New to the game, but not to seafaring, looking to play the game with like minded folk.

  • Hello everyone. I just picked up the game on X-Box 1 and had a good time sailing around. I haven't done any organized gaming in a long time (probably about 10 years or more) and have been mostly playing a bit on WoWS and sea combat simulators. I am mostly interested in the merchant alliance missions.

    I am U.S. West Coast based, but I work graveyards so I am usually playing 9:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. while the wife and kid sleep. I do not have a headset for X-Box yet but I am working on it.

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  • @muricanlawman14

    Welcome aboard! We have a find a crew thread and there are a number of fleets with discord who'll likely be along soon to welcome you to the community :)

  • @muricanlawman14 Ahoy there matey!

    Welcome aboard the forum (and the game) I hope you be findin' yer sea legs!

    There's a lot of fine pirating folk that sail in these waters who I'm sure will offer you a space in their crew!

    Fair winds matey!

  • @muricanlawman14

    Im dreading doing merchant alliance so I could totally use a crew mate to go through it with. Shoot me a message on xbox sometime, I think we would work well together. I use all quick chat, no mic. I think our hours might not line up though because of the time zone. Im in eastern standard time, but my play time hours are almost identical.. I play nights while the wife and son sleep.

  • @muricanlawman14

    Ahoy there,
    Welcome to SoT
    If a crew ye be looking for, look no further. We be over 130 strong.
    We be a friendly bunch of pirates. Come and check us out.

    We have all kinds of players in our group from the PVP to the treasure hunters. All play styles welcome and easy to find someone that fits your style.

    Tell them Marine sent you ;)

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