Introducing our new Forum Ranking system 'Days at Sea'!

  • Very cool! Thank you for this :)

  • @drbullhammer Ooooooh that is odd! Might want to raise that one and see why....

  • @xcalypt0x perfect. Works for me.

  • @dreamingnomad thank you!

  • Well... this is fun.

  • @takuboto said in Introducing our new Forum Ranking system 'Days at Sea'!:

    @badassfro Can confirm, no one has yet! From now it will probably take another year and and a half for our top members to reach it, and that's if they were logged in every day from now. Will be interesting to see who hits it first...

    We all know it's going to be @Musicmee

  • me licky this

  • @murkrage Fingers crossed! I do log in each and every day... so hopefully!

  • @musicmee Never doubted that for a second!

  • This is pointless, it will just increase the elitist attitude that some people already have

  • cool. spening too much time on the seas than in here haha

  • I find the calculation of the "days on the sea" very confusing.
    For 99% of the people you can just take the difference in days form the days they joined the forums until now and you come to their "days on the sea" count (+/- a few days in some instances).
    But there is also other people like @DrBullhammer who are missing quite a substantial amount of days with that method.

    Any clarification on the way these days get calculated?

  • @octopus-lime said in Introducing our new Forum Ranking system 'Days at Sea'!:

    This is pointless, it will just increase the elitist attitude that some people already have

    Indeed , Sir ...In a Place where " Every Pirate is equal" , there is no need for titles .And a title should be optional so can someone take mine away? It's the wrong one ,anyway ...If it's to much trouble to reanimate my account then i have no need on the wrong title , Thank You!

  • This is a fun addition and an interesting idea. It will be interesting to see what membe of Rare is the first Legend! Lol

  • @saskeks said in Introducing our new Forum Ranking system 'Days at Sea'!:

    @clumsy-george you my friend are already immortal in this game ;) hehe


  • Cool, I am typeing in at least eight words to see what my rank is.

  • cool idea

  • i wish something like this was in the game also...

  • @wydyadoit I know! I wonder how hard it’d be to implement. I’m guessing it wouldn’t be.

  • @nose-0ver-tail

    Depends on how rare does their coding and how one interprets the creation.

    Just for the sake of argument I'll give 2 examples. one hard and one easy. I'll start with the easy one.

    create the asset, name the asset, assign the asset, create the condition of the asset, assign the condition of the asset, track the condition of the asset, and make the asset true under a set of parameters.

    this chain of orders will basically give you a simple template that appears at all times based on whatever parameter is set.

    a harder version would take this and multiply it by about 30 and then apply some sort of calling receiving followed by a toggle false/true and a bunch of switch commands based on whether or not you wanted to make it more like a standard title and have commendations that you could track.

    my preferred version, however, would be a modified version of the tall tales book where a player could show his or her commendations off. Each page would be a different commendation list and the book would have little merit badges and outlines of missing merit badges for each completed commendation.

    alas - that might be a bit too complex.

  • @takuboto hey there is a bug in this system, when you reach the last day of your current rank the rank doesnt show up in your posts:

    I have seen this on multiple people and today its my turn, i am still a Master because i am at 728 days today (moment of writing)

    Master / 486-728 days
    Captain / 729-1019 days

    But it doesnt show up.

    This is just an fyi

  • more info about it:

  • Cool! Nice idea!

  • This was a very bad idea. All ranks will do is increase the elitist attitude. But hey, if I didn't delete my account I'd have one of the highest rankings. Haha! I check in like once every two months, if that, so my rank is going nowhere. To everyone who checks daily, enjoy.

  • Pretty neat new addition to the forums! Good to see all those days logged in lurking around the forums in the past actually fetched me a little something other than a few friends.

    JK, love you all. :)

  • This is really cool!

  • Nice just checking on my rank

  • people posting on that rank

  • cool beans

  • Cool 😎 kann man auch auf deutsch schreiben?

  • Why's the 12th rank missing? @TakuBoto

  • neat wonder what mine is

  • This a great concept! Can't wait to see where I am.

  • well well

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