and PVP

  • @zormis Yeah but thats what we all been complaning about whole time hahahah XD

    The senseless delay after sprinting and shooting or pulling gun out etc.

  • @ticklepantzz said in Killing a game, more than ever:

    @zormis Yeah but thats what we all been complaning about whole time hahahah XD

    The senseless delay after sprinting and shooting or pulling gun out etc.

    The OP was angry at the DG nerf so that's what I was replying too, I don't think I seen anyone argue that the delay after sprinting or eating a banana is a good thing. But I also didn't read all 8 pages. :)

  • @muffinstuffingu Dude this is a cartoon game about being a pirate. Try not to take it so seriously.

  • @xempero517x said in Killing a game, more than ever:

    @muffinstuffingu Dude this is a cartoon game about being a pirate. Try not to take it so seriously.

    Who says i am? What gave you that impression?I haven't posted here in like days i must have said something to get you worked up calm down and take some deep breaths

  • @snowfire said in Killing a game, more than ever:

    @stew360 said in Killing a game, more than ever:

    @snowfire Wrong the game wasnt doing fine ... it was slowly dying without exposure and MS would stop funding the game if they make no revenue ... Summit1G was the best thing that could have happen to this game

    I play since Alpha and they RUINED the gameplay i enjoyed and the gameplay we all played to polish at launch

    they compleatly change the game and compleatly ruined it gameplay and gunplay wise ... its no longer skill base its now numbers base its now slugish , and bad ... the game will eventually fade away because RARE blew it ..

    unless the next patch remoove the ready speed after running and tone down the weapons switch delay to a 0.1 seconds instead of 1 ... dont dream this game will survive more than few months

    LOL slowly dieing. I watched about half of the vid you posted as it was all I could take, he moaned that he would jump on a ship insulting people calling them c word and wanted to be insulted back on the voice coms?!?!.
    Family's play this game, children play it.

    It's ok the be a skalewag and steal someone's treasure , but to insult and call people the c word is childish and unacceptable.

    Sorry but this is where i actually agreed with the video and disagree with joe neate and the rest of the devs. The insults are part of "be more pirate" in my book. Not everyone's pirate is the same. i want trash talk when i'm in battle both me doing it and the crew i'm trying to sink.... its boring otherwise lets not make the sea on sea of theives a "safe place" PLEASE!

  • @vderickv while I hear what you're saying, mate, I'm curious where you would draw the line? So strong language and/or trash talk is fine. Is foul language with racial slurs okay? Sexually charged insults/harassment? Not necessarily disagreeing with you, just trying to understand what you think is okay and what you think is not okay. Because at least from the stories people are sharing on the forums, it seems that "trash talk" tends to quickly escalate into those more unacceptable forms.

  • @vorondil1 said in Killing a game, more than ever:

    @vderickv while I hear what you're saying, mate, I'm curious where you would draw the line? So strong language and/or trash talk is fine. Is foul language with racial slurs okay? Sexual slurs? Not necessarily disagreeing with you, just trying to understand what you think is okay and what you think is not okay.

    Listen i'm not going to get all political in here. Because if i commented the way you want i would get political.

    I'm just going to say. I'm not sitting here using the N word or anything of that nature.

    But calling someone any curse words while in battle having fun.(i literally mean any curse word I really don't care) is totally fine.

    EDIT: There are mute options in game for things exactly like this. Having a zero tolerance as rare says for discrimination/hate is okay as long as you don't go full communist i'm taking your 1st amendment right away on this issue. Thats when a game gets to political for its own good. You see the game of atlas stopping the discrimination against the chinese? haha no.

  • @stew360 said in Killing a game, more than ever:

    @blam320 SOT gameplay as been like this and polish to be this way since ALPHA ... if they ever had made this game the way it is back then NONE OF MY FRIENDS would ever have play , i wouldnt have bought the game in the first place .. i do not play slugish despicable games ...

    they change the gameplay base on recents whining of the " diehard seas of rainbows fans " that joe seams to affectionate so much , and backstab the skill base players who enjoyed PVP fight and real competition and fun ...

    They never intended the game to be slow , slugish and have these delay ... if they did this game would have been like this a year ago at launch ...

    the gameplay was meant to be responsive , fast and fun ... the opposite of what it as evolve to cater to a whiney audience who are noisy and are a tiny loud minority

    Are you absolutely certain of Rare's intentions? That Sea of Thieves was always meant to be fast and twitchy on the PvP side? On top of that, are you certain the PvP scene back in Alpha was that way?

    Also, seeing you go off on "Diehard Sea of Rainbows" fans really reveals exactly the kind of person you are. I get having a good, hearty PvP battle, cannons blazing and steel flashing, but mindless insults isn't very pirate-like. On top of that, you mention Rare is catering to a "whiny audience." That statement is incredibly ironic, I hope you realize that.

  • @vderickv fair enough. Apologies if you felt I was provoking you, didn't mean to. I'm clearly off-topic at this point, though, so I'll stop derailing :)

  • @blam320
    As you are speaking to Stew360 i cant answer as to if he knows or not. BUT

    I'm 100% positive.
    Rare was happy with there product on release as it was.
    That was until the eor flintlock doublegunning was becoming widespread and the (instakill exploit) not being part of their intention they went to fix it. now after 1 yr of release they release a fix to fix double gun exploit. But completly changes the orignial intention of how they wanted the game. (they are changing what they want based on player feedback)

    However other then the double gun exploit the game on launch most certainly was rares vision for the game.

  • @vderickv said in Killing a game, more than ever:

    As you are speaking to Stew360 i cant answer as to if he knows or not. BUT

    I'm 100% positive.
    Rare was happy with there product on release as it was.
    That was until the eor flintlock doublegunning was becoming widespread and the (instakill exploit) not being part of their intention they went to fix it. now after 1 yr of release they release a fix to fix double gun exploit. But completly changes the orignial intention of how they wanted the game. (they are changing what they want based on player feedback)

    However other then the double gun exploit the game on launch most certainly was rares vision for the game.

    I'm still waiting for what the "original interaction" was supposed to be. I'm well aware of what Rare's vision for the game was at launch, it's not that hard to extrapolate. Players have also made it clear through their feedback and polls that they're willing to work within that vision to make Sea of Thieves a better game.

  • @blam320 said in Killing a game, more than ever:

    @vderickv said in Killing a game, more than ever:

    As you are speaking to Stew360 i cant answer as to if he knows or not. BUT

    I'm 100% positive.
    Rare was happy with there product on release as it was.
    That was until the eor flintlock doublegunning was becoming widespread and the (instakill exploit) not being part of their intention they went to fix it. now after 1 yr of release they release a fix to fix double gun exploit. But completly changes the orignial intention of how they wanted the game. (they are changing what they want based on player feedback)

    However other then the double gun exploit the game on launch most certainly was rares vision for the game.

    I'm still waiting for what the "original interaction" was supposed to be.

    The way the gun combat was (before this update), is the way rare had intended it to be otherwise it wouldn't have been that way for the games whole first year!

    Regarding what Rare says their intentions are.
    They said their intentions were to never have an instakill option.

    They even changed the blunderbuss to instakill less often.

    So if all they did was add a deley between 2 different guns that would be enough to fix that insta kill exploit.

    It would have fixed what they were trying to fix. instead they now have all these delays everywhere completely changing the combat balance.

  • @vderickv said in Killing a game, more than ever:

    @blam320 said in Killing a game, more than ever:

    @vderickv said in Killing a game, more than ever:

    As you are speaking to Stew360 i cant answer as to if he knows or not. BUT

    I'm 100% positive.
    Rare was happy with there product on release as it was.
    That was until the eor flintlock doublegunning was becoming widespread and the (instakill exploit) not being part of their intention they went to fix it. now after 1 yr of release they release a fix to fix double gun exploit. But completly changes the orignial intention of how they wanted the game. (they are changing what they want based on player feedback)

    However other then the double gun exploit the game on launch most certainly was rares vision for the game.

    I'm still waiting for what the "original interaction" was supposed to be.

    The way the gun combat was (before this update), is the way rare had intended it to be otherwise it wouldn't have been that way for the games whole first year!

    Regarding what Rare says their intentions are.
    They said their intentions were to never have an instakill option.

    They even changed the blunderbuss to instakill less often.

    So if all they did was add a deley between 2 different guns that would be enough to fix that insta kill exploit.

    It would have fixed what they were trying to fix. instead they now have all these delays everywhere completely changing the combat balance.

    Ah, the old "don't change it because it was that way at launch" fallacy. Honestly, a leaky bucket holds more than your argument.

    Intentions change. Interactions change. As was shown with the "double-gun" exploit, players will seek out all the faults in the code and abuse them to their maximum. So, Rare decided to cover all their bases.

    On top of that, the argument that something shouldn't be changed purely because that's the way it was at launch is utterly ridiculous. Just because it's how they wanted it at launch, doesn't mean that's how they'll want it a year after.

  • @blam320 said in Killing a game, more than ever:

    @vderickv said in Killing a game, more than ever:

    @blam320 said in Killing a game, more than ever:

    @vderickv said in Killing a game, more than ever:

    As you are speaking to Stew360 i cant answer as to if he knows or not. BUT

    I'm 100% positive.
    Rare was happy with there product on release as it was.
    That was until the eor flintlock doublegunning was becoming widespread and the (instakill exploit) not being part of their intention they went to fix it. now after 1 yr of release they release a fix to fix double gun exploit. But completly changes the orignial intention of how they wanted the game. (they are changing what they want based on player feedback)

    However other then the double gun exploit the game on launch most certainly was rares vision for the game.

    I'm still waiting for what the "original interaction" was supposed to be.

    The way the gun combat was (before this update), is the way rare had intended it to be otherwise it wouldn't have been that way for the games whole first year!

    Regarding what Rare says their intentions are.
    They said their intentions were to never have an instakill option.

    They even changed the blunderbuss to instakill less often.

    So if all they did was add a deley between 2 different guns that would be enough to fix that insta kill exploit.

    It would have fixed what they were trying to fix. instead they now have all these delays everywhere completely changing the combat balance.

    Ah, the old "don't change it because it was that way at launch" fallacy. Honestly, a leaky bucket holds more than your argument.

    Intentions change. Interactions change. As was shown with the "double-gun" exploit, players will seek out all the faults in the code and abuse them to their maximum. So, Rare decided to cover all their bases.

    On top of that, the argument that something shouldn't be changed purely because that's the way it was at launch is utterly ridiculous. Just because it's how they wanted it at launch, doesn't mean that's how they'll want it a year after.

    Well as a player that has played the game since launch i can say the combat now is absolutely worse then launch day. Pve and pvp i feel both hit registration is worse today then launch and honestly not sure how this is still a thing 1 yr later and they aren't focused on it... their focused on crossplay options and emphasis on their pirates code....

    Have you played this game since launch?

  • @blam320 said in Killing a game, more than ever:

    @stew360 said in Killing a game, more than ever:

    @blam320 SOT gameplay as been like this and polish to be this way since ALPHA ... if they ever had made this game the way it is back then NONE OF MY FRIENDS would ever have play , i wouldnt have bought the game in the first place .. i do not play slugish despicable games ...

    they change the gameplay base on recents whining of the " diehard seas of rainbows fans " that joe seams to affectionate so much , and backstab the skill base players who enjoyed PVP fight and real competition and fun ...

    They never intended the game to be slow , slugish and have these delay ... if they did this game would have been like this a year ago at launch ...

    the gameplay was meant to be responsive , fast and fun ... the opposite of what it as evolve to cater to a whiney audience who are noisy and are a tiny loud minority

    Are you absolutely certain of Rare's intentions? That Sea of Thieves was always meant to be fast and twitchy on the PvP side? On top of that, are you certain the PvP scene back in Alpha was that way?

    Also, seeing you go off on "Diehard Sea of Rainbows" fans really reveals exactly the kind of person you are. I get having a good, hearty PvP battle, cannons blazing and steel flashing, but mindless insults isn't very pirate-like. On top of that, you mention Rare is catering to a "whiny audience." That statement is incredibly ironic, I hope you realize that.


    So riddle me this why the heck are the introducing the area? And why did Joe just talk about mercenary voyages in the last youtube video and being attacked? ....

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