Barrel Skeletons-The Bane of all Pirates

  • I am not the type of person to post on forums typically but I feel as a loyal Rare consumer it is necessary in this moment to make this known. Although it was stated that the gunpowder skeleton spawn rates would be decreased following the bi-weekly event, it appears with this most recent patch release this is not at all the case. It seems that if anything they spawn more regularly then when the event was active. I have video of 3-4 spawning at once and this is simply absurd. The community has been very patient with all the issues associated with the game as well as with the excessive grind it holds within its world, this however is making the experience miserable. I do enjoy playing the game however I do not enjoy spending a huge amount of my time on the fairy of the damned due to an overabundance of this pest. Please fix this Rare it is making playing the game I love trying to say the least.

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  • @unschiefmendez I wouldn't say they're the bane of every pirate, I like them. Sure they are annoying when you are trying to carry livestock back to your boat, but the satisfaction of blowing up an entire wave of skellies with their own boom booms is something I love.

  • @chaos217 I do like having them in game, I simply don't understand why they are spawning as frequently as they are. Especially when we were told it would be cut back. In my mind 3-4 rising from the ground at once in a single area is a bit excessive. Run some Athena's and you will understand the plight of which I speak.

  • Personally love them during oos missions, forts, and when the amount of athena skellies gets overwhelming its nice for them to come help wipe out everything around them, sometimes they can be a pest and have forced me to switch my blunderbuss out for a pistol or sniper (still working out which one i like more). Wish the blunder could blow them up from a safe distance. UN-NERF THE BLUNDERBUSS!!!

  • @unschiefmendez yes they can be a annoying but as soon as you start to work them to your advantage, you soon learn to appreciate them.

    We are doing Athena voyages so yes we do understand. They have helped cut down waves in Anthen OoS quests. Not to mention fort skeleton waves.

  • I disagree, as others have said they are more help than anything on Order of Souls missions. Granted that's where I've been focusing my grind since they were introduced, but I also like when they spawn randomly. If you're still on your boat, snipe their legs and pick up some gp barrels for defense or offense.

  • If you know how to use them to your advantage they are very good.

    Always that sneaky one that sneaks up on you at times though lol
    best course is just RUN.

  • I absolutely love gunpowder skellies. They have added so much excitement, flavor and humor to the game. I feel their spawn rate is perfect as it is.

  • I think there may be some truth to what the OP says regarding the frequency of gunpowder skeletons - just today, I had 3 of them rise up directly in front of me, and all at the same time. I mean, I know they hate us mouth-breathers and all, but isn't that a bit much? Seems like overkill to me... 💣💣💣

  • I agree with the OP that the amount of island native/ambient skeletons that spawn with boom booms is a tad too high.

    Let OoS Skellies spawn with the current (higher) rate and tone the regular skellies down.

    Also add a dead man switch to the skelly booms, but that's another topic. 😉

  • You can’t “work it to your advantage” on an Athena when you’re deep in an island trying to get 10 shovel strokes and the guy spawns 5 feet from you. By then you already had to work your way through two other spawns. We just gave up and shoveled until we died last night. I’m with the OP on it being pretty rediculous now.

  • They feel very balanced to me at the moment and don't spawn as much as before. I really can't say that there are too many of them in my experience.

    I love these skeletons and together with the megalodon, I think they were a great addition to the game.
    They allow me to clear big waves of skeletons faster, I can get gunpowder barrels from them for my ship and most importantly, they are fun!
    Seeing people running for their lives when one or 2 of them spawn is really funny.

  • @unschiefmendez, I made a post about this. Come check it out.

  • After Rate said they toned the gunpowder skeletons down I did notice a change. I have noticed that while on certain islands they spawn back to back regardless of what mission you are doing at that time.
    For example Shipwreck Bay. It seems on this island they spawn pretty frequently while on Crooked Mast they spawn once in a while.
    There are islands that I am on doing skull missions that I am almost praying for a gunpowder skeleton and only get one or two the whole mission. Or I have an X marks the spot and I can’t even stop to look at my map because they are constant.

  • I enjoy taking shots at them while passing islands.

    Has given me something else to do while listening for statues.

  • Fun-powder Skeletons.

  • I would disagree to both point being made here
    I love gunpowder skeletons. They are so incredibly useful and hilarious
    The spawn rate is way lower than before Level 50 OoS Voyages and Skullforts don't spawn one every wave and there is not usually more than one
    You need to remember that every wave during the event spawned one and I'd say more than a 75% chance to spawn a second
    I have noticed during an Athena Voyage that there were three on shore closest to my boat but all three didn't spawn from a single wave and I lost track of how many waves spawned while we were stuck at this island because no one could read a treasure map and I don't trust anyone more than myself when it comes to watching the boat

  • @unschiefmendez At least they should add a time before they detonate straight way

  • @graffiticomet Please don't resurrect old threads, it is against the forum rules. This thread will now be locked.

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