[Mega Thread] - Balancing PvE and PvP to ensure a great experience for everyone - Discussion

  • @xbus6 said in [Mega Thread] - Balancing PvE and PvP to ensure a great experience for everyone - Discussion:

    Also they needs to be a little bit more risk in pvp say if I died I lost 50 coins and a banana one wooden plank and 5 cannon balls that falls on the ground as a pouch someone else picks up I.e guy who killed me oh and you would drop ammo to I guess anyway this would introduce more risk reward in the game and if coupled with the bounty system I think would be very effective in weeding out trolls and making the game more fun as a whole

    Definitely against losing gold when you die. That would not be a good thing. And definitely not having to pay to get your ship back. Absolutely not

  • @ant-heuser-kush it's called sea of thieves...

  • @ray-threepwood it will be different at launch.. in the beta money and progression are not important so why voyage when you can have more fun pvp

  • @axul81 no pvp then it's no longer a pirate game... pirates should not be scared like cats

  • @fantus I guess there will be more than 1 secret tavern

  • @saladbrains firing cannons aren’t the only way of attacking. What about for people who board ships and crash them into islands. Or suicide bomb with powder kegs. (Running on board holding the keg and get shot by an enemy blowing the ship up) it just wouldn’t work man. It’s a nice idea but it would either be unreliable or would have to affect everyone not just aggressors. Which would promote toxicity and make the progression really hard for new players that don’t have the skills to defend themselves while learning the game.

  • @sillycolt302271 I agree with this. Those kind of penalties would only screw newer players and promote toxicity. Myself being rather good at sailing and combat I haven’t been sunk yet. But I have been in plenty of ship battle a lot of times with the same people. If there was a penalty for losing those people would have made almost no money. Just wouldn’t work

  • I don't think PvE sessions should be in the game. It would divide the playerbase and even split friend groups, one friend may get others to come to PvE when other friends want to do PvP. It could also be an unfair experience either way. PvE getting currency or becoming a legend with not much challenge would be unfair to PvP players. PvE players getting almost nothing from Voyages and not being able to become a legend would be unfair to PvE players. Maybe there should be an option to spawn the ship on whatever island the captain wants whenever the ship is sank by another crew (not when scuttled or crashed because that would mean fast travel). Or if one ship is shooting/ramming another one it gains a small amount of bounty, if it sinks a ship it gets a decent amount of bounty. If their bounty gets to a certain point a ghost ship comes around and sinks their ship and they're locked in the brig of the ghost ship for a certain amount of time.

  • @stratdave it isn’t just that. It goes against the core mechanic of the game lol. The two go together. If you take one out it’s no longer a pirate sandbox. More like a ship combat simulator or merchant/treasure hunting simulation lol.

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