Pirate "Tea" Club *wink* *wink*

  • Ahoy M80s!
    I want to start a pirate fight tea club but how do we get that going, when we are not allowed to talk about the fight tea club in the first place?

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  • @power-hansen Well, you just did. Which means you're out of fight club.

    I also just talked about it.... this is a mine field!

  • Well technically we're writing about it, not talking...

  • @sir-lotus I can only read out loud though :(

  • @luciansanchez82 D****T!
    Alright i changed the title and stuff so nobody will know!
    Am i still in? Come on, boys! Please!

  • @power-hansen said in Pirate "Tea" Club *wink* *wink*:

    @luciansanchez82 D****T!
    Alright i changed the title and stuff so nobody will know!
    Am i still in? Come on, boys! Please!

    Well I think there's zero members now, so yeah go on then. You're in!

  • @power-hansen U what m8? Wanna make a tea with me? I'll boil the water so hard your mom won't recognize you.

  • @luciansanchez82 sagte in Pirate "Tea" Club *wink* *wink*:

    @power-hansen said in Pirate "Tea" Club *wink* *wink*:

    @luciansanchez82 D****T!
    Alright i changed the title and stuff so nobody will know!
    Am i still in? Come on, boys! Please!

    Well I think there's zero members now, so yeah go on then. You're in!

    Noice! I thought you were in? Well next thing to do is find us a nice pit that we can fight in. Or maybe we have to fight on the high seas, you know, like they do in the movies with gambling cause the po-po can't catch you there and stuff.

  • @sir-lotus sagte in Pirate "Tea" Club *wink* *wink*:

    @power-hansen U what m8? Wanna make a tea with me? I'll boil the water so hard your mom won't recognize you.

    U 'avin a giggle there m8? Swear on me mom, i'll hand u them biscuits so that you'll enjoy your tea even more m8!

  • Carnal rule-breaking aside (for Fight Club as well as Pirate Codes #4 & 5) - I’ve made the suggestion in my travels to submit the idea of a ‘duel’ mechanic for crews.

    Maybe to settle disputes, hierarchy or mutiny in a crew - enabling crew mates to challenge one another (think: Jedi Knight II for possible mechanics) - opening up damage to agreeing parties for the duration of the duel.

    Selection of pistol or sword ONLY with a 3 shot maximum.

    This could be arranged between rival crews pretty easily in the current game state - provided the terms are agreed upon beforehand. It could also be useful in stalemate situations.

    10 paces back to back with compass equipped - and the rest is history!

  • @baconwrappedsac i kinda had the same idea only that in my scenario everybody has to be drunk!

  • @power-hansen That adds another layer indeed! Potential handicap for bragging rights? Hear hear!

  • @baconwrappedsac this is how we do it usualy:

    @sir-lotus said in Dueling with Crew:

    until something like this is implemented (hopefuly) you can duel with gunpowder barrels. Have one next to both of you, stand 20 paces away from each other facing the other direction. Have someone else count it down, then turn around and shoot with a pistol.

  • @sir-lotus sagte in Pirate "Tea" Club *wink* *wink*:

    @baconwrappedsac this is how we do it usualy:

    @sir-lotus said in Dueling with Crew:

    until something like this is implemented (hopefuly) you can duel with gunpowder barrels. Have one next to both of you, stand 20 paces away from each other facing the other direction. Have someone else count it down, then turn around and shoot with a pistol.

    That could also be done while being s**t faced!

  • @sir-lotus That’s a great suggestion as well! Hit box would be balanced and consistent, the only possible flaw that I can think of is if a player chooses to jump/sprint away to reduce damage.

    With a little testing and established rules of engagement I’m sure this variant could balance out nicely!

    Additional variations:

    1. ‘Tight Quarters’ - 10 paces would surely result in both players having to jump backwards and fire quickly to avoid a double-knockout from the blast radius (Aka 180 no scope duel)

    1.1) Any distance greater than 20 paces could be a ‘marksman duel’ utilizing the Eye of Reach with 1, 2 or 3 shots.

    1. ‘Banger and Boomer’ 4 person crews could have two duelists, one holding the barrel and one with compass for steps followed by pistol/reach for the turn (again, depending on distance)

    Only rule here is that the barrel holder cannot shoot or drop. This would allow for ‘better skilled’ shooters (pc vs Xbox debate) to pair up and alternate holding for a best 2/3 or 3/5 battle.

    1. ‘Tower Duel’ Occupy adjacent fort towers (if possible) with one barrel in each, start from sitting position, 1 cannon ball in inventory with cannon facing skyward, load, aim, fire.


    Sword/pistol duels while standing on the sails with 1/4 health (opposing crews only), water/pond duels for reduced movement, circle of death (barrel arena), last pirate standing (survivors within barrel arena with hunters outside, hide and seek style) - and on and on...

    Let’s hear more possible variations! I can get behind this idea for sure!

  • crickets sounding

  • Ahoy m8s. Get yer fingers out from yer b**g-holes and do yer homework.

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