Athena's Fortune Rewards

  • First, I should state I first posted this as a ticket, and I'm copying it below. If you haven't noticed, the rewards recently changed places in Athena's Fortune Emissary's monthly rewards. Feel free to read my 'ticket' to garner an idea of what the issue is:

    "Okay, I'd like to start out by saying: BLOODY PIRATES!!

    I'll refrain from stating the long line of very colorful things I would like to say concerning this underhanded move you've made (as a company), switching out the reward of the Magpie's Glory Hull before the end of the month. But I will say, that it did not go unnoticed. I know this is the case, because sources everywhere still list it as belonging in the 'Guardian' category of the Emissary Ledger Rewards. This is, of course, proof beyond the note of mine own observations.

    You have, in this moment, forsook players who worked toward this reward. For the other emissaries, it has remained that the Figurehead was the highest reward, and the hull the secondary. You failed to be honest and upfront with your players, changing it without notation or warning. For players such as myself, the acquisition of this aforementioned reward has now been pushed months out. Whereas it would otherwise have been acquired the following cycle. It has not, it must be said, gone unnoticed that you have also pushed the season timeline out another four weeks besides.

    If your intention is to retain and entice your player base, you are making great strides against it. Frankly, I imagine it will not be long before streamers, your very partners included, make note of this to their communities. Have fun dealing with that fallout.

    Many thanks to you and yours for granting such a special "gift" to your players. Merry Late Seasons Greetings, you dirty, soured-coffee spitting bilge rats."

    So, in summary, Rare elected to swap the Magpie's Glory Hull (seriously, that name..) with the Magpie's Glory Figurehead. This is no issue for those who constantly get 'Legend' in Athena's Fortune Emissary each month, but for those of us who may struggle to find the time or ability to (Hiya Reapers!) maintain a 'Legend' status in Athena's Fortune, we now find ourselves facing months more work to eventually get what would otherwise have been acquired by month's end. For me, I was set to get it, but when I checked my status, suddenly I no longer saw 'Magpie's Glory Hull', instead there was 'Magpie's Glory Figurehead'.

    My suggestion? Put the rewards back, and don't ever do something so pointless and underhanded again.

    Or do whatever it is your wallet desires, I suppose.

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  • @ovrcmplicata the thing is, they didnt intentionally change it, they put it in the wrong order initially or at least they put the imagery in the wrong order

    I also dont get why this angers you so much and thus have to give such a bad attitude in that support ticket. it isnt like it is time limited or anything, you can go for it this month, or next month or the month after or next year.

    Emmisary rewards dont go away.

    Anyway, rare already responded to this on the forums:

    Hi All,

    I have looked into this issue, and the game UI is displaying swapped rewards for Athena's Fortune Season 5 cosmetics. The Legend (1st) tier should be showing the "Magpie's Glory Hull", and the Guardian (2nd) tier should be showing the "Magpie's Glory Figurehead", however they are currently being displayed the wrong way around. Thus causing some confusion.

    This issue only affects players who placed in the Guardian (2nd) tier, as you would have expected to receive the "Magpie's Fortune Hull" as a reward, yet received the "Magpie's Fortune Hull". Players placing in the Legend (1st) tier wouldn't notice the issue as they receive both rewards.

    Rest assured the Season 5 rewards received for placing in Athena's Fortune in the December ledger are correct, and the display issue will be looked into and corrected tomorrow.

    Many Regards,



  • @callmebackdraft

    Sure, it can't not be said that I allowed my frustrations to get the better of me when writing that ticket. Without a doubt. This, however, does not change the fact that expectations were set, and immediately doused by their actions. Regardless of the nature of this issue, the fact remains that they made a mistake and made changes without noting them in patch notes or otherwise. Those of us who do not spend our lives trolling forums were blindsided by this change, and rather than alleviating their mistake and informing players at large, they set about attempting to rectify it without recourse.

    When you make a mistake and set expectations as a result, and resolve such issues by means of forcibly removing the matter of interest, it is not a resolution but a punishment. What, if anything, has Rare done to rectify the issue of player expectations? We will no longer earn what we expected, and how is that our fault? We did not make this mistake, though we are beholden to it's consequences. My frustrations are not without merit, even if my attitude is found wanting.

    However, to my favor, let us take something from you and make you wait months longer for it. Let's see what your mood is like then. I imagine you would not feel so complacent with the knowledge that it's still there, now that you must wait longer and work harder for it.

  • @ovrcmplicata dude, its really easy to get top tier in Athena, just need to actually play the faction. Your aggression is completely unneeded and frankly uncalled for. This isn’t something you paid real money for and this isn’t something that you’ll never have the chance to get again.

    Emissary rewards never disappear, so unless you personally keep missing the mark on your emissary value, you’ll get it at the end of the month.

    I won’t be surprised if you don’t hear anything back from that hate mail disguised as a support ticket. Remember there are people on the other side of the screen before you lay into someone doing their job. Being disrespectful doesn’t get you anywhere here.

  • @ninja-naranja

    I'd ask you to first calm down. One, we've already established that my attitude on the ticket wasn't appropriate. Two, I would like you to keep in mind that you are making assumptions based on your own personal experience, and applying it to others. Not everyone plays as you do.

    You haven't necessarily contributed anything to the conversation that hasn't already been touched upon, and I would ask you to please consider whom you accuse of spreading 'Hatemail'. I included my ticket , unedited, to the public, with the intention of being open and honest. This is not targeted to any specific person, nor was my language intended to attack anyone for anything related to anyone's culture, identity or otherwise. In spite of my personal upset, I chose to use thematic language to emphasize my frustrations, whilst bringing a sense of the feelings invoked when having the proverbial rug removed quite suddenly from under player's without warning.

    I understand that you do not approve, but I would caution against making flagrant accusations. It doesn't contribute to the conversation at large, and will not endear you to anyone. I hope you will take the time to read the rest of the thread, and contribute to the conversation. In the meantime, regardless of this, I hope you have a good time on the seas!

    ( Edit: One thing I forgot to mention, I was asked by the respondent to apply my grievances here in this forum:

    "We have several feedback and suggestion threads on the forums that the community, development and design teams are interested in and always monitor. It would be very helpful if you would be able to add it here so that they can be considered."

    Which is another, primary reason for including the ticket within.)

    Edit, Edit: Woah, okay, sudden font size change!

  • @ovrcmplicata said in Athena's Fortune Rewards:

    Those of us who do not spend our lives trolling forums were blindsided by this change,

    Im just here to tell you that "trolling" does not mean what you think it means.

  • Do you want a formal apology to the community or something? Sheesh. It was an incorrectly placed visual. Mistakes happen.

    In a game as buggy as SOT it's a surprise it doesn't happen more often lol.

  • I don't see why you're mad. The figurehead is the cooler of the 2 rewards, and it being easier to obtain is better imo

  • @alienmagi said in Athena's Fortune Rewards:

    @ovrcmplicata said in Athena's Fortune Rewards:

    Those of us who do not spend our lives trolling forums were blindsided by this change,

    Im just here to tell you that "trolling" does not mean what you think it means.

    I should let you know that "carefully and systematically searching an area for something", definition for 'Trolling', actually does mean what I think it means. 'Trolling' may have been adopted by urban colloquialism, however it is still defined as such. Though I do appreciate your desire to help.

  • Pretty useless thread imo...

  • Dropping anchor here!

    As stated above this was a visual bug that meant two items had been placed in the wrong order in the ledger screen, nothing more!

    Hi All,

    I have looked into this issue, and the game UI is displaying swapped rewards for Athena's Fortune Season 5 cosmetics. The Legend (1st) tier should be showing the "Magpie's Glory Hull", and the Guardian (2nd) tier should be showing the "Magpie's Glory Figurehead", however they are currently being displayed the wrong way around. Thus causing some confusion.

    This issue only affects players who placed in the Guardian (2nd) tier, as you would have expected to receive the "Magpie's Fortune Hull" as a reward, yet received the "Magpie's Fortune Hull". Players placing in the Legend (1st) tier wouldn't notice the issue as they receive both rewards.

    Rest assured the Season 5 rewards received for placing in Athena's Fortune in the December ledger are correct, and the display issue will be looked into and corrected tomorrow.

    Many Regards,

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