PVP problem - 2 ships against 1

  • PVP is totally broken. In addition to the lack of ANTICHEATER, which would help the SOUTH America server a lot (known by the community with several cheaters), players are finding a way to leave an allied ship NEAR the PVP zone. When we invade, they unite in a 2v1 battle.

    Please PROHIBIT this type of diversion in the game. Prohibit any ship from entering the PVP combat zone. Do you want any prove? LOG the game and analyze the datas. Easy!!!!

    As a System Developer, I know that is not hard to implement a system to avoid this problem. I furious this is happening to me too often!!!!

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  • Besides, I would recommend to apply a timing in the PVP Zone. Some players just moving around the map, which makes the attack VERY difficult. Often impossible to board the ship. So combat stalls for a long time, making the game tiresome and pointless. The PVP should take a maximum of 20 minutes. If there is no victory, it should be declared a tie.

  • This is adventure PvP, not arena. Other crews are allowed to enlist help to help with there war effort. Invading another player comes with a risk, you want that reward, you got to take that risk. This is no different to past engagements where ships would ally together to fight against reaper ships. If a ship is dragging you around the small area, then you are doing something wrong. There's only so far they can run, switch the strategies up abit.

    No to timelimits, no to reducing map sizes, no to restricting other ships from taking part.

  • PVP is totally broken.

    When we invade, they unite in a 2v1 battle.

    Please PROHIBIT this type of diversion in the game. Prohibit any ship from entering the PVP combat zone.

    The thing is. Is still legit. Like if you didnt use hourglass to find pvp players. You come across a random ship by sailing normally, not knowing they are in an alliance, you attack and suddenly a Galleon shows up to defend them.

    The HourGlass, is just locating Like Minded Players, who also want to PvP. That is all.
    You could come across a Solo Sloop on an active fortress, shooting cannons at you. Or even during Ashen Lord, throwing firebombs.
    It Open World still, Not Arena. (which I think is the issue. Players expect it to be like arena)

  • @a10dr4651

    HI, The reward you talk about is pathetic, it only covers the price of the supply. The gameplay is not well thought out, what we got was a forced integrated arena that only serves to suddenly satisfy community needs. It brought back and increased the community of toxic and cheaters in adventure mode. The old arena mode isolated this community well. I am not happy. The problem of hitreg and cheaters is the primary issue, this is not being acknowledged by rare, you cannot build on shaky foundations.

  • @joe-bekur I agree with you on issues with hit reg, cheating is not really that big of an issue, some people cry cheats just because they are fighting a decent player. A PvP season should have really come with a rebalance.

    Regarding your comments on rewards, this new content isn't supposed to be played on it's own, it is there to complement adventure. The idea behind it is that you will use an emissary flag for income from reaper/athena flags sold. The actual battles are not supposed to be about gold, how many times do we hear in this game, its not about the gold, its about the glory.

    Price of supply is nothing if you use this to complement adventure. Go out, do a few forts, maybe a world event, visit a few islands and you are fully stocked, it's really not that difficult. Then when prepped vote for battle if the server is quiet.

  • As @Joe-Bekur said, there's no reward. What you said is almost random words.
    From the beginning and throughout the videos, the PURPOSE of the mechanic is combat between factions. Not 2v1, 3v1 or whatever. Not battle royale. However, some players manage to use game mechanics to distort the purpose, as is the case I mentioned earlier with 2v1. It wasn't a random ship, it was clearly an alliance exploiting a, as you said, "legit" mechanic.

    And NO, I'm not crying cheats because they are decent players, I know how to recognize one good player after 2k hours, the same as "suspecting" a cheater. They (cheaters) have almost the same behaviour. However, this is another problem and NOT the focus of this topic.

    Applying for a pvp combat is supposed to be funny. However, we deal with humans who tend to abuse flawed mechanics (you know the word "EXPLOIT") in order to get "victories". This type of abuse doesn't amuse most players and, worse, encourages them to leave the game. And that's another problem, as we all know that we don't have a HUGE community.

    After more than 2k hours, I can tell you that the learning curve of this game is too slow. Bringing a lot of frustration, especially for beginners, is extremely disastrous for the community. We play for FUN. We care about this game and community. We wanna have fun! So think... how do we have fun? Exploiting mechanics as you said?


  • When I say "However, we deal with humans who tend to abuse flawed mechanics ", please read as "However, we deal with SOME humans who tend to abuse flawed mechanics". Not everybody does that. Actually, it is a small percentage, but highlighted because of the "not big" community of players in SA.

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