Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing

  • If there is a problem then the mods will call it out, no one needs a white knight.

  • @jacketedlawyer6 said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    @treefittymonsta They announced a few months ago that ALL of their teams are working on FS.

    Well that's a bad management decision.

    @rare fix ur current build.....

  • @aclassali

    Just a concerned citizen... like yourself

  • Thank you. you are making the right decision. I am glad you are listening to your pioneer testers, and acting on their feedback. This will give the general public a better build/game when you do release it.

  • Let's make this update completely bugfree if we can! Thanks for the update Joe!

  • Lot more wrong then is what is listed here hope your seeing real feedback instead of fanboy feedback thanks for not putting it out not at all ready for primetime

  • @CamelFromLunch3 and @iamXnl Please refrain from making any mention of any testing or other Pioneers activity outside of the Pioneers forum. This includes hints, stories, anecdotes, or any other information related to tests you participated in. It is a violation of your NDA, and can result in being removed from the program.

  • @the3sheetsneate As long as we get skeleton lords im in....

  • @cokney-charmer said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    @the3sheetsneate Well at least it doesn't stop you all hitting up EGX to ignore the past month of self inflicted game breaking bugs and issues on a weekly basis, so you can deliver a panel on Saturday talking about what it is like to develop Sea of Thieves and to keep bringing new content to it.

    Have fun in Birmingham now ya hear :)

    You do realize that Joe and Mike aren't developers right? Apart from making high level decisions the teams shouldn't need them to fix bugs and tweak features.

  • @jacketedlawyer6 said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    @treefittymonsta They announced a few months ago that ALL of their teams are working on FS.

    This is incorrect. The teams aren't all working on Forsaken Shores. The team that worked on the Hungering Deep is working on the update we will receive after Forsaken Shores, Cursed Sails is working on the update after that and Forsaken Shores will work on the one after that once they wrap up here.

    This close to release, however, they will probably help out where they can if they need any extra assistance.

    To repeat: It's incorrect that ALL of the teams are working on Forsaken Shores.

  • First and foremost, thank you all for being so active and open about the changes being made, as well as wanting to provide a better quality product. Would certainly prefer a less buggy version of the game over more content, 100% of the time. So, by all means, delay as much as you need.

    Bugs I've encountered:

    1. Spawning in the brig.
    2. Grabbing the mast ladder from behind the wheel while sailing the sloop.
    3. Barrels closing as soon as they're opened.
    4. Unable to climb ladders at an outpost.
    5. Unable to climb mast ladder.
    6. Not hearing any other crew members chatting.
    7. Hearing other crews chatting when they're not around.
    8. Flags needing to be re-hung after a ship is sunk.
    9. Flags not appearing in general.
    10. Reputation progress bar isn't visible.
    11. Bilge Rat Title that isn't listed and unable to obtain. Titles Obtained (15/16) - Finished 100%
    12. Players spawning as skeletons.
    13. Unable to join an Alliance and have the Reaper's Mark up the whole time, which inhibits the ability to join an alliance while in the middle of a voyage if trying to complete the Bilge Rat Challenge.

    Features I'd like to see:

    1. The color of ammo to not be the same as the box they're in. Can't tell if I have full ammo or no ammo.
    2. Ability to join a server with other friends, I have more than 3 people I want to play this game with.
    3. Ability to change ship size without quitting the server. Start up with my wife on a sloop and friends want to join later, switch to Galleon without quitting the server.
    4. Global warning to wrap up what users are doing because a server merge is about to take place. The, freeze players and force merge literally only causes problems UNLESS everything is already on the player's ship.
    5. A 60 second warning that the user is about to Lazybeard. The lack of feedback to the players here is alarming and having something to alert the user would be better than coming back just in time for the screen to switch to loading.
  • @church6633 Ahoy matey, it's great you are sharing bugs. Please report them using the proper channels by filing a bug report over on the support page.

    If you want to suggest new features, join in on the conversations or create a new topic over at the feedback & suggestions section of our forum.

  • Joe, I would like to add my voice to the chorus of approval for, firstly, taking the time to get this release right; and, secondly, for keeping us well informed on these forums, about the delay and the reasons for it.

    Speaking personally, the delay actually suits me very well. This coming weekend, I am going to be busy doing crew induction training on a real tall ship. However, Friday 28th is the start of a holiday long weekend here in Melbourne, and my other half is having a weekend away with the girls. So, the perfect time for me to explore the new shores. :-)

  • If it was buggy - then right thing to do was delay the patch. You think you need 2 weeks to add in testing? Then kudos to you guys for trying to buffer, and I'll raise one hoping you guys work it out.

    I'll add in my usual suggestion (that I know you guys love hearing from me every time - that's my sarcastic face...I know) :

    1. Stop Giving Dates. If you release stuff to us and it happens to be every month, or every few weeks? Awesome. But don't tease the dates. Just make release windows with surprise content when you're 100% positive everything has been tested. (yep I've said that every time this has happened. and I will continue to give you that constructive criticism) - Messaging (just saying that word again because I know it gets annoying to hear it) is key.

    2. Make a lifecycle scrum if you haven't already done so. to everyone's point, there's plenty of bugs with the game, and many come out after a patch. So focus the team on "short" sprints that do nothing but work on current bugs in the game releasing as fast as they can merging back into your feature branches (like FS) to be tested with that in Pioneer. Invest in it, and move scrum members when the volume gets slow. At least gives you some focus for the community to see you addressing the bugs, and might help with some PR.

    Again just my 2c. Other than my be transparent post that I know you listened to (thanks again), I know you guys at least see this and ignore / get mad at some of it ;) But I won't stop being transparent back so you at least hear it. It can't be all puppies and rainbows and thank yous while you work on your game and issues with it, but the work is appreciated as I know it's tough work.

  • @church6633 said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    First and foremost, thank you all for being so active and open about the changes being made, as well as wanting to provide a better quality product. Would certainly prefer a less buggy version of the game over more content, 100% of the time. So, by all means, delay as much as you need.

    Bugs I've encountered:

    1. Spawning in the brig.
    2. Grabbing the mast ladder from behind the wheel while sailing the sloop.
    3. Barrels closing as soon as they're opened.
    4. Unable to climb ladders at an outpost.
    5. Unable to climb mast ladder.
    6. Not hearing any other crew members chatting.
    7. Hearing other crews chatting when they're not around.
    8. Flags needing to be re-hung after a ship is sunk.
    9. Flags not appearing in general.
    10. Reputation progress bar isn't visible.
    11. Bilge Rat Title that isn't listed and unable to obtain. Titles Obtained (15/16) - Finished 100%
    12. Players spawning as skeletons.
    13. Unable to join an Alliance and have the Reaper's Mark up the whole time, which inhibits the ability to join an alliance while in the middle of a voyage if trying to complete the Bilge Rat Challenge.

    Features I'd like to see:

    1. The color of ammo to not be the same as the box they're in. Can't tell if I have full ammo or no ammo.
    2. Ability to join a server with other friends, I have more than 3 people I want to play this game with.
    3. Ability to change ship size without quitting the server. Start up with my wife on a sloop and friends want to join later, switch to Galleon without quitting the server.
    4. Global warning to wrap up what users are doing because a server merge is about to take place. The, freeze players and force merge literally only causes problems UNLESS everything is already on the player's ship.
    5. A 60 second warning that the user is about to Lazybeard. The lack of feedback to the players here is alarming and having something to alert the user would be better than coming back just in time for the screen to switch to loading.

    This is a great post. If rare is unable to release a patch to fix a few if not all of these issues this week. They should be embarrassed to let such bugs stay in the game for now almost two weeks if not longer. Fix the current game now please.

  • @lady-aijou said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    @CamelFromLunch3 and @iamXnl Please refrain from making any mention of any testing or other Pioneers activity outside of the Pioneers forum. This includes hints, stories, anecdotes, or any other information related to tests you participated in. It is a violation of your NDA, and can result in being removed from the program.

    Still haven’t been told how i done so, but i just won’t participate in the forum or the feedback since it’s not being listened to anyhow. And the forums aren’t being properly monitored either. I stated my opinion and was called stupid, a child, and talked down to and nothing was said about it. And yet that is against pirate code but I’m being told i violated something but have yet to be shown what the violation was. So i won’t be on the forum and i darn sure won’t be recommending this game to anyone or defending it when it has been made very clear that players, mods, and the devs don’t care and only care about grieving and disrespectful behavior cause that’s all I’ve experienced since alpha testing. Such a shame. I’m sure some other devoleper will succeed where rare has failed. Makes sense as to why the company hasn’t had a hit game since the 90s.

  • @monkeychow01 said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    If it was buggy - then right thing to do was delay the patch. You think you need 2 weeks to add in testing? Then kudos to you guys for trying to buffer, and I'll raise one hoping you guys work it out.

    I'll add in my usual suggestion (that I know you guys love hearing from me every time - that's my sarcastic face...I know) :

    1. Stop Giving Dates. If you release stuff to us and it happens to be every month, or every few weeks? Awesome. But don't tease the dates. Just make release windows with surprise content when you're 100% positive everything has been tested. (yep I've said that every time this has happened. and I will continue to give you that constructive criticism) - Messaging (just saying that word again because I know it gets annoying to hear it) is key.

    2. Make a lifecycle scrum if you haven't already done so. to everyone's point, there's plenty of bugs with the game, and many come out after a patch. So focus the team on "short" sprints that do nothing but work on current bugs in the game releasing as fast as they can merging back into your feature branches (like FS) to be tested with that in Pioneer. Invest in it, and move scrum members when the volume gets slow. At least gives you some focus for the community to see you addressing the bugs, and might help with some PR.

    Again just my 2c. Other than my be transparent post that I know you listened to (thanks again), I know you guys at least see this and ignore / get mad at some of it ;) But I won't stop being transparent back so you at least hear it. It can't be all puppies and rainbows and thank yous while you work on your game and issues with it, but the work is appreciated as I know it's tough work.

    Careful voicing your opinion, you may be harassed by the community and mods if they don’t agree.

  • @the3sheetsneate I greatly appreciate your transparency and it was well worded. I also support this disicion as I felt as a weekend of testing was simply not enough time to discover and address all the issues present. I feel the memory leak issue is not the only major problem that will be discovered. This push back should now give us the time nessary to test all espects of the game to ensure quailty through out. It is vital that we have a very stable build for forsaken shores as it's the largest update to date yet we weren't given time to explore the breath of the content.

  • @fishst1ck when the game is in such a complete mess that they are having to delay expansion level content because its bug would think the company's focus should be on getting it ready for the 27th and from a PR view, having the team going on a jolly to a game event in order to market the game whilst its so unplayable for a majority of the community is kinda an insult to the community.

    Will watch the panel to see if they are honest about current state or whether they act like on previous developer update videos where they almost laugh off the issues their broken updates put in the game. Whether these two are crunching code or supervising what the feelings of the community are....they are getting it wrong across the board.

    My point stands, I hope they have fun in Birmingham :)

  • @murkrage No, I’m pretty sure I remember someone saying that because of the size of the update, all 4 teams will be working on FS. For other updates, though, that method is correct.

  • @camelfromlunch3
    Your attitude is hateful, and your blackmail too
    There is nothing serious about pushing back the release
    I don't understand why you have this kind of reaction , the community does not need to look this show

  • As I predicted.

  • @dr-peter-tezla said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    As I predicted.

    Same here. On July 17th I said the Forsaken Shores will release around September 25th because the other two updates were released on the last Tuesday of that month.

    In early September, when Rare announced Forsaken Shores for the 19th of September I was like... Not going to happen ;)

    alt text

    I don't know what's wrong there but they release updates with many bugs and they delayed (or cancelled) updates in the last weeks.

  • @gulpee-rex said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    @dr-peter-tezla said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    As I predicted.

    Same here. On July 17th I said the Forsaken Shores will release around September 25th because the other two updates were released on the last Tuesday of that month.

    In early September, when Rare announced Forsaken Shores for the 19th of September I was like... Not going to happen ;)

    alt text

    I don't know what's wrong there but they release updates with many bugs and they delayed (or cancelled) updates in the last weeks.

    You are a god to me. Please use your nostradamus like predictions to tell me....

    Will there be a patch this week to fix the current bugs with the game and barrel 2.0 system? Or will these bugs persist until forsaken shores arrives? Or with the bugs persist past forsaken shores?

  • @libertadfr said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    Your attitude is hateful, and your blackmail too
    There is nothing serious about pushing back the release
    I don't understand why you have this kind of reaction , the community does not need to look this show

    It absolutely is now after all the disrespect i was shown. Why should it be anything but hateful and also i don’t believe you understand blackmail. I did not hold something over another’s head to get what i wanted.

    This community as a whole is hateful and toxic and I’ve just had my fill of the childish and immature behavior.

  • with the issues that plagued skeleton ships, skull forts, and the megalodon it seems like Rare has more of an issue with resource management than a "memory leak".

    it really seems more likely that they walk a fine-line between what can be added before things break and working acceptably.

    might be a good idea at this point to devote an entire team to fixing that issue, because without it any scaling, growth, or additions are going to cause problems. a full 10 days at 8+ hours a day to fix a "memory leak" is a bit much...even if you remove weekends it is still 7 days -- for what is described as a "memory leak".

  • @treefittymonsta Hahaha, I signed a NDA so I can't tell about that stuff. Srry ;)

    @AOD-fluid I think there's more than just a memory leak.

  • @treefittymonsta said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    @gulpee-rex said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    @dr-peter-tezla said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    As I predicted.

    Same here. On July 17th I said the Forsaken Shores will release around September 25th because the other two updates were released on the last Tuesday of that month.

    In early September, when Rare announced Forsaken Shores for the 19th of September I was like... Not going to happen ;)

    alt text

    I don't know what's wrong there but they release updates with many bugs and they delayed (or cancelled) updates in the last weeks.

    You are a god to me. Please use your nostradamus like predictions to tell me....

    Will there be a patch this week to fix the current bugs with the game and barrel 2.0 system? Or will these bugs persist until forsaken shores arrives? Or with the bugs persist past forsaken shores?

    It’s pretty obvious rare just can’t deliver their promises. They released a game before it was an actual game and each update since the release has been a c**p shoot with bugs that last a month at least they fix it by added two additional bugs it’s no surprised they couldn’t follow through.

  • @the3sheetsneate Once again Thanks Joe for keeping us updated!! I appreciate the communication and honesty when discussing the issues your teams are facing. Can't wait to play Forsaken Shores but one week isn't anything in the grand scheme of things. Hope you guys are doing well in the studio and thanks for all your hard work!!

  • @camelfromlunch3 said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    @treefittymonsta said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    @gulpee-rex said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    @dr-peter-tezla said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    As I predicted.

    Same here. On July 17th I said the Forsaken Shores will release around September 25th because the other two updates were released on the last Tuesday of that month.

    In early September, when Rare announced Forsaken Shores for the 19th of September I was like... Not going to happen ;)

    alt text

    I don't know what's wrong there but they release updates with many bugs and they delayed (or cancelled) updates in the last weeks.

    You are a god to me. Please use your nostradamus like predictions to tell me....

    Will there be a patch this week to fix the current bugs with the game and barrel 2.0 system? Or will these bugs persist until forsaken shores arrives? Or with the bugs persist past forsaken shores?

    It’s pretty obvious rare just can’t deliver their promises. They released a game before it was an actual game and each update since the release has been a c**p shoot with bugs that last a month at least they fix it by added two additional bugs it’s no surprised they couldn’t follow through.

    I think you are over-simplifying things at this point...and connecting dots that should not be connected. ;)

  • @camelfromlunch3 said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    @lady-aijou said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    @CamelFromLunch3 and @iamXnl Please refrain from making any mention of any testing or other Pioneers activity outside of the Pioneers forum. This includes hints, stories, anecdotes, or any other information related to tests you participated in. It is a violation of your NDA, and can result in being removed from the program.

    Still haven’t been told how i done so, but i just won’t participate in the forum or the feedback since it’s not being listened to anyhow. And the forums aren’t being properly monitored either. I stated my opinion and was called stupid, a child, and talked down to and nothing was said about it. And yet that is against pirate code but I’m being told i violated something but have yet to be shown what the violation was. So i won’t be on the forum and i darn sure won’t be recommending this game to anyone or defending it when it has been made very clear that players, mods, and the devs don’t care and only care about grieving and disrespectful behavior cause that’s all I’ve experienced since alpha testing. Such a shame. I’m sure some other devoleper will succeed where rare has failed. Makes sense as to why the company hasn’t had a hit game since the 90s.

    Looks like we’re down a pioneer and need a replacement. raises hook

  • @aod-fluid said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    @camelfromlunch3 said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    @treefittymonsta said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    @gulpee-rex said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    @dr-peter-tezla said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    As I predicted.

    Same here. On July 17th I said the Forsaken Shores will release around September 25th because the other two updates were released on the last Tuesday of that month.

    In early September, when Rare announced Forsaken Shores for the 19th of September I was like... Not going to happen ;)

    alt text

    I don't know what's wrong there but they release updates with many bugs and they delayed (or cancelled) updates in the last weeks.

    You are a god to me. Please use your nostradamus like predictions to tell me....

    Will there be a patch this week to fix the current bugs with the game and barrel 2.0 system? Or will these bugs persist until forsaken shores arrives? Or with the bugs persist past forsaken shores?

    It’s pretty obvious rare just can’t deliver their promises. They released a game before it was an actual game and each update since the release has been a c**p shoot with bugs that last a month at least they fix it by added two additional bugs it’s no surprised they couldn’t follow through.

    I think you are over-simplifying things at this point...and connecting dots that should not be connected. ;)

    Idk what you’re suggesting but it’s a typical disappointing game like no mans sky when it was first released in pc and PlayStation. They promised what they couldn’t deliver just like rare has done.

  • @gulpee-rex said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    @treefittymonsta Hahaha, I signed a NDA so I can't tell about that stuff. Srry ;)

    Dang worth a shot. Ok.
    Well by using your predictive powers, I attempt to summon: @The3SheetsNeate Will there be a patch this week to fix current bugs in the game or do we have to wait until forsaken shores?

  • @capt-fambeard said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    @camelfromlunch3 said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    @lady-aijou said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    @CamelFromLunch3 and @iamXnl Please refrain from making any mention of any testing or other Pioneers activity outside of the Pioneers forum. This includes hints, stories, anecdotes, or any other information related to tests you participated in. It is a violation of your NDA, and can result in being removed from the program.

    Still haven’t been told how i done so, but i just won’t participate in the forum or the feedback since it’s not being listened to anyhow. And the forums aren’t being properly monitored either. I stated my opinion and was called stupid, a child, and talked down to and nothing was said about it. And yet that is against pirate code but I’m being told i violated something but have yet to be shown what the violation was. So i won’t be on the forum and i darn sure won’t be recommending this game to anyone or defending it when it has been made very clear that players, mods, and the devs don’t care and only care about grieving and disrespectful behavior cause that’s all I’ve experienced since alpha testing. Such a shame. I’m sure some other devoleper will succeed where rare has failed. Makes sense as to why the company hasn’t had a hit game since the 90s.

    Looks like we’re down a pioneer and need a replacement. raises hook

    Shame that only alpha testers can be pioneers. I’m sure it’s slowly dwindling with the state the game is in and lack of care rare has shown.

  • @camelfromlunch3 said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    @capt-fambeard said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    @camelfromlunch3 said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    @lady-aijou said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    @CamelFromLunch3 and @iamXnl Please refrain from making any mention of any testing or other Pioneers activity outside of the Pioneers forum. This includes hints, stories, anecdotes, or any other information related to tests you participated in. It is a violation of your NDA, and can result in being removed from the program.

    Still haven’t been told how i done so, but i just won’t participate in the forum or the feedback since it’s not being listened to anyhow. And the forums aren’t being properly monitored either. I stated my opinion and was called stupid, a child, and talked down to and nothing was said about it. And yet that is against pirate code but I’m being told i violated something but have yet to be shown what the violation was. So i won’t be on the forum and i darn sure won’t be recommending this game to anyone or defending it when it has been made very clear that players, mods, and the devs don’t care and only care about grieving and disrespectful behavior cause that’s all I’ve experienced since alpha testing. Such a shame. I’m sure some other devoleper will succeed where rare has failed. Makes sense as to why the company hasn’t had a hit game since the 90s.

    Looks like we’re down a pioneer and need a replacement. raises hook

    Shame that only alpha testers can be pioneers. I’m sure it’s slowly dwindling with the state the game is in and lack of care rare has shown.

    That is not how this works. They chose brand new pioneers not long ago...

107 out of 217