Noob pirate in need of guidance

  • Hi all new to xbox just got this game and looking for anyone that can show me the ropes gt is NATEZA1 im on now

  • 14
  • @nateza1 you should try some random crews till you start making friends on the sea,, also look up for already formed groups along the threads, and remember, solo play, only when you have enough experience, or you will hate the game too soon

  • @mgbeares thank you so solo play is the best way to gain experience then look for a crew?

  • @nateza1 No, solo play is the "hardest mode".

  • @nateza1 no lol, he said leave solo til last as its harder, use matchmaking and don’t be afraid to requeue if you find yourself in a not so productive crew, also have a browse through the forums here, there are many many posts detailing tips for newcomers, before you know it you will be captain of your own galleon!

  • @solidsnakemig thank you lol

  • I would suggest you start a solo game and just try out the mechanics a bit. Talk to the NPCs, check out your ship and try to sail around a bit so you know what part of the ship does what. Try out different items and weapons, maybe do a gold hoarder voyage.
    If someone attacks you, don't be salty, you're doing this to get a feel for the game. Then, if you managed to sail around for a bit, join other crews for the real fun.

    Solo play is indeed hard mode, but I think it is a good way to play for the first time. Speaking from experience, inviting a completely new player into a seasoned crew will overwhelm them, be annoying for the crew and eventually bore the new player because he's kind of a stowaway on a ship that is run by a routine crew.
    It's a mistake I just did with one of my friends. He got the gamepass so we decided to play SoT together. I was gonna go duo sloop with him and show him the ropes, but then two others came online so we started a galleon instead.
    Long story short, my friends first experience in the game was wondering why 3 pirates were sprinting around like maniacs on a ship, asking him to use sailing mechanics he'd never seen, wondering why he needed to accept and then immediately abort 7 voyages before the crew found a good one, wondering what the heck was going on in general, fighting the kraken and running out of cannonballs and ammo with no idea where to get new ammo while the 3 veterans treated that huge Kraken like a minor inconvenience, wondering why we didn't attack the one other boat we came across and finally quitting as a wave of lvl 45 shadow skeletons with pistols sniped him as soon as he sat foot on an island. He said the game wasn't for him and went on to play Battlefield.

    Basically, he completely missed out on that wonder and excitement of sailing for the first time with no idea how to sail. Picking his own voyage and navigating to the island, probably crashing into some rocks on the shore.
    Instead, he started with a highly effective min maxing crew in the mood for grinding the last level to pirate legend for one of their mates and it completely ruined the experience because for him, it was confusing and boring. The water looked nice tho.

    So be careful how you present the game to friends for the first time, and if you're starting out yourself, start small and treat it as an adventure. :)

  • @nateza1 said in Noob pirate in need of guidance:

    Hi all new to xbox just got this game and looking for anyone that can show me the ropes gt is NATEZA1 im on now

    and good luck to you.. i have spent the better part of the night random queing into lobbys and everyone is not productive , that's if they even have a voyage down , a couple lobbies ppl just dropped the anchor and logged offo seems really trolly if you dont use the LFG system in place and filter ppl

  • @nateza1

    Ahoy there and welcome aboard!

    There's a couple of guides out on the forums, one here -

    and if you wish to try the solo route, there's also a fantastic collection of advice and guidance in this thread - a great deal of which also applies to larger crews...

  • Hello and welcome to SoT.
    If ye be interested

    We be a friendly bunch of pirates. Come and check us out.

    We have all kinds of players in our group from the PVP to the treasure hunters. All play styles welcome and easy to find someone that fits your style

    Tell them Marine sent you ;)

  • hey Nate just saw this post if you still need someone to lend assistance and show you the ropes my gt is Alxstprophet

  • Random crews could prove bad for you. Find a crew that is willing to just teach you depending on how you want to play the game.

    My crew is mostly doing Merchants still, but you could join us for that if you wanted.

  • @nateza1 When you are on the boat look at sails... The ropes hang off of them! 😬

  • @nateza1 welcome matey! we all had to start somewhere and i guarantee if you put in the time and effort you will have some of the best thrills and laughs, unfortunately, there are some time wasters but once you find a good crew and make some friends in SoT its a blast!

10 out of 14