Sell gear at second-hand trader

  • I would like to sell parts of my equipment. I don't like them, I needed them for some success (especially the sails). But I also bought some clothes, which are very unattractive on the character.
    I have also received weapons that I find unsightly. Whenever I equip my ship, change clothes or change weapons, I stumble across this stuff. Every time I think: "Get away with it, it doesn't pay any rent."

    I am looking for a second-hand shop where I can sell the parts.

  • 22
  • @goedecke-michel

    I would like to be able to do this too, I wonder if the Seapost traders would be a good place to sell second hand items?

  • @katttruewalker my thoughts, sister, just my thoughts.

  • @katttruewalker said in Sell gear at second-hand trader:


    I would like to be able to do this too, I wonder if the Seapost traders would be a good place to sell second hand items?

    Yeah maybe they could buy it and then resell it adding more deals on items at the outposts.

  • @x-crowheart-x sagte in Sell gear at second-hand trader:

    @katttruewalker said in Sell gear at second-hand trader:


    I would like to be able to do this too, I wonder if the Seapost traders would be a good place to sell second hand items?

    Yeah maybe they could buy it and then resell it adding more deals on items at the outposts.

    This way, yes. Make them be real second-hand traders, who buy and sell used stuff. Maybe, maybe, if you buy there the stuff has a worn look. This would be fancy.

  • @goedecke-michel said in Sell gear at second-hand trader:

    @x-crowheart-x sagte in Sell gear at second-hand trader:

    @katttruewalker said in Sell gear at second-hand trader:


    I would like to be able to do this too, I wonder if the Seapost traders would be a good place to sell second hand items?

    Yeah maybe they could buy it and then resell it adding more deals on items at the outposts.

    This way, yes. Make them be real second-hand traders, who buy and sell used stuff. Maybe, maybe, if you buy there the stuff has a worn look. This would be fancy.

    Trendy worn and torn pirate bling. Could become a fashion rage.

  • @katttruewalker it would be ok if you could chose to

  • @x-crowheart-x we have the bilge rat stuff

  • @closinghare208 said in Sell gear at second-hand trader:

    @x-crowheart-x we have the bilge rat stuff

    Yes, but it looks like new worn and torn clothes lol!

  • Yeh, many of us buyed some clothes just to try, because we miss a preview system so we can't know if the cloth looks good or not on our pirate and we are forced to buy to try.

    Would be nice to sell back somewhere the stuff we don't like

  • @x-crowheart-x how?

  • @closinghare208 said in Sell gear at second-hand trader:

    @x-crowheart-x how?

    Just joking mate. Like buying a $100 pair of jeans that is already torn and stained for the look off the shelf.

  • @x-crowheart-x I sea what you did there

  • I just can agree.
    I have tons of stuff i will never wear and i just buyed it because it maybe looks good and no preview, but especially if you have a bigger guy or gal a lot of cloth just dont look good.

    I would be fine with 50% of the initial value and the trade post can resell it for 75%

  • could not agree more.

  • ... want to buy a cheap, worn legendary figurehead.

  • 2 words:



    That is all...

  • I don't even want any money for the stuff I no longer want.
    I just want to get the items out of my inventory

  • @goedecke-michel sagte in Sell gear at second-hand trader:

    ... want to buy a cheap, worn legendary figurehead.

    If something like this comes, I can see already people who played it for the first time and have all the athena-stuff...

  • @Goedecke-Michel I be thinkin' 'tis a great idea! I would like t' do away wit' a few items I shall ne'er use as well. I hope this one comes t' pass some day!

    @Sshteeve Exactly! 'tis an excellent proposition! Who do we 'ave t' bribe t' get an Auction House here in th' Sea o' Thieves?

  • @sshteeve

    We could get Stan in the game to run the Auction House:)

    alt text

  • I would settle for a "favorites menu" where only the stuff I like pops up when I open a cosmetics chest. My full inventory would still be available, but that way if I wanted to do a quick change I could sort through only the stuff I like.

    My pirate is a somewhat thick lady pirate, and while most of the male clothing looks cool, there is only one dress in the game that doesn't look terrible.

10 out of 22