"The Speaking Trumpet"

  • @awesomecoreusa said in "The Speaking Trumpet":

    @bearcubbin said in "The Speaking Trumpet":

    Sounds good, bring it on.

    I think we need to crew up sometime and show these 'inspectors' that they don't run the seven seas :)

    Let's do it! I'll add you.

    Spartans, what is your profession?!
    Hooohh! Hooohh! Hooooooohhh!!

  • @bearcubbin being Scottish I tend to fall back more on William Wallace :) although Gerry Butler (Leonidas) is Scottish too now I think about it...

    alt text

    Alba Gu Brath!

  • @weepaperboats will all the stuff they mentioned is that it or will more stuff be coming that they did not mention

  • @ve111a
    You obviously haven't fought very many skilled pirates then.

  • @weepaperboats I'm hoping it will make crew's start using the game chat again! It's no fun talking to pirates who don't talk back! :D

  • @bearcubbin said in "The Speaking Trumpet":

    You obviously haven't fought very many skilled pirates then.

    They all sank sooooooooooo...
    alt text

  • @awesomecoreusa you just won ship name. I am uninstalling as we speak XD

  • @lizalaroo I will never use game chat. It's not worth getting called racial slurs 90% of the time for the rare normal conversation.

    I stay in a party and talk to my crew only. If this were forced, my crew would either use a third party option for private chatting or we would just stop playing.

  • @shuoink its much easier to inspect a sunken ship!

  • @dutchconlin said in "The Speaking Trumpet":

    @ve111a I can see why you are going to be a big fan of the "Speaking Trumpet".

    I will use it as intended to signal intentions and to communicate to other ships. Sometimes to work together mostly to tell them to stop :)
    Big difference between being a blow hardand backing it up.

  • There better be a mute button!

  • @dutchconlin It's not the first thread I've seen of @Ve111a blowing his own trumpet....

  • Loading up on Taco Bell for "speaking" purposes.

  • @ve111a See the thing is... I know you have tried this on me and my crew. I also know I killed you and sank your ship. Unless someone has a very similar if not identical username.

  • @captn-crushem said in "The Speaking Trumpet":

    @ve111a See the thing is... I know you have tried this and I know I killed you and sank your ship. Unless someone has a very similar if not identical username.

    The plot thickens.

  • @pixelhood said in "The Speaking Trumpet":

    @dutchconlin It's not the first thread I've seen of @Ve111a blowing his own trumpet....

    oh really I disagree unles you think my opinions and offering support are bragging? LOL ok then I'm here having fun and joking around and you kids are getting all bent out of shape. I know my skills in game and base my views on my experiences and in our experience @DrunkPunk138 and I have had people appreciate us not sinking them and not wasting their time, But if you are that much of a hard and tough hombre that you are incapable of stopping and trying to have fun in a game then well we just sink you.

    2 more added to the sink on sight list @DrunkPunk138

  • @captn-crushem said in "The Speaking Trumpet":

    @ve111a See the thing is... I know you have tried this on me and my crew. I also know I killed you and sank your ship. Unless someone has a very similar if not identical username.

    l**o no, Not I lol. I don't know your name and we have yet to be sunk doing this. People are appreciative of it.

  • @ve111a Humility is hard to learn. I may have even recorded the battle, I will go back through my footage. If I didn't then next time I see you, I will make you pay a second time for your crimes of trolling the seas as a lazybeard.

  • @captn-crushem said in "The Speaking Trumpet":

    @ve111a Humility is hard to learn. I may have even recorded the battle, I will go back through my footage. If I didn't then next time I see you, I will make you pay a second time for your crimes of trolling the seas as a lazybeard.

    lol I DO record all my footage and I think you are just trying to boast on the shoulders of another at this point, If you have no proof of sinking me, because this proof would not exsist, Then it did not happen. I however DO have proof of successful stop, search, and seizure. I have humility and compassion and that's why I stopped sinking on sight everything we came across so bringing personal character into this is just childish as well as calling what we do trolling.... Way to many White knights trying to high road in this thread lol.

  • @roughleech03117 said in "The Speaking Trumpet":

    @weepaperboats will all the stuff they mentioned is that it or will more stuff be coming that they did not mention

    I don't think that's it. They're giving us major insight, but I believe there will be other minor things.

    @lizalaroo said in "The Speaking Trumpet":

    @weepaperboats I'm hoping it will make crew's start using the game chat again! It's no fun talking to pirates who don't talk back! :D

    Exactly! I'm excited to see crews teaming up against the new major threat (:

  • @ve111a No shoulders needed matey, my words and actions were my own. All I know is someone with a name close to if not yours on a sloop with another tried your non sense. They or you failed miserably and resupplied us in doing so. But now your name is on my radar along with the crews I sail with and I will watch you sink to the bottom of the seas.

    Last thing, the humility point. There is absolutely no way your ship hasn't been sunk since launch unless you rarely play or have been very very lucky. Even the best of us have their off days and have made mistakes. If you don't make mistakes you can't get better. The fact you took it as an insult says a lot. But, take it as you will.

  • @drunkpunk138 said in "The Speaking Trumpet":

    But I'm tired of arguing with people that are too good at the game to participate in emergent player experiences.

    Your idea of an emergent player experience is the playground equivalent of, "you have to follow my rules or else you will lose."

    Is it not emergent when other crews choose not to respond in the way you want? The boasting is tedious because you're boasting about a cartoon pirate game.

  • @captn-crushem said in "The Speaking Trumpet":

    @ve111a No shoulders needed matey, my words and actions were my own. All I know is someone with a name close to if not yours on a sloop with another tried your non sense. They or you failed miserably and resupplied us in doing so. But now your name is on my radar along with the crews I sail with and I will watch you sink to the bottom of the seas.

    Last thing, the humility point. There is absolutely no way your ship hasn't been sunk since launch unless you rarely play or have been very very lucky. Even the best of us have their off days and have made mistakes. If you don't make mistakes you can't get better. The fact you took it as an insult says a lot. But, take it as you will.

    You are welcome to try, I prefer my meals delivery anyways. No I've been sunk before, Everyone has, Mostly to PvE or skull fort attrition. No need to take it personal lol, Hope to meet you on the seas and settle it like gentleman.

  • @verminpup said in "The Speaking Trumpet":

    @themilkman-vaec said in "The Speaking Trumpet":

    @verminpup said in "The Speaking Trumpet":

    I have not been using the in game chat (either discord or Xbox Party), since it's such a big disadvantage having other crews hear what you are saying on your own ship.

    I hope that with the Trumpet, they switch local chat to only be heard among the crew, and that the trumpet becomes the actual mean of talking publicly.

    Otherwise, the trumpet's presence will be greatly diminished by people not even being in the game's voice chat to use it in the first place.

    Why would you expect a game to make something work outside of its mechanic? You are supposed to be heard by enemy crews at close proximity. If you don’t want the risk you don’t get the reward. Why would they reward party chat or third party chat when they want you using game chat.

    I'm not sure what about my post made you feel like I wanted them to make something work outside of its mechanics? I'm suggesting that they should change local chat to private, and Trumpet as the new main to talk to other crews, so that we actually see pirates using the in game chat.

    I VERY rarely encounter players in the local chat, and when I do, we usually destroy them because they advertize their tactics over the mic.

    If anything, at least give us a crew chat and a local chat input key, otherwise its still an incentive to use Discord or Party Chat (Which are both widely supported by the devs, btw).

    If the game existed in a vacuum, sure that would be fine. But it doesn't and the devs have to keep in mind that XBOX players are much more likely to get into a party chat than otherwise, and that will undermine the use of the Trumpet.

    Ah I see your point more clearly now and agree. The trumpet will be undermined since no option away from
    Local chat isn’t viable for many players and they will never use local chat. I think that’s a shame. Having to be quiet in certain moments would be cool and would be nice if audio and having to be careful with words was a component of the game but that’s wishful thinking and you are correct, trumpet is meaningless unless people get options in game to speak in private.

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