FORSAKEN SKULLBALL ☠ PvP Community Event ❂ Sat Oct 27th 2018

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    The Pirate Council desires to celebrate the discovery of the Devil's Roar with a friendly tournament of SKULLBALL! We will establish ourselves on the Forsaken Shores and hold the Region's Very First Skullball Tournament!

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    • What is Skullball?

    Skullball is a sport invented by the Fortune Union. Essentially, the goal of the game is to take the Skull to the Opposing Team's Crow's Nest. For the FORSAKEN SKULLBALL Tournament, each community will bring forward a Brigantine Crew to battle it out!

    • Rules

    Teams are composed of Looters and Watcher.
    Having a Watcher is optional.
    There can only be 1 Watcher per team, at a time.
    Watchers have to stay on their Respective Ships.
    Looters can only use a Cutlass and a Flintlock.
    Watchers can only use a Cutlass and an Eye of Reach.
    When a team scores a point, the opposing team starts the new round with the Skull. Once the Skull is off the ship, the starting team cannot return on their ship with it.

    Looters are not allowed to access the opposing team's lower decks.
    No Bananas are allowed, other than the ones you can pick up on the island.
    No Cannons.
    No one is allowed on the Sails or on the Crow's Nest, other than the one carrying the Skull.

    If a Watcher is found off their ship, the round will be paused, and the Watcher is killed as the round is resumed.

    If an Opposing Looter is found fighting below decks, the round will be paused and the deck will be cleared. The Opposing Looters that were on the ship at the time of the penalty will be able to resume on land, by the ship.

    When a penalty is called, Players on the Ferry will have to remain on the Ferry until the round is resumed. If a Player spawns back while there is a Penalty Call, they will be executed and will return to the Ferry.

    Intentionally harming the Ships will result in immediate disqualification.

    All Penalties will be dealt by the Referees & ShoutCasters alone.

    (Rules and Penalties are subject to possible change.)


    Your team gets a point when you carry the Skull to your Opposing Team's Crow's Nest.

    The team who reaches 3 points first, or has the most points after 15 minutes wins.

    If there is a stalemate, an additional Sudden Death round occurs. Once a player dies during the Sudden Death round, they will not be allowed to spawn back.

    If there is a stalemate during the Sudden Death round, a single duel will settle the matter.

    • Where can I see this?

    You will be able to follow the FORSAKEN SKULLBALL Tournament by tuning in to our Official Shoutcaster @ELLISisBEAST with Special Guest @Thor-Von-Blitz

    • Can my crew participate?

    If you and your crew wish to participate, leave a message below with your crew details and a way to contact you. Space is limited but we welcome new and friendly faces!

    • What is the Pirate Council?

    The Pirate Council is is a coalition of fleets and organizations that share a common passion for Sea of Thieves. With different perspectives, we believe that we can influence the tides and bring a positive and impactful experience for our community members and the larger Sea of Thieves Community. If you wish to know more, don't hesitate to contact us!

    We are:

    Iron Fleet
    The Blue Devils
    Fleet of Thieves
    Crew of Thieves
    DADS Pirates
    Steve Irwin's Revenge
    Sea Of Thieves ITALIA
    Tactical Fleet
    The Dread Fleet
    Angels of Death
    Rogue Legends

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  • Rogue Legends are looking forward to it!

  • Looking forward to it!

  • Whooohoooo more skullball! Should be fun!

  • #DADSPirates like the sound of this.

  • Good work @SirioNDB
    I shall summon the @Boatswain as I feel we need to field a team here for this one!

  • Snazzy! :D

  • @siriondb Hey did you know avast means stop/cease not like ahoy or hello?

  • @roughleech03117 said in FORSAKEN SKULLBALL ☠ PvP Community Event ❂ Sat Oct 13th 2018:

    @siriondb Hey did you know avast means stop/cease not like ahoy or hello?

    I did! I meant it more like:

    "Stop what you're doing"

  • @siriondb Still that does not sound right

  • The Cutthroat pirates will enter. ragetrox, wkd1337, topdog021. with kraken as a backup. if you need to contact me Neph#8471 is my discord.

  • Forsaken skullball eh? The only thing forsaken are your gods. We all serve but one god, the Drowned God!

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  • Fleet of Thieves is IN!

    MolanAbram#9613 is my contact info.

  • Is it time yet? Need more Skullball!

  • ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ SUMMON THE @SirioNDB ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
    ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ SUMMON THE SKULLBALL ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
    ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ SUMMON THE @Boatswain ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
    ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ SUMMON THE @Deckhands -༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
    ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ SUMMON MY GROG- - - - - - ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
    ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ SUMMON THE ROWBOATS -༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

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  • Less than a week left! Anyone else excited?!

  • @PrinceOfPromise



    Edit: @Admiral-RRRSole - here's the thread

  • The Freemen can send one of our league teams. Is this meant to be a new team or a best if the best style team?

    For quicker communication you can either ask the iron fleet to touch base with us. Or give us a contact person to reach
    out too

  • @siriondb
    Thanks mate.
    Dang I just found it in "Recent" and edited my post with the link. :o)
    Strange I didn't see the tag notification.

  • @fon-flightforce a dit dans FORSAKEN SKULLBALL ☠ PvP Community Event ❂ Sat Oct 13th 2018 :

    The Freemen can send one of our league teams. Is this meant to be a new team or a best if the best style team?

    For quicker communication you can either ask the iron fleet to touch base with us. Or give us a contact person to reach
    out too

    We're currently in the process of confirming the availability of our current participants. The Freemen's desire to participate is noted. We will contact you once that is done.

    Thank you for your interest :D

    Also @Admiral-RRRSole, I'm sorry you didn't see the notif. Might be because I added you as an edit on my last post.

  • first skullball event was when gunpowder skeletons were first introduced, now @SirioNDB wants to play on a volcano 🤔


  • Ahoy!

    We are officially set for match day!

    These are Forsaken Skullball's participants:

    • Blue Devils
    • Rogue Legends
    • Iron Fleet
    • Dread Fleet
    • DADS Pirates
    • Crew Of Thieves
    • Fleet Of Thieves
    • SOT Italia

    Those who are about to die salute you!

    changes to the participants will be announced in this thread

  • Is it time yet?!

    Bring on the volcano, guysers, and skellys that go boom! Rogue Legends is ready!



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  • It's gameday folks, The Iron Fleet is ready!!

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  • Due to unforeseen issues that unfolded during the Event, we decided to postpone the next set of rounds.

    On October 27th, 2018, we will be finishing our Friendly Tournament of Skullball, possibly on a different island ;).

    We're going to see:

    @DADS Pirates vs @Fleet of Thieves
    @Sea of Thieves Italia vs @The Blue Devils

    The victors of the two matches will then oppose eachother in a very promising Final!

    Followed by a special competition!

    Stay tuna.

  • @fundietoday

    Kinda feel like the results would be the same, the only difference being the scoreline changing from 1 - 0 Italia to 3 - 0 Italia. Get some practice in before the next event :)

  • Updated Bracket

    See you on October 27th!

  • Hey @SirioNDB what time should we tuna in on Saturday?

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