when bad luck strikes

  • start my day of solo on a sloop. then i run into a nice group of people whom i now call friends that invite me to sail along side their galleon for a skull fortress. we take out the fortress and they give me all the chests and trinkets but take everything else. it was a generous reward for my small share compared to their 4. but they insisted so i couldnt turn it down. long story short i took the stuff and sold it to start my day. but this is when the good luck runs out. grinding for about 3 hours strait i accumulate 7 chests of various quality, a skull, 3 chickens, rare tea, a pig, and 12 gun powder barrels. sailing away from Wanderer's Refuge i hear cannon shots but think nothing of it knowing it is a skeleton and they rarely ever hit a shot. i slowly watch a cannon shot fly at least 400 meters to me and right into my sloop's captain's quarters. BOOM! first hit lands right on all 12 of my barrels where i stock pile them. and i got nuked and died from the blast below me. i respawn just in time to watch my ship go down and not recover any treasure. little ticked off at this point but i say screw it ill start anew. i only had 1 skull and i needed to progress my factions other than gold. so i got on a loot run and the first island i come across for a quest is easy money. i get my hatred skull and hop on my ship. all the sudden right as im about to take off i see a sloop of 2 people board me. i talk to them they seem friendly enough and go on their way.... or so i thought. that lasted about 30 seconds before i realised one was still on my ship and blasted me with a blunderbuss. i respawn and 1v1 him while his team mate readies their ship. a long battle raged about 20 minutes of bobing and weaving in a 2v1 where i was the under dog. i finally outmaneuver them and cripple them. they drop anchor and i notice. i quickly hit the anchor and do a 180 and line up my shot to finally sink them. "yes i will get more loot from this than i thought." i barrage them with about 15 cannon balls as they frantically try to save their vessel turned casket. they start to sink and right as i see the final bit of the mast sink below the water. GAME CRASH! just my luck. the amount of skill and effort i put into that was insane and i get a crash. log back in and obviously lost my skull i earned by taking out countless goons all alone and defeating the gold skeletons and the loot from the enemy i sent to Davy Jones locker. so i start again. new server new voyage new chance. "grab a quest and start sailing," i say. so i lift anchor drop the mains and set off on my journey. after about 3 or 4 minutes i see a hurricane going over 2 of the 3 islands i must visit, so like a smart person i went for the one not being blown to bits by this cyclone of death. finally after 5 minutes i reach my island and dock to get the chest. i get the chest on my ship after fighting off a few skeletons with gunpowder barrels and start sailing. i didnt realise the hurricane had shifted. about 2 minutes into sailing the hurricane had turned and headed right for me. i look up and see the dark cloud above my head when lightning strikes the water beside me, but i didnt give in. "i WILL find a way out of this to sell my castaway chest even if i must die doing so," as a second lightning strikes my bow. and a third hits my deck. instead of retreating, i brave the storm and head strait toward the outpost to sell the lowest quality chest. this turned out to be a bad idea. my ship started sinking so i dropped anchor and decided to wait out the storm while repairing. while repairing i hear a loud roar that drowns out the sound of the hurricane just above my head. i go back to the deck from the hold and see 8 arms flailing around my ship, the water was even darker than when the clouds had first engulfed my vision, and i knew i was fish food. BUT I WASN'T GOING OUT WITHOUT A FIGHT! in the midst of a hurricane repairing and fighting off this foul beast at the same time my ship inevitably sinks and i get drown by the beast. i put up a fight but my struggle wasn't enough for all that was facing me. on the ferry of the damned facing my punishment for the bad decision of going into the hurricane i see another soul i wait of release. i tell him the story of the kracken in the storm and he has only one sentence to say to me..... "you must be a noob," then runs off and leaves. what is the moral to the story you may ask? its not to never back down. not good guys finish last or any other cheesy moral. the moral is dont keep your gunpowder barrels where a skeleton can hit it from half a kilometer away.

  • 8
  • Paragraphs are free of charge.

  • barrels ALWAYS in the mast

  • @hoppentosse i like roleplay and have some OCD problems so if stuff clips into others it messes with me thus i dont stack them in nest

  • @crimsonraziel thank goodness i though i would reach my monthly data limit in this tale

  • I stopped reading when you said you put twelve kegs in the cabin, rookie mistake!

  • @crimsonraziel said in when bad luck strikes:

    Paragraphs are free of charge.

    Exactly. I never mind reading a lot of text but a wall of text is just to daunting to me.

  • @hynieth not all pirates know how to speak ;)

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