"The Speaking Trumpet"

  • @drunkpunk138
    I don't owe anybody an inspection, nor would I ever allow that lol. Thats just patronizing someone. If you grab my ladder, or touch my ship at all, the gloves are off buddy.

  • @bearcubbin said in "The Speaking Trumpet":

    I don't owe anybody an inspection, nor would I ever allow that lol. Thats just patronizing someone. If you grab my ladder, or touch my ship at all, the gloves are off buddy.

    How is it patronizing? People generally appreciate not being needlessly sunk when they have no loot. Now if you aren't adverse to some PvP with no real goal, we're all for it, too. I guess you haven't seen the threads where people complain about getting chased for an hour with no loot, or the ones complaining about people just mindlessly attacking everything they see. Hell, we've even turned encounters like this into alliances in the past.

  • @drunkpunk138
    Yes I've seen the threads complaining about it. But it's their own fault for running. If you have no loot why would you run anyways? It is patronizing to board someone's boat with a threat and they have to prove they have nothing to you or else they are done for, right? Yeah man. Don't get behind me. I don't care if I have nothing, or if I have 10k+ . You started the fight by first asking me to stop and show you what I have. That's childish and I don't play that way. Never will. I'm 48/42/36

  • @bearcubbin said in "The Speaking Trumpet":

    Yes I've seen the threads complaining about it. But it's their own fault for running. If you have no loot why would you run anyways? It is patronizing to board someone's boat with a threat and they have to prove they have nothing to you or else they are done for, right? Yeah man. Don't get behind me. I don't care if I have nothing, or if I have 10k+ . You started the fight by first asking me to stop and show you what I have. That's childish and I don't play that way. Never will. I'm 48/42/36

    It's a video game, homie. I think you're taking it a little too personal there. Dynamic encounters are what this game is all about. If you want every encounter to end in a fight, that's your thing. But to label it childish? Man, how uninspired.

  • @drunkpunk138 said in "The Speaking Trumpet":

    @bearcubbin said in "The Speaking Trumpet":

    I don't owe anybody an inspection, nor would I ever allow that lol. Thats just patronizing someone. If you grab my ladder, or touch my ship at all, the gloves are off buddy.

    People generally appreciate

    Plus this is a pirate game, so... Who cares what people do and don't appreciate? Just attack them, or just defend yourself. It's not difficult.

  • @drunkpunk138 said in "The Speaking Trumpet":

    @bearcubbin said in "The Speaking Trumpet":

    Yes I've seen the threads complaining about it. But it's their own fault for running. If you have no loot why would you run anyways? It is patronizing to board someone's boat with a threat and they have to prove they have nothing to you or else they are done for, right? Yeah man. Don't get behind me. I don't care if I have nothing, or if I have 10k+ . You started the fight by first asking me to stop and show you what I have. That's childish and I don't play that way. Never will. I'm 48/42/36

    It's a video game, homie. I think you're taking it a little too personal there. Dynamic encounters are what this game is all about. If you want every encounter to end in a fight, that's your thing. But to label it childish? Man, how uninspired.

    Exactly, it's a video game. So chill out. Let's play games, not trade manners here. You fight like a merchant.

  • @bearcubbin said in "The Speaking Trumpet":

    @drunkpunk138 said in "The Speaking Trumpet":

    @bearcubbin said in "The Speaking Trumpet":

    Yes I've seen the threads complaining about it. But it's their own fault for running. If you have no loot why would you run anyways? It is patronizing to board someone's boat with a threat and they have to prove they have nothing to you or else they are done for, right? Yeah man. Don't get behind me. I don't care if I have nothing, or if I have 10k+ . You started the fight by first asking me to stop and show you what I have. That's childish and I don't play that way. Never will. I'm 48/42/36

    It's a video game, homie. I think you're taking it a little too personal there. Dynamic encounters are what this game is all about. If you want every encounter to end in a fight, that's your thing. But to label it childish? Man, how uninspired.

    Exactly, it's a video game. So chill out. Let's play games, not trade manners here. You fight like a merchant.

    I'm perfectly chill. I have a blast playing this game the way I do, and I've met some great people as a result, who have also had a grand time not taking themselves too seriously. And the fact I don't mindlessly put holes in everything I see really says nothing about how I fight. But keep on assuming.

  • Cue the Immigrant Song by Led Zepplin when entering combat.

  • @bearcubbin said in "The Speaking Trumpet":

    Yes I've seen the threads complaining about it. But it's their own fault for running. If you have no loot why would you run anyways? It is patronizing to board someone's boat with a threat and they have to prove they have nothing to you or else they are done for, right? Yeah man. Don't get behind me. I don't care if I have nothing, or if I have 10k+ . You started the fight by first asking me to stop and show you what I have. That's childish and I don't play that way. Never will. I'm 48/42/36

    By us being kind and giving them a choice. To bo free don't to be the Masters of their own destiny, and you sir say childish. I say no to you sir for I am merciful, I am kind but I am not weak. If you are presented with a choice and you choose poorly well sir that is upon you.
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  • @ve111a
    Back to my original comment concerning "patronizing". I could care less if you are "merciful", you have to earn your loot off me. You won't see me playing possum.

  • @bearcubbin said in "The Speaking Trumpet":

    Back to my original comment concerning "patronizing". I could care less if you are "merciful", you have to earn your loot off me. You won't see me playing possum.

    But the end of this story shall end the same no matter the middle. We will take what we want, However we have a code. Solos get a pass if they do not attack and duo's are a toss up depending on the seas. Galleons will be sunk relentlessly.

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  • @ve111a
    Sounds good, bring it on.

  • I can only see this ending horribly. Do we have the option to mute speaking trumpets completely on our side so we don't have to hear them?

  • Can’t wait for a 13 year old to insult my mother from 2 miles away using this thing.

  • @ooskinwiggleoo Yep, I'm totally looking forward to this. It will be awesome!

  • @verminpup said in "The Speaking Trumpet":

    I have not been using the in game chat (either discord or Xbox Party), since it's such a big disadvantage having other crews hear what you are saying on your own ship.

    I hope that with the Trumpet, they switch local chat to only be heard among the crew, and that the trumpet becomes the actual mean of talking publicly.

    Otherwise, the trumpet's presence will be greatly diminished by people not even being in the game's voice chat to use it in the first place.

    Why would you expect a game to make something work outside of its mechanic? You are supposed to be heard by enemy crews at close proximity. If you don’t want the risk you don’t get the reward. Why would they reward party chat or third party chat when they want you using game chat.

  • I wonder what the range will be. Would be cool to load an island full of treasure then announce it to the server and watch everyone race for it.

  • This is going to be a nightmare. Luckily adding it will likely crash the server and they'll roll it back 2 days later.

  • @bearcubbin said in "The Speaking Trumpet":

    Sounds good, bring it on.

    I think we need to crew up sometime and show these 'inspectors' that they don't run the seven seas :)

  • @ve111a alt text

  • @verminpup said in "The Speaking Trumpet":

    @shuoink said in "The Speaking Trumpet":

    @drunkpunk138 said in "The Speaking Trumpet":

    It'll also be easier to get people with no loot to stop so we can inspect their ships.

    What are you wasting time trying to inspect on a ship that has no loot?...

    Making sure they aren't lying, I would assume. I could definitely see the trumpet reducing the amount of endless chase and battle when you don't even have anything.

    First rule of Sea of Thieves, they're always lying. That the loot isn't on their ship, could still mean they're hiding it elsewhere :)

    I think the trumpet could indeed be used to communicate without being in cannon range. The flags will also help with communication I think.

  • @awesomecoreusa @Bearcubbin @Fun-Director

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    You can try all you want, If we want to see what's on a ship , @DrunkPunk138 and I will see whats on the ship. Whether it's floating up to us or I'm walking around peacefully on your ship.

  • @ve111a I'll lead ye round Marauder's Arch, and round the Ridge, and round the Smugger's Bay, and through Thieves' Haven's caves before ye'll board my ship. I'll give me life, me ship an' me cargo to the Red Sea rather than have a scoundrel like you set one foot upon her deck.

    But more likely than not, I'll watch as the sharks feast on ye as ye sink beneath the brine. Aye, y'll see what's on my ship, for it be the Angel of Death to any who o'er steps the mark.

  • @dutchconlin said in "The Speaking Trumpet":

    @ve111a It's people talking this kind of weak childish trash that makes me really dread the Speaking Trumpet.
    Do I have to listen to boys pretending to men everywhere on the high seas now?

    This thread is turning into a [Mod Edit - Profanity] of "you'll never sink me i'm the better pirate", a perfect encapsulation of how this item will be used in game. At least in game, we'll be able to put those words to the test. Here, it's just sadly amusing.

  • @dutchconlin said in "The Speaking Trumpet":

    @ve111a It's people talking this kind of weak childish trash that makes me really dread the Speaking Trumpet.
    Do I have to listen to boys pretending to men everywhere on the high seas now?

    Don't worry child, We will back it up when we tell you to pull over if you don't we will sink you and take what we want. That's piracy. We are just trying to be nice offering choices how you choice to go from there is your own decision. Calling if weak and childish just shows YOUR character and fear lol.

  • @fun-director said in "The Speaking Trumpet":

    @ve111a alt text

    The one's that have, did not live to tell the tale.

    @awesomecoreusa said in "The Speaking Trumpet":

    @ve111a I'll lead ye round Marauder's Arch, and round the Ridge, and round the Smugger's Bay, and through Thieves' Haven's caves before ye'll board my ship. I'll give me life, me ship an' me cargo to the Red Sea rather than have a scoundrel like you set one foot upon her deck.

    But more likely than not, I'll watch as the sharks feast on ye as ye sink beneath the brine. Aye, y'll see what's on my ship, for it be the Angel of Death to any who o'er steps the mark.

    We shall see laddy we shall see. When you hear the crack of thunder and fall forward you will remember my words, and the taste of my steel.

  • @drunkpunk138 If you honestly think that a crew will let you inspect their ship to prove they don’t have anything, you’re dreaming. I know I wouldn’t. I would fight it out even if I didn’t have anything. If a crew was put in that situation all they would have to do is fight or scuttle because there’s nothing to lose! People are way too prideful to let someone “inspect” their ship.

  • @solo11volante said in "The Speaking Trumpet":

    @drunkpunk138 If you honestly think that a crew will let you inspect their ship to prove they don’t have anything, you’re dreaming. I know I wouldn’t. I would fight it out even if I didn’t have anything. If a crew was put in that situation all they would have to do is fight or scuttle because there’s nothing to lose! People are way too prideful to let someone “inspect” their ship.

    My experience has proven differently. But I'm tired of arguing with people that are too good at the game to participate in emergent player experiences.

  • @themilkman-vaec said in "The Speaking Trumpet":

    @verminpup said in "The Speaking Trumpet":

    I have not been using the in game chat (either discord or Xbox Party), since it's such a big disadvantage having other crews hear what you are saying on your own ship.

    I hope that with the Trumpet, they switch local chat to only be heard among the crew, and that the trumpet becomes the actual mean of talking publicly.

    Otherwise, the trumpet's presence will be greatly diminished by people not even being in the game's voice chat to use it in the first place.

    Why would you expect a game to make something work outside of its mechanic? You are supposed to be heard by enemy crews at close proximity. If you don’t want the risk you don’t get the reward. Why would they reward party chat or third party chat when they want you using game chat.

    I'm not sure what about my post made you feel like I wanted them to make something work outside of its mechanics? I'm suggesting that they should change local chat to private, and Trumpet as the new main to talk to other crews, so that we actually see pirates using the in game chat.

    I VERY rarely encounter players in the local chat, and when I do, we usually destroy them because they advertize their tactics over the mic.

    If anything, at least give us a crew chat and a local chat input key, otherwise its still an incentive to use Discord or Party Chat (Which are both widely supported by the devs, btw).

    If the game existed in a vacuum, sure that would be fine. But it doesn't and the devs have to keep in mind that XBOX players are much more likely to get into a party chat than otherwise, and that will undermine the use of the Trumpet.

  • @ve111a alt text

  • @solo11volante said in "The Speaking Trumpet":

    @drunkpunk138 If you honestly think that a crew will let you inspect their ship to prove they don’t have anything, you’re dreaming. I know I wouldn’t. I would fight it out even if I didn’t have anything. If a crew was put in that situation all they would have to do is fight or scuttle because there’s nothing to lose! People are way too prideful to let someone “inspect” their ship.

    The outcome will be the same, We will take what we want and are offering them a way out and to not waste time. In our experience it works quite well when we are constantly gaining on them and killing them relentlessly when they try to board. It's a choice , Everyone likes choices.

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