Gave this game another chance today.

  • For all of you who don't know if you should buy the game of if you're considering going back to it.
    Save your time, it's an absolute mess. Even more then it was before.

  • 36
  • Okay....

  • I just start playing this game 2 or 3 weeks ago since i stay at a friends house who is a legendary pirate and he took me on his voyage. Since then i worked me way up from repairing below deck to mastering the angle of the sails and now also start me own adventures as a solo merchant selling funny chickens. Half my voyages crashed with different server problems etc but this game is so free and funny and there is nothing to win so i only need to get new coops and get right back on a chicken hunt. Yeah i absolutely love this game at a moment people complain its broken. Yeah we got some long voyages that crashed and its a lot of time and effort lost but its about the voyage and the voyage was fun so its not so bad only lost some treasure to buy funny skins not a real problem imo.. the game is absolutely funny to play with friends and some voyages are lucky and sometimes we run into some pirates who sink us or a server crash or whatever but no matter the outcome the voyage is a great adventure and a lot of fun. I certainly enjoyed the game so far even when it got some little problems while im joining as a new player.

  • @kaptenfisk
    Sot isn't for everyone.

  • @kaptenfisk oh, so since you aren't enjoying yourself, I shouldn't as well. okay.

  • @marsmayflower said in Gave this game another chance today.:

    @kaptenfisk oh, so since you aren't enjoying yourself, I shouldn't as well. okay.

    Do you have the game?

  • @scraping-static check the stats

  • @marsmayflower

    I couldn’t be bothered to do so, but assuming you do have the game, this post wasn’t intended for you, rather the people who are contemplating buying a game plagued with bugs for $60.00.

    Edit - less than $60, but still wherever you go, too much.

  • Most bugs were fixed last patch.

  • @scraping-static sagte in Gave this game another chance today.:


    I couldn’t be bothered to do so, but assuming you do have the game, this post wasn’t intended for you, rather the people who are contemplating buying a game plagued with bugs for $60.00.

    Edit - less than $60, but still wherever you go, too much.

    Okay What’s your favorite Game now?

  • @celestron90 said in Gave this game another chance today.:

    Most bugs were fixed last patch.

    I just played last night and lagged off the front of the ship, got taken down to 20% health, and was left limping. I also frequently have trouble even making my way to the top deck without rubber banding 4 times back to the second deck. Not my internet. Not sure why I downloaded a 2gb update and still have major issues.

  • @scraping-static said in Gave this game another chance today.:

    @celestron90 said in Gave this game another chance today.:

    Most bugs were fixed last patch.

    I just played last night and lagged off the front of the ship, got taken down to 20% health, and was left limping. I also frequently have trouble even making my way to the top deck without rubber banding 4 times back to the second deck. Not my internet. Not sure why I downloaded a 2gb update and still have major issues.

    Was experiencing extreme lag last night as well. We're you in a large fleet by chance?

  • @celestron90
    There may have been one other ship if I’m remembering the correct crew. I lag quite a lot even when I’m not part of any alliance though.

  • @scraping-static said in Gave this game another chance today.:

    There may have been one other ship if I’m remembering the correct crew. I lag quite a lot even when I’m not part of any alliance though.

    Hm. Honestly that does sound like it could be an issue on your end at that point if it occurs frequently. I'll get lag spikes, but not so frequently that it's an issue. And I'm not seeing people post about extreme lag amongst other issues.

  • I'm glad I have tested the game with the gamepass-trial.

    Sorry, not worth the 60 rubees for me - to be honest, I consider this price to be a kick to the face considering the offered content. Maaaaybe if it'll be reduced to 20 € one day, but luckily I have much better pirate games.

  • Can I have your stuff ?

  • So this would mean that nobody else can enjoy the game because of your opinion ?

    Weird because even trough all of the bugs and weirdness that happens i am having a blast since launch and as you can read in this thread evn a guy that bought it 2/3 weeks ago is having fun....

    Some people really have to get of their high horse and understand that people experience stuff in different ways, what you might not like another might.

    I really dont understand the reason behind these topics.... what are you trying to get out of it ? Being the “hero” that might prevent some from buying the game ? Look at it a different way you might also prevent alot of people buying / getting gamepass to play it that would actually like it alot (like me for instance)

    If you really dont like the game, just cancel your gamepass / try and get a refund / sell your copy and move on

  • @sgt-palooggoo said in Gave this game another chance today.:

    Sot isn't for everyone.

    That's what Rare should have told people instead of turning the game into the mess it is now to appease the complainers.

  • @scraping-static

    Luckily it's on gamepass, so folks can try it out before buying. Which is always great if you can manage it. Reviews are useful, but are never 100% conclusive on a personal level.

    I'm really jazzed gamepass seems to be doing so well, as I think it's just a fantastic idea.

  • @v**a-hombre Especially when there are first party titles coming directly to it... if Sea of Thieves doesn't end up being your thing there's always plenty of other things to play.

  • @celestron90 this gave me the biggest laugh today , thank you.

  • @hammy-hamstar said in Gave this game another chance today.:

    @celestron90 this gave me the biggest laugh today , thank you.

    I don't recall telling a joke.

  • @celestron90 said in Gave this game another chance today.:

    Most bugs were fixed last patch.

    Except for the ones that have existed since day one.

  • @celestron90 said in Gave this game another chance today.:

    Most bugs were fixed last patch.

    Sorry missed the quote in my last post.

  • @aod-fluid said in Gave this game another chance today.:

    @celestron90 said in Gave this game another chance today.:

    Most bugs were fixed last patch.

    Except for the ones that have existed since day one.

    Such as?

  • @celestron90 said in Gave this game another chance today.:

    @aod-fluid said in Gave this game another chance today.:

    @celestron90 said in Gave this game another chance today.:

    Most bugs were fixed last patch.

    Except for the ones that have existed since day one.

    Such as?

    "Players fired from a cannon will no longer travel in unintended directions" -- that was posted a couple of patches ago, but still happens

    Head out to Old Salts Atoll and punch a hole in your ship and then bail until you save it. Oh wait, that area has been bugged forever...and you cant fire cannonballs or bail water there. Cannonballs hit an invisible wall, and water just splashes in midair and lands back on your ship.

    People are getting the black loading screen again when returning from the ferry.

    Should I keep going? I can...

  • Yeah keep going.

  • @celestron90 said in Gave this game another chance today.:

    Yeah keep going.

    a lot of those are still in game...maybe all of them... I have not seen some of them though, so I don't know.

    I agree they have fixed a lot of bugs, but... they introduce more than get fixed every patch.

    The development process at Rare (which I have personally stuck up for in the past) has been admitted in this past weeks videos to be lackluster at best. Hopefully they fix that...because without a good core set of development practices and good communication within Rare...this will never stop.

  • I can only agree. I hope they do indeed figure stuff out as the time goes on. But I cant help but think that those bugs are pretty... trivial. "Flying Ships" Ive only seen this a few weeks after release and thats it. "Ships Disappearing" Ive only seen this occur when a ship is beached and anchored. Ive never seen a ship despawn for "no reason". The rest is really rare, trivial stuff. But I guess "bugs" techinally, so.... sure.

  • I was the opposite personally. I played the game tonnes when it first launch in the race for PL, and it kind of killed the game for me.

    So I missed the Thrones, Statues and Skelly Barrels events. But I started playing when Cursed sails started and didn’t try and rush my way to legend, and because of it I have been having so much fun when I am playing and found my drive for the game again.

    Good thing about SoT is it’s one of those game where if you do get burnt out you can just put it down for a while, come back and feel refreshed.

    Maybe next time you try it, it might appeal to you more. :)

  • @celestron90 said in Gave this game another chance today.:

    I can only agree. I hope they do indeed figure stuff out as the time goes on. But I cant help but think that those bugs are pretty... trivial. "Flying Ships" Ive only seen this a few weeks after release and thats it. "Ships Disappearing" Ive only seen this occur when a ship is beached and anchored. Ive never seen a ship despawn for "no reason". The rest is really rare, trivial stuff. But I guess "bugs" techinally, so.... sure.

    Oh flying ships are still in... We had our ship touch another the other day before we sank it, and both of them flew up into the air, did 1 360 and landed back in the water. It may not be as bad as it was before, but it is definitely still there.

    There should never be a reason for ships to disappear in a game where you can literally scuttle your ship... so that needs to be disabled completely and the player needs to decide if they can get their ship out of a jam or not.

    Having a hole next to old-salts-atoll is not "trivial"...because if you dont anchor down, and have someone leaving the boat as they bail water you will sink...or get really close to sinking before you get holes patched.

  • Thank you so much for this input we never needed or ever wanted.

  • @kaptenfisk
    Thanks for your contribution, fascinating to read and some great constructive critism. You make some interesting points

  • @aod-fluid said in Gave this game another chance today.:

    @celestron90 said in Gave this game another chance today.:

    I can only agree. I hope they do indeed figure stuff out as the time goes on. But I cant help but think that those bugs are pretty... trivial. "Flying Ships" Ive only seen this a few weeks after release and thats it. "Ships Disappearing" Ive only seen this occur when a ship is beached and anchored. Ive never seen a ship despawn for "no reason". The rest is really rare, trivial stuff. But I guess "bugs" techinally, so.... sure.

    Oh flying ships are still in... We had our ship touch another the other day before we sank it, and both of them flew up into the air, did 1 360 and landed back in the water. It may not be as bad as it was before, but it is definitely still there.

    Honestly that just sounds fun .. XD

7 out of 36